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Everything posted by TommyTanker

  1. Isn't a fact something that's proven to be true? It's of the opinion of those that were there that he stayed down, it's still not a fact. Come on Gavan, you can do better.
  2. Awwwwwww don't be like that, no one will take your title away, you are still by a long way the biggest Wan on here.
  3. Depends on what type of trainers they wear and what colour bananas they eat.
  4. Come on witches, do you want a play off place or not.
  5. Are these the official predictions? I've got a prediction for you. You wrong as always. It doesn't matter what alias you use, you are always wrong.
  6. I couldn't agree more, it shouldn't be allowed, but seems it is. I hope they put an end to it.
  7. Isn't your obsession with Poole threads strange? Not a single post on the Ipswich one, the team you claim to support. Now that's strange.
  8. I win you win we win. Winner winner chicken dinner
  9. Dan Deliver liquid Fan of speedway Being let out to watch speedway When the nurses don't let me out to watch speedway Nanna Jorgensen, anyone Danish. None K pop, blanket making, collector of blow up dolls, spending time with my imaginary girlfriend.
  10. Can tell Gavan is back, another Poole thread turned into l said this I said that, well here is one for you, I said this, why don't you eff off and do us all a favour, most of us are bored with your same old rubbishe over and over and over again. No wonder the Ipswich fans think you are an embarrassment.
  11. If I was a Poole fan, I would be wanting Ipswich to. Clearly not as strong as they were
  12. Isn't the 19th also a Monday,,, and why would Poole fans give a stuff if wolves v Panthers is on tv
  13. Makes far too much sence to have it on Monday, so prob agreed they had better not.
  14. Steve you have been very pleasant and fair since Gavan hasn't been around, don't change that.
  15. Damn, could have been our best chance of a point or or more.
  16. Awww that's not very nice, thought Poole fans were meant to be pleasant and welcoming.
  17. Could be one of the tracks where we could be stronger rr.
  18. Poole used to be a great track, and not even that long ago. Shall be going to Swindon in a few weeks to give it my first look.
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