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GiveusaB last won the day on March 6

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  1. I don't think either would be good enough .... but I like both in their day!
  2. Think Smolinski might be an option...but definitely not KK or Morris!!!
  3. July? I'm sure Bham wouldn't entertain him again!
  4. He'd be most welcome over some of the names being mentioned! While they're at it, can they check Phil Herne's average too!? All my prayers answered!
  5. Didnt realise that Woffy had rode for Sheffield for 10 years? 😆
  6. Think we'll have some indication once Oxford make their final signing!
  7. They couldnt splash on aftershave! Just joking! They've done great up to now...just hope they don't cock it up!?
  8. Was there any BS in the speedway star this week about bhams last 2 riders??? 🤠
  9. Yehhh...probably just like Pawlicki.... no lessons learnt! Having said that, I take some inspiration that Zagar is attempting to get back in the GP's.... I'm expecting a 7 average from him!
  10. I dont think so. Nobody will turn up to watch that!
  11. I'm dreading the last 2 announcements!? It's all gone quiet....even the excuses are drying up!! My opinion is that LR is content with a sh#te first team as long as he's got his NDL to play with. Said it a long time ago....Tolley's first signing should have been someone that knows about speedway at prem level.... Let's see what happens?!
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