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Everything posted by TotallyHonestJohn

  1. Had to go through the back door and use Roughdiamond eh... nearly missed this petty little slight what a "Merchant Banker" bet you go through the "back door on a regular basis" and for clarity I was referencing the start of the show and "Orson" who was Mork's boss rather than Exidor. However you stsrted me thinking and having remembered that Exidor was in the the show as Mork's nutty neighbour I had a quick Google just to see how he was described on the net and the following came up Exidor is Mork's best friend and adoptive father, an eccentric -- and probably mentally ill -- man who regards himself as a prophet. See I was only a kid at the time and never fully got the shows nuances unlike your good self who would have been "strangling the chicken" in his bedroom over Pam Dawber. However what a lovely compliment and as your prophet nice to see a bit of thought going into a meaty well thought out riposte also length of post giving something to read which is also good to see.... especially from someone who doesn't like long posts, which I believe is classic hipocracy, but definitely 8 out of 10 for effort... finally getting with the programme... you old "condesending hypocrite you".... could my work here be done? Although I am unsure on that one having been put on the naughty step by old Grumpy Crumpy who will never see the love and affecrion that has gone into my back handed compliment xxx Also nice to see you are upping your reading quota by reading my posts and...not only did you read them all... you loved them a monumental "Glans" like your good self would do no other and now I can genuinely assume that you are of an age with your very good post of classic 70's Tv.... It takes all sorts I suppose and it must be difficult living in your own little cocoon so let's make today "cuddle a cranky old fart day" and "peace on you Crump99" Regards With lots of love and kisses THJ
  2. Ha ha good lad Biffa love it... thought it was past your bed time... am surprised the nurses let you stop up this late if am honest... am sitting in the Lifeboat in Maryport and that's me settled till 3 or 4 in the morning. What a place... in fact it's that good (and that far behind the times) you could spend your Ten Bob notes here... I FECKIN LOVE THIS SPOT DEFINITELY AMONG MY OWN.... Scaryport for ever... Regards THJ
  3. Jenga my man you get me mixed up with someone else... the last time I used public transport they still had clippy's and took half crowns and Ten Bob notes. I wouldn't dream of travelling with the great unwashed like your good self.. Regards THJ
  4. Marra if you like sheep you qualify as an honorary Cumbrian!!! Honest... just ask Jenga.... And if you have ever seen the film Under Siege when Gary Busey as Comander Krill dons a dress that would be me. Frightening thought... yuk... ha ha... am an ugly mug in a pair of jeans an a tee shirt so the last thing ya wanna see is me in a frock... Regards THJ
  5. As for the Rasmus/Jason tight finish, being on bend one I immediately looked to the grandstand where the majority of fans were on their feet cheering so clearly thought that Rasmus had edged it. I sit opposite the the tapes in the stand and Rasmus got it by about half to a full wheel in the end but with him being on the inside it would be difficult to see from the opposite bsck straight stand and even harder from bends 1 and 2 although I still wasn't brave enough to fill in my programme until Hoggy announced the result.... lol Regards THJ
  6. Aaaw don't be like that he's handy if ya want ya windows cĺeaned... takes a while mind when all he does is lick them... but he gets there in the end bless him. Regards THJ
  7. Thick skin us Beluga Whales Hodgy and all taken in the context it was ment. Just hope your not wearing Black Fishnets a tight red dress, large wig and larger falsies (aka Kenny Everett) whilst typing this. Or have you been outed... doh!!! We must be of an age.... with a simlar sense of humour.... Regards THJ
  8. Cheers for that (I think) lol Sounds like a challenge Anika that like and the bad news is if my transport doesn't come through am sitting next to you in the back seat of the car HA HA!!! OMG!!! Regards THJ
  9. Aye just think beached whale in an orange bag.... What a catch... It's enough to put you off your tea... lol Regards THJ
  10. Cheers but I'm good... got more blubber than a Beluga Whale... might even wear me Borat Mankini... looking forward to me fish an chips at Captain Cod fish an chips spot or 'Captains as it is apparently now called... Regards THJ
  11. Coming down for this one... been a while since I was last at Rye... really looking forward to what should be an intriguing pair of meetings.... hopefully the Comets can keep it to around 10/12 points... Hammers have some good riders and certainly riders who will go well at Derwent Park... also I hope the Hammers fans will appreciate seeing someone else other than a Peterborough select... good luck to both teams and let's hope everyone stays safe... May the best team win as the saying goes Regards THJ
  12. Well dafter things have happened at sea...you want to hear whose sniffing around The Comets franchise... something a lot scarier than Mick Horton... Regards THJ
  13. Honestly no idea but I think he could pull a team together... he might be perceived as being a bit of a plum but Redcar have a good reputation so you could only give it a go and see where you get with it as we are in very uncertain times unfortunately Regards THJ
  14. We do when we run the place... Got the the keys and everything.... summat like the BSPA Regards THJ
  15. Is it all the fault of Horton or is it just speedway in general. I appreciate Mick does attract a great deal of negative comment however if it is him; and I honestly don't know if it is; if it comes down to a choice of him or no speedway I for one would opt for him at least it keeps a great venue like Redcar running. Regards THJ
  16. Pull the heed off the chicken may be a euphemism you are more accustomed to in Cumbria You being the chief Merchant Banker I was sure you would get that one Jenga Regards THJ
