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Everything posted by TotallyHonestJohn

  1. Jenga Got your PM and pardon my ignorance for not reponding directly as I am out on the lash celebrating... and now struggling to see the phone... but got your drift and fully agree and WilCo with your request... Regards THJ
  2. Honestly not a problem you seem to thrive on the detail... even if you don't read it properly... my company worked as a sub contactor to Rok who collapsed... we took a near 600k hit in 2010 which was massive for a 1.2M turnover business... We TUPE'd out 18 of our 43 staff and had to pay off another 11 and it was one of the hardest things I had to do... awful in fact having to make people redundant from a small family run business i started from scratch... but it was down to me that the company come out the other end and survived but it was hard... in fact it nearly happened again when Carillion went down.. we had just completed a contract with them about 6 month prior to them going belly up and we could have been in the same boat again.. so being one of the small players carries high risk when working for the big boys... I have just been shafted by a French company called ENGIE who have taken/bought my last major contract and I am actually considering selling up and bailing out but the retirement thing scares the B'Jesus out of me. I have never not worked since the age of 16... So there it is... you got your wires crossed a bit Manse... I am going back to wetting the babies head if that's okay. Regards THJ
  3. Honestly Kept them two short as I know you have trouble reading long posts with big words... x Regards THJ
  4. Oh and here's the other one... Just walking on air at the moment Pal .. so you can go kiss my hoop. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year x Regards THJ
  5. Funnily enough av just got back from the RVI in Newcastle after visiting my first Grandchild born at 04.16 this morning. Mother and baby are doing fine and there is nothing a plum like you could say to take the shine off it Regards THJ
  6. Honestly They could go into the Premiership and save money (Please Please Please go into the Premiership!!! Pretty Please!!!) Regards THJ
  7. Honestly Pal are you kidding? You express deep indignation and outrage at anyone suggesting anything they have heard as rumour on here flippantly dismissing it and going into offensive mode in your responses; demanding evidence and proof of what they say; and what do you know? you are guilty of it even when you have the information provided for you. The hypocrisy of it all is astounding! For your information I have never been associated with any business that has failed, you have had the information provided for you; and you still make your own version up; you are a complete "Numb Nut" Can you not read? You wanted the information and evidence and you were provided with it!!! and you still get it wrong!!! and make up a statement like "my business never went into LIQUIDATION like yours" You SCREAM!!! "I want all the information and detail" and when you get it you act like a like a Tory Brexiteer and say "oh no!!! err!!! I don't like that information" ("it's rumour" (sic)) I will make something else up on my own and post a defence ("as its lies" (sic)) or dismiss it out of hand making either personal attacks or pulling the "no one loves us everyone hates us" card. Honestly!!!! Sound familiar? You ask everyone to produce evidence!!! and did so of HalifaxTiger!!! who is a sensible chap with many contacts throughout the sport up and down the country; who is known to talk to all and sundry about Speedway: and again do you honesty think he will share any of the names of the people he talks to with a clown like you!!! and especially as to who and where he gets his information from!!! Lets face it you do not need to be Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes to realise what is going on. You asked HT "to produce evidence about the large sums we are supposed to be offering EX Workington riders for this coming season" He doesn't need to provide it really does he as it is already out there!!! Do you not read the Speedway Star?, (obviously not) do you not believe people on here when the say "Laura Morgan stated in the Speedway Star what was going on"?, (obviously not) but think about it? Now I will type this slowly so it has the chance to sink in to that "Snadger" you have for a brain. The Workington Promoter went public and stated one of her riders was offered a five figure sum to join Glasgow this year, now the smallest five figure sum I can think of is £999:99 pence however we all know that's not the figure now do we Sherlock? no it was £10,000 to come and join Glasgow!!!; (Ten Grand) however she stated he (the rider) stayed loyal to the Comets, and she felt it was making life difficult for other promotions to build a team when these kind of inducements were being offered to riders. However and again!!! do you want all the texts and correspondence verbatim on here? or the actual hard copies? to sate your want for proof, its a forum not a courtroom; and even if you were provided with them you wouldn't believe it anyway. Your next demand will be "well which riders" Who Who!!! well again Sherlock just sit down and think about it for a minute!! Like eh!!! You have already signed one Ex Workington rider so it wont be him will it?; and all Workington have retained from last years TREBLE winning team are two riders; and again giving some due respect like HT; I wont name names; however you don't need to be Einstein do you Sherlock to work out who it would be FFS!!! like do you? as you only have two to choose from so take your pick you have a 50% chance of being correct. So HT can stand down I would say!!!! Like eh? Then you bang on about these inducements and salaries being rubbish as Glasgow are losing £100,000 plus per annum and