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Everything posted by GiveusaB

  1. I beg to differ based on the last 2 season at B'ham. But, its all about opinion I guess ? Who would you like to see announced as the final 2 signings for B'ham? I would like Lindgren/Laguta/Vacculik /Kolodziej/Lambert ??? It will most likely be Smolinski and Covatti Or Sedgemen and Batchelor ??
  2. Bottom line is.....no matter how long/short, it takes....B'ham need to sign 2 riders that can compete with everybody else's TOP 2! The 'Forum' experts have given them plenty of 'suggestions' ! ( no sarcasm intended here....a lot of fans have more knowledge than some Promoters/TM's....)
  3. I've heard that LR has pulled a few 'cunning stunts' in his time !
  4. No..!!! I can't remember bham ever having a track with 'significant' HOME advantage???
  5. If I could use my 'icon/emoji' ... I would 'like/agree' with your post !
  6. On the plus side...... They've started work on the track and it looks like a whole new load of shale has been laid Terry is back and I have no doubt that we will have a great surface for racing...even if it is a bit of a 'leveller' !
  7. But surely the 'Promoters' know ALL of this before taking on a speedway Team/Club ?
  8. I didn't quote your suggestion of Kolodziej/Hampel as has-beens ? (you must be bored to trawl back that far and make that accusation ? ) My comment about has-beens was aimed at the post which proceeded yours (Thorsell/Bjerre/Zagar...) apologies for any lack of transparency that I caused you! Apart from his age....Kolodziej looks a reasonable choice Hope I've strengthened your ego a little!
  9. I can understand everyone's panic/concern....but as a 'regular' attendee, one can only sit and wait..... We have 2 people running the Club who are 'by' previous team selection/s not as good as other clubs (pretty poor in fact... I thought the inclusion of Ermolenko/Adams, was to address this...but as a so called fan, I'm still not clear whether Sam is having any input in to the Team?) However, what they lack in knowledge of what a good/competitive team looks like.....they make up for it, with their commitment and enthusiasm to keep going ! Just have to hope the fans both Home and Neutral, show the same passion!
  10. I reckon Sam's been practicing throughout the winter !
  11. Not sure about title contenders, but they'd definitely have a positive impact on attendance levels, which is more important long term!?
  12. One can only think that N.T is trying to source 'Sponsorship', in order to get the last 2 deals done? There's supposed to be some news in the SS today? If anybody out there can 'update' ?
  13. That's what I thought when I looked at his pedigree!
  14. Has 'Janusz KoƂodziej' been mentioned ?
  15. Blimey... no comments for 2 days ? Lol Announcement next week about final signings, apparently?
  16. I always get a security threat every time I log on ? (started about 6 weeks ago) and since then, I haven't been able to use the icon responses.
  17. Unfortunately, for some reason, I'm unable to 'like' posts using the icons? So, I just want to say that I totally agree with your post!
  18. Well said.... If anything, it's giving B'ham pre-season attention....not sure whether it's positive/negative...but it's still attention! There is obvious varying degrees of interest.....from, general speedway 'fan'....Premier League opposition 'fan' and past/present 'Bham' 'fan'..... With myself being the latter.... Personally, I don't have much faith in the current consortium, regards Team recruitment....this opinion is based on the last 2 seasons of poor team building and poor Home meeting performances! However, as a 'fan' of speedway, I'm extremely grateful to N.T for keeping the 'club' afloat and giving people like myself a chance of seeing the sport from a local perspective. If, the club assemble a competitive side, by that I mean, a side that doesn't have to win every home meeting, but at least keep the scores close, then I'll definitely be at as many Home/Away meetings as possible. At my 'long in the tooth' age....I'm easily pleased and am just happy to see close racing!
  19. T.G.F.T ! Let's hope he can't pronounce 'Zagar' as well.....
  20. Great! I went only once (1976) and I was fascinated by the banking (hence my recognition). As for KC ? He was a favourite of mine too!
  21. Can I ask what track is your profile pic please ? (is it Halifax ?)
  22. If only more Clubs were in a position to !?
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