I would imagine many fans will be showing what they think of comments like that on Saturday evening.
As a side note. If you used your rain off ticket, it cost the punter £26 to watch that rubbish last night.
Showing that fan the slick line into the corner was a bit of a cop out. Of course it will be too slippery watering on that, but what about the outside of the corners where most witches and riders do their work? And as already said, it was far to dry to start with. I think the comment of I'm the trackman and i will water when I want just about sums it up.
I think for a fair few fans on Saturday it will be a case of its my money and i will spend it on what I want, and it won't be to watch speedway at Foxhall.
Well done to the tigers
Now I'm no track man but that track looked dry and dusty before the meeting even started. Is there any reason for this? Again I'm no track man but i knew it would be a rubbish boring meeting as soon as I saw it. Again there must be a reason. Did the team think it was the best way to beat Glasgow?
Not blaming the track people cos it's obviously how they were told to prep it
Create a puddle on the track, show Craig, then he will soon be back in his van driving away .
Having said that, I really like Craig and enjoy watching him race at Foxhall. if the track is spot on for good racing I wouldn't be Suprised if he lowers the track record.
So 16 pound for rain off? Then 10 for Thursday? Then 16 for Saturday?
Wow 42 pound for 2 meetings. Maybe they should put price up from 16 to 21 every week if good crowds at both
Oh and the discount was calculated wrong, so should have been 44 pound.
Don't think I've seen him head over to the massif since making the bet, i wonder if he has been told not to? As the bloke he made the bet with wasn't exactly towing the party line.
Oh I know exactly what you mean, they caused me to drop a couple of stitches and pearl the other week, completely put me off my cross stich. Good job Wayne the presenter didn't fulfil his promise and get that drum, could you imagine it, bish bosh bash all night long.
He hasn't had a bad season, still averaging over 8 and is due to increase .
Not much use at Foxhall, but if we still had all the big tracks to go to, could have been worth a go.