that's not possible to offer these type of salaries and inducements!!! and that the sign on fees are coming from sponsors!!! which to be fair every one accepts and has no issue with; to a certain extent; however when you are shown the figures from company accounts of what AV are underwriting the Speedway team to the tune of!!! you still cant grasp it; now I accept that the information was in a very crude form and I could argue context from other posters on here who have also looked at the AV accounts and defended certain aspects, however that was not the intention, the point was to show by how much the club is being underwritten by AV!!! and how by the course of action they are taking is skewing the whole Championship. You try and defend what is being spent and what is being saved by saying "Again re last year losses steps have been taken to address this no full time team manager, new track fence done, track alterations done, no full time Den manager, also den closed out with speedway and football days which comes to a fair amount" Honestly no one cares about how much you are making; losing; or saving!!! can you not see its the hypocrisy of the whole situation and the damage it is doing to other promotions. This is before we even get to mention the points money and other inducements being offered. But no they don't do that everything is open honest and above board!!! Aye righto!!! The best bit of course is where you have stated in the past "you do not care about other teams" you don't care how Glasgow operate as long as you are okay" and "you are not bothered if other promotions fold" really show you up for what you are and with a selfish and self centred approach like that are you sure you aren't a Speedway Promoter already. You do come across as an Ostrich who sticks his head in the sand so please do not get aggrieved if someone comes along and pokes a stick up your sphincter. So there you go Sherlock I would suggest you get your facts right and look at what is being said and digest it before blindly jumping in all indignant and go off half cocked as you will invariably get a response back and if you do not like the content you can always push the "Ignore" button rather than blindly trying to defend the indefensible with demands; threats and mockery that quite frankly is a load of "Old Tosh" (thought about putting something stronger but what's the point) and gets somewhat repetitive!!! and on the previous years quoted they were for context only as it was "Your Club" promotion/backers remember that posted that it has made six figure losses every year since taking over at Ashfield and yet you are not prepared to accept any rational post from anyone with your deeply delusional arguments Finally if you do want evidence (Hard Evidence) Detective Chief Inspector Taggart "There hasn't been a murder!" but next time you venture South look me up and I will be quite happy to show you numerous texts to prove the point. (as would Laura I imagine) (in fact I could introduce you to her I am sure you would get on) It was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick Light blue touch paper and stand well back Regards THJ
  8. Could be considered for The Golden Raspberry Awards though!!! (also known in short terms as Razzies and Razzie Awards) which are mock awards in recognition of the worst in film. The 2018 Awards were as follows, WORST PICTURE X — “The Emoji Movie” WORST ACTRESS X — Tyler Perry, “Boo! 2: A Madea Halloween” WORST ACTOR X — Tom Cruise, “The Mummy” WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR X — Mel Gibson, “Daddy’s Home 2” WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS X — Kim Basinger, “Fifty Shades Darker” WORST SCREEN COMBO X — Any Two Obnoxious Emojis, “The Emoji Movie” WORST REMAKE, RIP-OFF, OR SEQUEL X — “Fifty Shades Darker” WORST DIRECTOR X — Anthony Leondis, “The Emoji Movie” WORST SCREENPLAY X — “The Emoji Movie” ROTTEN TOMATOES AWARD: RAZZIE NOMINEE SO BAD YOU LOVED IT! X — “Baywatch” New for this year BEST POACHERS OF SOMETHING OTHER THAN AN EGG X — “Glasgow Tigers” Of course "its all done in the best possible taste" Regards THJ
  9. Honestly Its me job "all part of a hard days work" Regards THJ
  10. Honestly I do wonder if clowns like you actually have any idea of what goes on or if you just sail though life with your head up your posterior. All you need to do is go on the Companies House web site and you can see what is happening. Details available at (no rumour) https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/SC147093/filing-history Look at the full accounts and the full accounts made up to 30th April 2017 posted on 01st Feb 2018 is a good place to start and look at page 20. There are others available and it is all there to see if you can be bothered to read through the previous years With Glasgow it is all "Smoke and Mirrors" as the parent company Allied Vehicles (AV) have set up the Speedway on their accounts and put through a Debt Waiver and the latest namely £617k for 2016 (wow!!!) and £424k for 2017. These losses will be mitigated against their (AV) corporation tax, so as they have declared just over 5 million of profit for 2017 the corporation tax bill would have been around £800k and they just write off the £424k loss against this tax bill, which I assume at this current moment in time is all above board and legal. I must add this as I am not a tax expert by any stretch of the imagination on intra-business tax affairs. Where they will be stating the place (Glasgow Speedway) is making a £100,000 loss for last year I assume this will be the short fall from the funds being generated from the speedway receipts and income which will only be realising around £324k per annum, however as the whole thing is being underwritten by the tax man there isn't really a problem is there. 