  17. Sometimes you have to get down an be dirty in the scrums, rucks and mauls...
  18. Oh and here's another one crawling out the woodwork. Have you thought about becoming a "human being" wipe off the grease paint and take the red nose off and give us a proper laugh. NeP of course we are all aware of your Sartorial Eloquence and natural verbosity with its sparkling wit and repartee that hold no bounds.But we do try... Dummkopf... there av said it now... poor Jenga, he will be saying three hail Mary's and for our father's... Oh that al be after he has googled the word dummkopf that is... Regards THJ
  19. I like Jason he's as nutty as a fruit cake of course unless he has a nut allergy then I am sorry he's as mad as a box of Frogs unless he's French then I apologise again don't want to be accused of making assumptions off grumpy Crumpy .... committed is a word that fits Jason and he is a good laugh you just had to see the van he arrived in last night to know that. Oh and what was it you said last night IS about long posts.... see you have caught the bug... On the track even Tommy Gun came in the bar afterwords and asked where all the shale was and he was told.in no uncertain terms that the track was set up for.Worky riders not him. I hope Tommy got back to Wolvehampton ok last night as when leaving the bar there was only his van left in the car park as he had blown his cylinder head gasket and was waiting for a recovery vehicle... Thoroughly enjoyed last night and what a gesture by the promotion to ask Keith Denham to hand out the medals and the Cup and he was made up... another proud Cumbrian on the night... and rightly so. Scunny played there part and it was great to see their fans in attendance and I do hope Jason is ok and it's nothing serious injury wise Oh and good luck to my not so old pal Steve Worrall on his impending wedding it was a pleasure sponsoring him this season... just a pity about the early sesson injury as things could have been a lot different... Regards THJ
  20. Well while I am on a role... honestly Jenga you correcting anyone's spelling... really!!! However if there is or are any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors I sincerely apologise and in my defence having a small phone and sausages for fingers doesn't help I would much rather have a key board so sorry. Secondly what swearing? I must point out Jenga that if a word has more than two syllables it does not make the word a swear word. However it does give me some sad sadistic pleasure when someone so far down the evolutionary ladder as your good self picks up on the barbed (but hopefully humorous) intent and it does give me a smug glow and I can think job done and that the message is getting through.... or is it.... only time will tell... Regards THJ
  21. Aaaaw don't be like that man.... and ya right a couldn't resist. A thought as "defender of the faithful" you would have put a better show on than that and I had some classic come backs ready such as "nee-ner-nee-ner" and "my Dad is bigger than your Dad" but never mind eh... you will surely have more opportuinity to be a condesending A-wipe in the future I'm sure. By the way that's not the morale high ground you are standing on "bonny lad" it's a mole hill... Oh and thanks for the compliment finnaly the recognition I deserve "Mad as a box of Frogs" brilliant it is the opinion I have always wanted to achieve and honestly I do appreciate it as having a nut allergy I always thought "nutty as a fruit cake" was always in bad taste. But who was to know that. Could have assumed though Crumpy eh.... your good at that... And a bet ya did read it all... you little tinker... that post... you read it all... at least that's what everyone is thinking anyway. Regards THJ.
  22. Heard something very similar at Worky last night from a couple of Redcar fans who are in the know and they said the same that there were two names in the frame Old Man Havvy and a new promoter with new money which was all a bit cryptic as they couldn't confirm who the new guy was... however if this proves to be true it's great news for Redcar. So positive noises from more than one source... Graham and Tina back in the bar and the Bears are flying... Regards THJ
  23. I know but hopefully you got the joke... It was something about Robert De Niro calling wasn't it.. Anyway it got you thinking and here's another thing I bet you had the song in your head for hours.. Lol Regards THJ
  24. Hold up there Grumpy Crumpy this is a Redcar thread not the THJ Crumpy show... give me a minute and I will post on the Panthers thread and we can have at it on there rather than here Keeps things in there rightfull place and you can "strangle the budgie" at your leisure Regards THJ
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