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    Sheffield-Belle Vue-UK Speedway

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  1. I’m not a big fan of Morris but he must at least be given a chance. However, I’m not convinced he has the power or ability to do the job and his tinkering about with stuff doesn’t really inspire me. There’s no quick fix silver bullet to reverse speedway demise that’s been going on for years. The damage done in recent times by the clowns Chapman and Godfrey has been disastrous and put the sport into terminal decline.
  2. Yes I do feel sorry for KL fans as they deserve better than village idiot Chapman….Chapman is the problem, he’s been taking the fans money over years and now times are a bit tough it’s him who will inevitably close KL speedway…nothing more certain. KL is in a big mess and will be bankrupt if it’s not already.
  3. The whole situation at KL is a total fiasco, I make no secret of the fact that’s I consider Chapman to be a complete clown and a con man who’s taking the loyal KL fans for fools and making speedway look even more rubbish than it is. When he were at the BSPA he was also a disaster making ridiculous decisions and running the sport into the ground. Hes a clueless buffoon and should be chucked out by the authorities but I doubt this will happen. I feel really sorry for the KL fans as they deserve better.
  4. I watched the recording today, not a bad meeting with some good racing BUT what an appalling dump of a stadium and track. Crowd look very low but maybe TV had an effect. This doesn’t promote the sport in a positive way that people would want to go and watch speedway.
  5. Or use one of Speedway GB mercenary guest brigade riders, Bomber, Nichols, Cook, Brendan etc etc…much cheaper.
  6. Fair point but it’s really hard to attract new supporters to speedway but very easy to lose them with a shambles that was experienced at BV on Monday.
  7. Having rightly criticised clubs, I must say the BSPA are nothing short of useless in promoting the sport, they put out a pathetic and amateurish so called press release which looks like it’s been begrudgingly done by cub reporter. Instead of spending money on professionally promoting speedway they apparently wasted a huge amount of money on buying a load of worthless engines!
  8. Agreed, there are so many opportunities to promote BV e.g. the velodrome and BMX centre. Having said that the speedway experience must be revamped slick and interactive and make new converts want and feel part of the club and not experience the total shambles of last Monday! Like anything worthwhile it will need hard work and prolonged dedication and that’s where the problem is! As I said before laziness is endemic in Speedway.
  9. Another secret ? Wonder what the link up is?
  10. All sound sensible logical suggestions from both of you guys…you’d think all of these ideas would be implemented years ago, it’s not rocket science, just hard work and commitment….will any be taken up? No. As far as BV, Lemon, apart from not being up the job, clearly isn’t bothered as he’s paid no matter what the crowd is, it’s not his money going down the drain. Speedway is a business, business is about making money and if you don’t make money you go bust and that’s where the sport is! And the blame lies squarely with is the people running the sport, full stop.
  11. The simple truth is todays Speedway Promoters in general are lazy people who can not be bothered to get off their backsides and drum up support. At BV they have the best speedway track and stadium in the country BUT if you ask someone in Manchester where BV is or what’s speedway they haven’t got a clue. The promotion of BV and the sport is zero and that’s why speedway is where it is….basically bust!
  12. Energetic promotion, great atmosphere, simple rules that don’t change everyday, no rain off’s, Not just 15 minutes of action BUT hours and hours play and interaction for a reasonable entrance price!!!!
  13. Agreed, he’s certainly not qualified to be CEO and clearly he is way out of his depth and he only inherited the job because Smith walked away or as some insider suggested was got rid of to save cash. Lemon was a cheap and easy option for the detached owners. The club is losing money every season and that must be a big pressure that he’s obviously not capable of handling or changing. Lemon job as TM is littered with basic errors and he misses so many tactical opportunities, ok he was an average rider but he’s a well below average manager.
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