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Everything posted by lbw

  1. To clarify Anything being set up at Poole stadium for the live stream to be shown from Glasgow?
  2. I've got a Blu Ray & a Pink Barbie! U av to plug Blu Ray in sumwhere but I ain't worked that bit out yet!
  3. Anyone know if anything being set up at the stadium for live stream tomorrow from Glasgow?
  4. I'm a friend of an official at Leicester......and I don't mean a track guy, steward, announcer or otherwise. Official word to quote, " the match is on without question. We are ready to go & so are Poole" Hope this ends all the speculation.
  5. Hey, who writes your comedy scripts? I'd sack em if I were u! That attempt at humour was as bad as being in a crowded lift when someone else drops a mahoosive wet fart! Oh dear I'm being juvenile again!
  6. Great win for the Pirates. Fantastic meeting with both sides contributing to the entertainment. 48-42 win is a tad close for comfort but I'm confident the Pirates will do the bizzo! C'mon the Pirates!
  7. Well he didn't do to badly guesting for us tonight by pretending to EF in his 4th ride!
  8. Coz I'm at the SON & can't get to Leicester. Think that's a valid moan especially when I only live 30 miles from Leicester!
  9. Not be there Saturday, got stitched up by the decision to run the meeting on the same day as the SON so I'll be in Manchester. But anyways, take a break av a kit kat and av a laugh Makes the world a better place
  10. And you really need to chill a bit. I'd rather av a silly laff than be a boring old fart! Have a laff, no matter how silly, who cares???? I don't care! Hang I've just soiled me nappy! Jeez that was clean on before tonight's meeting! Mummy........
  11. Cooeeee where are u now? I'm in the queue for the play off semi-final at Wimborne Road.... can't see many Scunny fans ere! Oh no i forgot, Lions are ere coz they took u apart! One result doesn't make a season!
  12. PirateShip as made a safe landing onto to Pirate Land! Now to stock up on smarties! Think a poacher had nabbed off with all the Lion Bars as the slot was empty! All 6 of em plus a guesting Panther! Think that old Lion will be sleeping tonight now! What.better than to start off with a free coffee at Costa
  13. T -30 mins till Pirate land touchdown. The land where a small step for the opposition is a giant leap for the Pirates!
  14. Are u comparing how Lions took Scunny apart because if u r it's like comparing night with day. It's possible Lions can win but this is a whole different speedway game.
  15. Just approaching London on the train but no battle at Waterloo today, that be at the Waves of Wimborne tonight!
  16. Us Pirates only have one leg coz that's all we need to WIN! Who needs 2 legs?
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