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Everything posted by Speedtiger

  1. Even the village idiot has a better business brain than Chapman and Godfrey’s combined. Judging by your comments I suspect you’ve may have never met smith and had a conversation with him about bv and the sport? I’m not judging smith by his amazing ability to walk around the stadium and that he’s bravely resisted changing the club colours or on his complete lack of speedway knowledge. I’m judging him on pure business acumen and the fact he and Lemon, who was hired to run the Aces without investing a penny of there own money, have achieved relatively nothing or promoted the club hard and taken the club forward. They done very little except take there wages and overseen the club loose eye watering amounts of money year on year which I fear will eventually have to stop and that will put the club at risk of closure. BV like many uk clubs is unsustainable and effectively bust. With that dismal track record to suggest mr smith is capable of running the sport is astonishingly farcical and totally naive. Even the clueless clowns in Rugby will see that and it won’t happen.
  2. As a bv fan I have a different opinion of mr smith, in the 5 years he’s helped run the club with main man Lemo, he’s achieved very little. I have talked to him a few times and he just don’t listen and he’s not taken the club forward and he’s arrogantly pushed away many long serving bv volunteers and worse upset a former hero world champion PC. The club have lost a small fortune and crowds are low and nowhere near what they should be for such a great track and stadium but. bv don’t even run the NSS now. There’s more football and other stuff done by the council. IMHO he’s certainly not a business man. Business men are only their to make money not loose it.
  3. Yes and thanks goodness that Chapman did stand down as he did enough damage to the sport (engines fiasco) and handed it on to an equally dimwit. I respect your opinion even though it probably won’t happen and I’m aware you were a big part of delivering the fantastic NSS so credit to you. The sport needs more people like you.
  4. Thanks for that info. I still remain very doubtful that any ‘independent’ person or body who ever they are would make any difference and prevent the terminal decline in speedway. Or more relevant is that the clowns at BSPA would never allow anyone ‘independent’ to run speedway. They would sooner let the chief clowns Godfrey & Chapman continue to run the sport in to the ground and to its inevitable demise.
  5. Let’s not get sidetracked that having an independent body/person will save speedway as is often put forward as a solution, the sport already has an ‘independent’ body in place, for what it’s worth, and that’s the SCB. Now stop laughing, I know the SCB are about as much use as a chocolate kettle. But that’s the point, no matter who or what body is appointed it will make no difference to the way the sport is run or prevent the downward spiral. In addition to the sports ineffective management by the BSPA who are devoid of any bold initiative, the reasons for speedway’s decline are many and complex and there are no simple answers or quick fix solutions, the sport is an unsustainable business and sadly it’s inevitable it will continue to fall apart.
  6. Very true! We will have yet another repeat of the past few seasons of dwindling crowds and more clubs going to the wall or packing up. The clueless clowns at the BSPA have previously proved commercially inept and powerless in stopping the terminal decline of the sport and in many cases have helped it along the way to the point where speedway is now well beyond a reversal of fortunes! The good old days, if they ever were, have gone forever.
  7. There are so many problems for today’s speedway clubs to deal with, some (most) problems have been self inflicted and allowed to happen through incompetence or head in the sand management, the blame is 100% with the promoters running speedway but some are as a result of the many other leisure opportunities to spend your money on. To be the owner/promoter of a speedway club at this time must be a financial nightmare and seriously nerve racking as many promotors will have there own money invested in a business that’s falling apart year on year with very little chance of turning things around. The BSPA can fiddle about with helmet colours and tinker making daft rule changes BUT there are no simple answers, no silver bullet. It’s not rocket science to see the sport in unsustainable with more money going out than what is coming in and speedway has sadly reached the point of no return.
  8. I agree, CVS and the wolves TM are one of the best and have been very successful. if more clubs operated like CVS speedway wouldn’t be in the mess it’s in now.
  9. All agreed what Glasgow has achieved is nothing short of fantastic and just what the sport needs but will they get any applause and recognition from there peers? NO they will be seen by the green eyed monsters as upstarts and a threat. Will they last or get fed up with the backstabbing and walk away, time will tell.
  10. So if he’s making money why did he put the club up for sale and had no takers?
  11. You only need to look on Company house web site and the true eye watering figures are there for all to see. The prime objective in running any business is to make a profit and I suspect there’s very few if any PL clubs or CL clubs for that matter are making money and that’s why they go out of business and the current number of clubs is at an all time low, eg top league with only six teams is a joke! As things are British speedway is unsustainable and if things don’t change it will remain unsustainable. Sadly I believe things won’t change and the terminal decline will continue. I take your fare point about Oxford and it’s a little bit of good news and I really hope they make it work, but time will tell. Birmingham, well good luck with that!
