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    Birmingham Brummies

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  1. There is a (hugely more expensive) answer but you'd need Poole level crowds to afford it. Put a foam fence to the height of the concrete fence all the way round the track, then add a higher foam fence that sat on top of the lower one and encased the poles. (Those foam fences like at KL / Glasgow dont give an inch on impact but cushion) The cost would be enormous but the height might be an issue too for 3 reasons (1) visibility for spectators (2) efectiveness of lights e.g a black spot near fence like Leicester used to have (3) on rare occasions a bike can clear a fence and at least be out of the way it would "bounce back" from a dangerous height on to the track. THere is always plan g - sneak in one night and grind the things off
  2. Reading between the lines they just wanted the rider to be able to weigh in on some scales rather than the local weighbridge. Reference to fitness and professionalism suggest they wanted a more focused rider. Rumours he's down to Cruiserweight and heading to light heavyweight.
  3. This may not make me particularly popular but the saying "play the ball not the man" comes to mind. Granted, no Team I have supported or particularly followed has been blighted by Clarke Osbourne. However, as a Brummies fan about to lose PB who has also over the decades watched a lot of Speedway at Monmore, Cradley, Coventry and Stoke to name but a few, I have to say that IF any of those Clubs (or others like Lakeside as an example) came up with what is actually IN those proposals, I'd be very very excited. The location ticks many boxes, the shared sporting use and business use ticks many boxes, it offers hope, which supporters of many closed Tracks don't have. The bottom line is that if CO was not linked to this then what would the reaction be. Hope springs eternal!
  4. about 14 isn't it? and a sponsored bacofoil tracksuit??...
  5. 2 riders who would be returning fit the bill. Both if remotely back to their best would be experienced riders who on average form would be very good reserves and could hold their own in the second string department at a push Both have been mentioned at least once on here. Stefan Neilson James Sargeant Neither would require a weigh in either!
  6. My informant suggests that if rider was a Boxer he'd be a Super Middleweight bordering on a Light Heavyweight! PS It's not Gary O'Hare (a true legend btw)
  7. Definitely wasn't thinking of Complin at all. They are weighing up options (not including Complin and Scott Campos)
  8. Maybe they are weighing up (or in) other options 😁
  9. There is one aspect of Matt Marson's riding that is definitely CL quality, indeed possibly higher and it'll be interesting to see transponder data of taht. He is traditionally a very fast and consistently fast gater. Whilst his speed tails off after the first bend he is going to be far more competitive off the starts I would suggest than your average 16 year old. I'd be tempted if I was his Team Manager to engineer best option of inside gates in the earlier races for him as he can definitely beat some of the weaker league reserves on his gating ability alone and if nothing else could be a very tactically useful "mobile chicane" on occasions.
  10. I think they tried that and it cost them signings... Offered the tune to Starke and Complin but the "fastest lawn mower....." upset them!
  11. Couldn't agree more Saddlebow some excellent promoting by Plymouth. Each signing announced with enthusiasm and positivity and good explanation from Promoters about what their aims are with the build up of the team. Good luck to them, they are flying the flag for the South West and deserve support. As the saying goes "use it or lose it" and hopefully they will attract good Crowds and keep going.
  12. God does that mean the UK could have been spared the moaning whining whingebag that is Jack Holder...
  13. Somebody mentioned CW Someone else mentioned a veteran Last heard of moved to the South Coast to work Its Carl Wilkinson innit?
  14. I generally agree with your posts and always respect them but I do think this is a bit disingenuous. The NDL has always provided opporunity for riders who enjoy riding, have neither the ability nor in some cases the aspiration to go higher but who are more than capable of competing at a decent level. To think of a few recent examples, Danno Verge a loyal servant to IOW who was never going to be any more than a 5 point NDL rider. Tom Spencer, who I watched riding and struggling on lawnmowers in his early days, who has steadily developed and hit a very decent NDL avergae last season and has got a deserved bash at CL level this year. In this Plymouth team is Kai Ward who I watched a few years ago when he could not do 4 laps without falling off. He's gone to amateur racing, learnt and steadily improved and last year proved he could be a competitive reserve in the NDL. There will always been Brennans, Kemps, Flints etc, the likes of Cairns and Boughen and some other newer riders look well capable of aspiring to a full time careeer in the Sport. However I do agree with your general train of thought. As a Brummies fan I felt the NDL of 2016-2018 was excellent, when Brummies moved up to CL in 2019 and struggled unable to compete i realised that the BSPL attitude was to neuter the NDL by making the better clubs move up. The supposition that it was to support Clubs like Buxton, Stoke, IOW etc blown away by the fact that those Clubs left for varying reasons. There are 2 ways forward really... (1) make the NDL totally amateur and assist the amateur tracks and providers to have a more sustainable footing (2) to remove a lot more of the big earners - cream off possibly the top 16-18 over 30's and to make the CL the equaivalent of what the NDL was up to circa 2019-2020. But of course we go back 20+ years to the Sky TV cash cow that was blown, spaffed up, secreted away don't we?... The legacy that 30-40 riders have to ride PL and CL to generate the 40 + meetings to make Speedway pay and stuff the rest. Too much water has gone beneath too many bridges I fear to rectify the issues now. No disrespect to them but thats why i see the likes of Bomber ; Scott ; Lawson, Masters , Worrall ; and many more riding well in to their late 40's and early 50's. A few classy kids will arrive and join them, a few might by-pass them (like Brennan) to join Lambert and Bewley but the model is utterly BUST I'm sad to say. NORA may be the way ahead for MANY of the current lower tier Championship Clubs but if they don't own their own stadiums and generate as much income from anciliaries like food and drink sales as a result, the future looks very bleak
  15. Haven't seen any??... You would think a BIG SPLASH signing would be announced Christmas Eve??... Obviously it might be more of a small ripple and less of a splash! Wonder it it might be Worrall and Worrall ? Nothing would surprise me... R Worrall and N Morris (dear god) ??... What's Josh Auty and James Shanes availability??..
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