700 fans @ £17.50 = £12.250 + food and drink say £15k per meeting for 20 meetings = £300k add in a bit of sponsorship and it will be about right. (aka £100k short) The only problem being, and what our Scottish country cousins fail to realise is; they (Glasgow Tigers) would not survive (or have to radically reduce their financial aspirations) if they didn't have the costs underwritten by AV by providing this debt waiver. For reference a loan waiver is the waiving of the real or potential liability of the person or party who has taken out a loan through the voluntary action of the person or party who has made the loan Using a debt waiver seems to me to be a bit ambiguous as you usually provide a debt waiver as a fringe benefit to an employee if you do not require your employee to repay a debt. The example I am aware of is, if you sell goods to an employee and later tell them they are not required to pay the invoiced amount, you have provided a debt waiver fringe benefit. However benefits are usually taxed and I am surprised the tax man allows this for a company. However as stated it must be legal and above board and to be honest my exposure to facilities like this have been on a much smaller scale The thing is; if in the future the dreaded tax man looks at this in depth and pulls the privilege where a business applies a tax waiver to another stand alone business and this benefit gets reviewed and the tax law changes there will be a major threat hanging over Glasgow Speedway as they will be in the same boat as everyone else having to manage a budget. Who mentioned "Sugar Daddy" some time back? not far off the mark really. So anyone who has a turnover of £130 million could offer this facility to any club and write off any losses against their corporation tax bill its easy to be a spendthrift when you are using someone else's money. (especially the tax mans) (Kudos) So to answer the question and the HUGE sums of money you are throwing about as a club, facts are readily accessible and don't lie, when you are being underwritten by a financially successful business like AV you have access to funds that other clubs only dream about. As Halifax Tiger quoted earlier in the thread "Certainly in my case - and I suspect many others - its not a case of 'bitterness' at all. I suspect that some fans might be a little envious of the financial resources that Glasgow have but, as you rightly say, they would all want the same for their teams" I am of the same belief but your odious and obnoxious defence to comments being made on here when you obviously do not have a clue of what is going on seem to be providing you with a "Schadenfreude" which can not be good for your health; you need to take some of Paulco's advice "Time to put this nonsense to bed . Does it really matter what other fans think of our club or it's custodians . We're the ones turning up for home meetings and the occasional away ones , not them . If we're hated , so be it , I wont lose any sleep over it" I certainly have never hated anyone (well maybe Maggie Thatcher but for a whole raft of other reasons) however you need to do your research and get your facts right before you start spouting off I would suggest. Live Long and Prosper Regards THJ
  11. Honestly What do I know? Thomas Jorgensen should not have been that big a surprise as Newcastle went after him last season; however looking at what is happening at Newcastle and the team being built; I feel it definitely has Martin Phillips DNA all over it and with Martins strong connections to Redcar I can see another surprise signing coming "left of field". I know there has been issues with Baby Bjerre (and George) in the past however I am strongly leaning towards his name as the next potential signing and especially with Tommy Gun landing in as you tend to find these Danes are becoming like Busses "you get one; then another one follows right behind". Then I would suggest Matej Kus to finish off the main body of the team with him being an asset, which leaves just over 3 points for a British No 7 (if Matty W. doesn't get a 2.5% reduction) the following is my final offering NEWCASTLE DIAMONDS 1 Thomas Jorgensen 7.66 7.66 2 Lasse Bjerre 7.08 7.08 3 Matthew Wethers 5.78 5.78 4 Matej Kus 5.63 5.63 5 Nike Lunna 5.63 5.63 6 Max Clegg 3.25 3.17 7 A N Other 3.13 3.05 Total: 38.16 38.00 Remaining: 0.00 For the last spot I think Danny Phillips will be a shoe in however there is always Jack Smith who is a North York's lad and at 2.80 is possibly another name for the last place, however; and whatever way Martin jumps the team will definitely have a different look and feel about it in 2019 compared to last season and if it is "Young Phillips" who gets the nod for the final position the total will be 36.95 and nearly a point under the build limit Regards THJ
  12. If the Aaron you are expecting is of the Summers variety I'm afraid you will be sadly disappointed as he has signed for Berwick Regards THJ
  13. Oooo Spooky that I was doing something else there (see above) when you posted and it doesn't matter does it, you pay what you can afford and if your first option you suggest above works out at a grand and the second option works out at 500 quid so what. I think what the guys above were saying (could be wrong) was more about the Top Riders racing in this league and the perceived reason from the BSPA to strangle down the the build limit, but Glasgow have not done any different to any of the clubs you have mentioned that's for sure. I think the previous posts were more aiming at the hypocrisy of the BSPA rather than the signings being made by Glasgow and the gulf between a rider racing in GP's last year and some of the two point guys coming in, but again and to defend Glasgow they are not doing anything different to other clubs in the league and I for one am okay with that as it is all within the rules and teams are building to those rules however "Skew-Whiff" you might think they are Regards THJ
