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Everything posted by Falubaz

  1. They banned him just to not make him 4th time Champion. The suit rule had 3 other available decission. They could just tell him to change the suit. But Brits hate Bartosz
  2. Don't be overwhelmingly sorry about that if it wasn't in purpose. Funny thing is polish with a small "p" means something completely different in English
  3. It can be. To emphasize the approach with respect. It is "I" that shouldn't be written with a capital (in English), mister emigrant.
  4. Why did You type both German and Dutch using capital letters and Polish not?
  5. Looking at their faces they all wished Zmarzlik will not be there Surprise!
  6. What happened to the Aussie Woffinden? Besides how dull speedway can be? Just go Cardiff and see
  7. Is this guy serious or mentaly disabled? How much British money was pumped into an AUSTRALIAN Woffinden to make him look British?
  8. Speculations... fairy tales... leave those to book writers. How do You know RuZZians would do good in the series? How do You know they wouldn't fail like Woffinden or Lambert (who some Brits said gonna be a Champion soon)?
  9. Most GP is boring. What isn't boring according to You? A Brit winning and You wouldn't mention boringness?
  10. I love british sense of humour (love Monty's). Misspelling and missprounouncing rider's name isn't really funny. Especially when the rider is 3 times world champion. I bet You had nothing against if we called Woffinden an Aussie
  11. Prove it? Emil was allowed into GP for many years. Never got championship. Please describe it how he is virtually a WC?
  12. It is ZMARZLIK You noob. As a self-proclaimed speedway fan You should know how to spell 3 times and current World Champion's surname.
  13. You cant even spell 3 time World Champion name.... Your credibility is non-existant
  14. You aren't intelligent enough to understand the mataphor...
  15. Watch it again and tell me Zmarzlik made Doyle to lay. WATCH IT AGAIN WITH NO BIAS
  16. Great race by Zmarzlik and great race by Jack Holder. Now to the finals
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