Another very good weekend in Heerenveen. Maybe the racing was slightly better overall in Inzell, but not by much.
Nice to meet quite a few British fans in our hotel in Joure too. Only downside was staying far too long in the bar on Saturday night!!
Well done to the world champ, any winner of a championship deserves it.
Hard luck to Max Niedermaier, was rooting for him as an underdog ( probably the reason he didn't win). Things swayed back and forth over the whole weekend for both contenders, but that heat 16 smash finished it.
Finally, very well done to Stefan Svensson. Delighted for him to win his last race. Seems a lovely, relaxed, chilled out bloke who just goes round waving to everyone before and after the races......... but is rapid over the 4laps.
Bring on 2025 and healed bodies for those who were injured before/ during the season.