  12. Agreed but my main point is, contrary to outsiders looking in or getting in to the sport, there’s no simple silver bullet that will fix speedway. If there was even the clueless clowns like Chapman and Godfrey would find it!!! The problems effecting the terminal decline of British speedway are far more complex and to suggest that it’s a simple solution, as AS suggests in the BV program article just highlights the palpable nonsense that’s put out. The bv management are running a club that’s loosing hundreds of thousands of pounds per season so if it was that simple surely they would easily fix that financial mess!
  13. All very true. But non-speedway people coming into the sport, who incidentally haven’t put in a penny of there own money, assume that a solution to the decline of the sport and why it’s unsustainable is simple, as suggested in the BV program article. They are very naive as to how the club promotors operate who have put in there own money and in many cases a huge amount of time and effort and they think the way BSPA do things is wrong and it just needs “an independent management” to run the sport…yes simple idea that’s NOT a chance of that happening or working.
  14. I don’t want bv to loose Bewley as this would badly effect the team and support for the club. Things are clearly precarious at many clubs. So are you ok with the way things are going.
  15. Good points BUT the people running the show can not think 10 minutes ahead let alone 10 years. I fear they’ll be more clubs going to the wall this winter, promoters can’t not keep loosing money season after season and financially supporting clubs just for fun.
  16. Yes accept all that but loosing quality riders will be the final nail in the British speedway coffin. Actually the sport in the UK is as good as dead now. The clueless clowns running clubs and speedway are to blame.
  17. I agree with you but really very disappointed with the way things are with speedway and at BV now. We was a one man team and now we’ll probably be wooden spoon fodder. Lemon and the management don’t know what they are doing and should have paid Dan more money to stay.
  18. I can understand a young rider wanting to improve and earn good money but I disappointed but unsurprised that Bewley has deserted BV and British speedway. His decision and many other top riders who have left the UK shows how far British speedway has gone downhill. The sport is in a pathetic bankrupt state run by a useless bunch. I can see why he prefers Poland for the big money BUT Sweden NO! BV signed him back in 2015 and gave him the chance in the sport and the BV fans supported him when he had his big crash and I would have expected some loyalty.
  19. Well done panthers deserved win. BV came up short again, the riders gave there all but basically a one man team. Lemon is a serial failure, tactically useless and makes to many mistakes. When the pressure is on he clearly carnt hack it and looks bewildered. BV need a clear out and should get rid of Lemmo and get a proper manager who knows what he’s doin like Rob Lyon.
  20. Good result for aces….BUT where have all the fans gone? Huge gaps on the stands. A big local derby, fair amount at stake, best stadium and race track in uk…good weather and hardly anyone there! The place should be packed! As usual zero promotion by BV. This is why the sport is on its knees and going bust. Lemo doesn’t impress and the BV management are lazy and clueless at getting fans on the terraces. Oh and don’t use it’s on telly excuse!
  21. It is a fact that under Chapman and the equally useless clown prince Godfrey divisive ‘dictatorship’ they oversaw the biggest fall in crowds and the demise of a number of clubs. He also wasted all the ‘rainy day’ funds on paying out wrongly sacked management staff and the bizarre engine fiasco that cost the BSPA hundreds of thousands of pounds.
  22. You seriously can not defend the incompetence of Chapman both at KL and as Chairman of the BSPA. He’s been useless and reckless and has run the sport into the ground. He's operating a micky mouse underachieving club and has proved conclusively that he is clueless. Anyway regarding racing we’ll soon see how your bit of a fan manager performs tomorrow. No matter who wins it will be interesting and will surely bring in many fans just to watch the World Famous BV Aces. Good luck.
  23. KL are in a desperately sad situation, run in an amateur way by the clown Buster who has also overseen the biggest downturn and destruction of speedway in history as recent chairman of the BSPL, a poor team thats bottom of the league by a mile and appointed the new team manager who’s a bit of a ‘fan’, what a joke, the true KL fans must be ashamed. No wonder fans have walked away from a Micky Mouse club. To boot the club must be loosing a fortune and clueless Chapman hopes an estate agent will save them, IMO he’s not got a chance.
  24. This is an astonishingly desperate move by the intellectually challenge Chapman even by his bizarre standards. A inexperienced fan having the responsibility to run a speedway team.....has clueless Buster lost what bit of sense he had....?? Yes. Alex good luck pall, coz you will certainly need it. PS. Realistically you don’t stand a chance so don’t give up your day job!
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