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Everything posted by Spl77

  1. Oh dear Kind of expected Ipswich to get a hiding however the fact that some were so far of the pace was disgraceful
  2. On tonight's performance I'd only keep Allen inboard for 2020
  3. Works really well for Indian premier league cricket
  4. That's possible part of Matt Ford and Poole's issue. Thay have all these rider 'assetts' listed on the balance sheet but in the real world they are worth nothing as the British speedway assett system wouldn't stand up in a employment court as the riders are self employed.
  5. To clear it up Harris and King were disappointing. Niels had some bad luck. We need some gaters next year along with someone who can ride the inside.
  6. It will be interesting to see what the fans think on reflection after tonight. For me two big disappoints this evening.
  7. Might be the old fogey but better than the Poole 'Young Aussies can't be arsed' pirates
  8. Disappointing result for Ipswich but few thought we would make the final. Not for the first time some left the gating gloves at home and why can't we ride the tight inside line with the exception of Lawson. The promoter was a inside line master!
  9. The rule book plus the doubling up and down and the overall experience at the tracks makes the package very undesirable. The bikes are clearly not suitable to most of the UK tracks. Having the top riders back won't really make any difference to the above. Let's face it the sport in the UK needs a complete overhaul top to bottom rule book the lot. The problem seems to be that the bspa for whatever reason for as long as I've been a supporter have never wanted on the face of it to run the UK leagues in a professional manner. Well that's not strictly true the old NL prior the amalgamation with the BL at the end of 1990 was a professional well run league.
  10. I can safely predict that this will be the most important AGM for years and that major changes are needed to ensure speedways survival..... Then on the Monday we'll find out nothing has changed and that the same crap will continue and be allowed to ruin this sport further still. That's until the AGM of 2020 which will again be the most important one ever.
  11. Let's just hope who ever you name, you make sure that they sign their contracts wouldn't want them leaving pre season.
  12. Let's be honest this time of year once Poland has finished no reason why the play offs can't be run on a Saturday. Ipswich always get good gates on a Saturday and tend to run the big end of season fixtures on a Saturday if they qualify.
  13. I'd have Covatti back at Ipswich if we need to make changes
  14. It's been said for years that the rocket ship equipment doesn't suit the tracks over here. If they were all like the NNS then they would be OK. Add the equipment to the fact that the attitude and track craft of some appears to only suit full throttle and hang on for dear life.
  15. Finally after all these years we have knocked those pesky pirates out of a competition
  16. How did that happen? I don't watch much speedway these days but how did the team I've followed since a boy throw that away? From totally in control to under dogs in 6 heats my my!
  17. A little early for the BSPA conference?
  18. That is true. However if you own a stadium or land that stages a sport that has been in decline for at least 20 years and shows no signs of turning around would you turn down offers for your property? Equally the state the sport is in its hardly high up on council or private landowners radars for new sites. Building a new stadium for the use of a few hundred supporters for 6 months a year doesn't make much sense.
  19. It may have been on tv for years but if you were running a business would you want to be associated with it at a national level? When the big sky money was coming in and our league was beamed into Poland that is the point that the sport should have been completely rebuilt top to bottom and ran as a professional sport. The operating model from Poland would have been a good starting point. At that time the sport could have afforded to go a different route. Sadly those days have long gone.
  20. I would think changing the points awarded in league matches will cure all of speedways ills! Personally I think the sport is now to far gone and such a poor way that its in its final throws and by the mid 2020s will be a thing of the past. The only saviour will be a complete and radical overhall this winter but that is something that has never happened so won't this time around. Those of you who still go and enjoy it please enjoy it while it lasts
  21. So last night...... What a shocker! Harris down on power? I'm not so sure just looks like he is struggling to ride seemed to be fighting to keep control on bends one & two. KP looked like a complete novice hard to believe he was winning races at number 5. To be honest though no one expect Nico can escape criticism. Perhaps Louis should get on the phone to Dudek his GP performance has dropped of maybe he needs more track time and sharpening up just like Hancock did when he went to Poole.
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