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  1. I think we will see the same riders doubling up on both league's
  2. A large percentage will be on the limit but the fast gaters won't
  3. Even more important not to loose it and your point is
  4. Just making the point how MDL are doing a good job trying to promote there league
  5. Nice to see MDL updating rider information well done all these riders pay for a licence surly a bit of profile isn't to much to ask
  6. Let's hope my son and yours can get some track time in 25 not accept a place then not ride
  7. Not a problem done it for 10 years it's now time British Speedway started looking after its own in my opinion Jamie swales was the last person to run the JUL properly
  8. No rider in heat 5 what a shame give the rides to riders who want to ride next year
  9. Just watching NJL one rider race at Edinburgh
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