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Everything posted by HGould

  1. Interesting interviews with young Mr Ford on Speedway GB website over the weekend. He didn't seem over-confident that the Stadium would be available for Racing even if Government Crowd Restrictions are eased to a level at which clubs like Poole could viably open. Read a while back about the Dogs not running and Greyhounds transferred to Tracks that are running. Does that mean Pirates may join Glasgow in not running and waiting for 2021?
  2. Anyone want to hazard a guess about how many in PL / CL / NL will actually race IF there is a restart and League to race in by middle to late August? Based on nothing more than heresay and guess work. I will guess PL = 6 CL = 6 NL = 5
  3. All Stadiums are Licensed and those that share Speedway with Greyhounds (like Brummies) may have a bit of an advantage in seeing what's being planned for the Dogs. It is a big step though from letting in a few Dog Owners in a carefully managed environment and may be the few dozen who attend BAGS and few hundred who may enjoy the fine Dining experience at Perry Barr Dogs/ Monmore Green Dogs on an Evening as an example, as these are smaller numbers and in the case of Dining subject to social distancing at Tables etc, that is easier to police than on the terraces. I think that any easing for general spectators may come just that bit too late for Speedway in 2020 which is a shame. I hope as always that I'm wrong but it just feels to me time will beat us. At least those shared Dog / Speedway venues have no excuse for not being on the ball and ready though for 2020 or more likely 2021.
  4. Good news re Leicester although they do have track access options some others sadly don't have.
  5. You forget most people aren't self centred drama queens like you. It's not a post about being right or wrong it's about what may or may not happen. I'll be there as often as I can be, will you be at your track?
  6. How soon before the topic changes from "when will speedway restart" (as the Chairman seems very bullish about August in The Star this week) to which Clubs will restart (as they seem to have an "opt in/out). Surely the PL can't afford any absentees. We already know that Glasgow are sitting 2020 out, will any others follow in CL and if so who? With majority of NL Clubs being "double up" will they have space to run NL too (Newcastle already out on NL) and what about the 3 standalone clubs, will they bother? Going to be a very interesting few weeks. I'll nail my colours now and say IF Brummies run I will be there as often as I can, but I'm not sure many can afford or would risk the 10 matches in 3 months scenario that seems to be the intention. Colder/wetter weather and depleted disposable income will be a problem for many Supporters. I don't want my Club to risk everything on a short season, rather they come to tapes in 2021 with a full 1-7 (which we don't currently have).
  7. It's you that needs to wake up. Your original comment linked social distancing reduction to 1 metre to the commencement of Speedway. social distancing at 2 metres or 1 metre or back to normal is not the issue that will define when Speedway can re-start. It will be capacity limits in stadiums. 500 distanced at 2 metres, 1 metre or hugging each other is 500. whether social distancing is reduced or not is not the issue. The issue is how many people can congregate together within that social distancing limit. .
  8. Government Minister said on TV this morning "there may be a second wave in August!" Hopefully that Stadium is NOT needed for Covid!
  9. Can I have some of the medication you are on?? Unless Poole have some top secret funding in tens of thousands how are they going to have weekly meetings with no crowds or with maximum a few hundred allowed in?
  10. I am missing it YES Some of the Polish stuff is OK, most of it is poor. There is no substitute for live Sport. Personally, I'd rather they start 2021 properly and safely than try to cobble together a crap 2020 6-8 week schedule that will do nothing for the Sport or Supporters and see most Teams lose money they don't have, in less than ideal Autumn weather. A few Open Meetings would be fine and best I am hoping for. Not sure what crowd figure Clubs could make pay? Brummies big problem though will be running against PL / CL Matches on TV on Wednesday nights if behind Closed Doors continues for soccer.
  11. Maybe they are grading new home in Southampton. See today's Daily Star
  12. Isn't Barry Bishop from around those parts?? Too good for the National League!
  13. excellent communication again by Redcar - well done
  14. What a very strange sequence of Events. The most important thing though is that the Bike is back for Danny's Day . Hopefully the person/persons who took it can sit down with Danny's family and sort out whatever the grievance is or was. At least no one can say they have forgotten the importance of today as "Danny's Day" Ever the Showman #RIPDanny
  15. Thank you EEF. My experience of Birmingham also tells me accuracy when dealing with officialdom is also vital. Wouldn't take anyone reading Mr Mccaffrey claims to discover 2 successfully run Clubs in South East in Kent and Sussex. O level geography tells me Kent and Sussex are actually in the South East too. North of London is the Home Counties. If Mr Mccaffrey wants any help he only has to ask someone like Brian Buck who would no doubt be able to show Mr Mccaffrey a few campaign skills and how a humble approach wins friends.
  16. I think the legendary Uncle Len Silver at Kent and the Dugards at Eastbourne would challenge the fact that Rye is the last Speedway Track in the South East. Don't wish to sound thick but isn't Rye house in the Home Counties anyway?
  17. I suspect you'll find that in Speedway and almost every other Sport other than the very elite levels that it is season ticket income that keeps those Clubs going through the off-season as revenue streams from any Club that relies on gate money (as speedway does) dries up. Certainly lower league soccer clubs rely on their as a source of income. It's hand to mouth existence at best of times for many sports Clubs and speedway is no different.
  18. I've seen some great racing at Cardiff in a great atmosphere and some awful racing I've seen some awful processional spaced out racing at NSS in cold and some great racing at NSS in the warm People can very easily grow misconceptions and see everything as black and white.
  19. Agree with Glasgow. Their choice and bold early move. There are a few Clubs in CL with similar independent thinking now who I think may follow suit.
  20. How irresponsible to give false hope and expectation to then knock it down when the inevitable happens.
  21. Massive difference between You Tube viewers (free) and paying for streaming. (far from free). Excellent initiative though from Guernsey Cricket
  22. Speedway Star has been excellent in the pandemic. Distribution to Shops and via Royal Mail is NOT fault of Speedway Star. Distribution staff are allowed to be ill an to self isolate too you know! No mail on a Saturday and Wednesday in many areas was announced in April, obviously that affects distribution day and also Saturday delivery in many places so Monday / Tuesday is effectively Thursday/Friday in terms of "working days". Mine arrives at newsagents mostly Thursday, occasionally Friday and a few times Saturday. Have total 100% admiration for James Easter and all he does has done for Speedway and in Business. My only gripe, mentioned before is the continual and it seems preferential treatment to Clubs served by Curtis Sport and it's bloggers. In the midst of some outstanding journalism by Oakes / Burbidge / Skeels / Lanning , the weak link are the few paragraphs of "current news content" that invariably are a free advert for the latest Curtis Sport publication, which to coin a phrase "once you've read one, you've read em all". Very formulaic. Good to see some of the old regulars and regional reporters back too, like Brian Burford; Andrew Edwards; Tony McDonald; Phil Chard and Brian Owen in recent weeks. Superior local journalists who used to serve the Star well before the Curtis blogger take over.
  23. Reality hurts. It's not negative to deal in realities. Peoples lives are more important right now. over 1100 dead in last 3 days, ONS say infections are still running at thousands per day.
  24. Genuine question out of interest. What does the news today that Peter Shroeck and Martin Hagon are going to set up and run a Junior Track at Kings Lynn mean for Rye House? Would have thought both would have been keen to set up Training at Rye House especially if a Team was likely to ride there? or are the two not linked?
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