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  1. Question to all you number cruncher's on here: who are the riders available who fit average wise?
  2. Good things come to those that wait............................. & you thought Nicki Pedersen was a big deal.............
  3. As said once or twice by a certain Mr K. Carter Noooooo Chaaaance...................
  4. I could be putting 2 & 2 together & making 5...... but how about Neil Machin... could be just the person required?
  5. Will the Rebel's be running a coach to the Rory's testimonial?
  6. "finger buffet" will that suit the ever increasing vegetarians? ha ha...........
  7. Hans is a rider's rider, if he can keep race fit he is capable of beating anybody - certainly in the G.B. premiership.
  8. In recent years I get the Star delivered via the Royal Mail, after many years coming in a paper bag the star now come in a plastic bag! I think someone has got things a bit mixed up environmentally? Over to you Phillip Rising.
  9. I have been around speedway for over 50 years @ many levels, including connections to a few world champions. I truly be leave that Dan has the talent to be world champion. Would do himself a big favor to improve his gating skills otherwise the final goal will be that much harder but possible - Mark Loram! Good luck Dan for 2020 & beyond.
  10. Very quiet on the Somerset front! anyone know of any news, what about any working parties to do some DIY like filling in the holes in the car park.
  11. I think the team Plymouth have for 2020 will prove capable @ home & away. Every team has to be built within the limit so all teams should start pretty even. I would love to see better facilities & larger crowds in the forthcoming season.
  12. It will be a sad lost to the NL if Danny isn't part of it in 2020, he has however proved good enough for both the premier & championship. One thing that should be against any BSPA rules is ANY RIDER simultaneously rider in all 3 leagues.
  13. With the Poole coffers not what they once were, why would you give up possibly your biggest pay-day of the season for a testimonial? With Middlo's renowned rider connections a barren date would be far better date for the man himself. A top quality line-up (with some riders not U.K. based) would be reflected by a huge crowd. Is Good Friday still the likely date of Midlos testimonial?
  14. Brother Frank would also be good & apparently he does his own stunts!
  15. Easter Holiday fixtures........ If we can get Poole great! BUT NOT if riders are missing because of double up/down or overseas. League fixtures, there should be a limit on missing riders. If say 3? riders are known to be unavailable then alternative dates should be arranged. P.S. that's 3 riders total not per team, the sport needs credibility.
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