  14. But none of this is Glasgow's or Craig's fault really is it, its his job and they will pay his wages, and the rules dictate he can ride where he wants to at the moment; they are just working within the rules for rider selection and I don't fundamentally disagree "per se" with anything being said, however it is what it is and you just just have to get on with it. Well done Glasgow they have IMHO a cracking rider in Craig but he wont be winning the meetings on his own there are another six of them in there getting stuck in and I do agree it will be tough for the young riders coming in as two pointers but again that is what it is. That's why I would have preferred 6 man teams and done away with the reserves as this must be the only sport that relies on novice riders to come in and be the key personnel in a team, but again it is what it is and the flaws I would suggest will come to light within the first month of season after the first few meetings and it will ether be relatively successful (if your team are winning) or an absolute disaster (if your team are getting stuffed) but it needs to be given a chance before it gets slated out of site. Finally Craig's average is what it is and its not like Glasgow have made up a number to fit him in the team, he comes with that average, the powers that be dictate this and not everyone agrees how these are formulated but again those are the current rules. Regards THJ
  15. To be fair he still is pretty good regardless; and Glasgow have a quality No 1 who will probably end 2019 with a double figure average; and at this level he is definitely better than he might think; and I would suggest every club in this league would like to have him in their team without a shadow of doubt. Will be a force to be reckoned with and will guarantee points in heats 13 and 15 for sure Regards THJ
  16. I have seen Braveheart and you are a Scot so it goes without saying surely; and as Daphne & Celeste. once said "You ain't got no alibi you ugly" and lets face it Gazc I have seen a few good looking Landladies in my time but never a good looking Landlord. So if the "Tam o' Shanter" fits me old pal Here is a couple of cheesy video just to show your lot what a good cheesy video looks like PMSL and here is another one where they are singing about Glaswegians I think "Ooh Stick You" with that classic lyric "Up your butt with a coconut" And if they don't make you smile you have no sense of humour I mean none None what so ever Humourless Regards THJ
  17. Dunno about TaylorJ but I am How's that for honesty Regards THJ
  18. Lewi will be fine he is a confident lad and very professional Regards THJ
  19. I have been led to believe the Loan Fee depends on average, anything from about a grand to £1750 quid which is no great shakes, Will stand corrected of course if anyone knows any different Regards THJ
  20. THJ comes with a reputation, him not me, as does Baby Bjerre, I doubt George would want their disruptive influence in the pits IMHO. (but nothing would surprise me) Summers and NBJ will be at Berwick I would guess. You need to look further afield I would suggest for your different riders... Newcastle will look very different this year from previous years and not before time as the place needed a change of face and freshened up. Luna is a good start and last year the promotion pulled the proverbial rabbit out of the hat with Matty Wethers who I for one had serious doubts about but fair play to Matty he proved me (and many others) wrong. I am sure there will be one or two more surprises on the way. Kasper Lykke maybe as a second string as we have not seen him for a couple of seasons and he was another rider who George used as a guest in times gone by. Its the big hitter who will be the big surprise I would suggest; and whats the odds on Ricky Wells? As he is another who always goes well at Brough and if Edinburgh do not use him he may be a viable option Regards THJ
  21. LOL Sorry however it was more about the pubs than the football; and for Gazc I have looked at the pictures of both pubs and both are/were low level type pubs, however the Stadium Bar definitely rings a bell. I have done the street map walk around the area and honestly the place has changed beyond recognition. I remember a dark grim place all set up for the ship building industry and no different from where I had came from, but now, clean bright; a total "Sea Change" must have been a lot of demolition gone on, not sure its for the better mind... Also looked at the Lounden Tavern on their web site and if that was the spot; that is a lot cleaner too it was more like a smoke filled dungeon than the brightly painted place it looks on the web site. So yep it was definitely one of those two for sure. Need to get back and do a match as it has been a long (long) time. Also thinking about it a bit more there was a spot on a terrace row just near the ground as well or right on the end of a row of terraced houses that was another little dungeon which was a brilliant pub... Fading memories now as you cant find a decent pub these days, and by pub I mean a drinking mans pub not one of these arty farty places selling continental beers for a fiver a pint/bottle and bacon and brie sarnies Regards THJ Just to add been on Google Maps again and the Kensington and Park Bars look like the other one/two on the end of blocks that I was thinking of; only thing is over time they had melded into one pub; but I have frequented both of those in the day but would never have remembered the names.
  22. Not a chance However none of them are ringing a bell with the old memory cells, may be that Louden Tavern but the name just doesn't register either and looking on the Louden Web Site it looks much cleaner and tidier than I remember it (if that was the spot). Unless this pub has a colloquial name and refereed to as something different by the locals but the spot we were drinking in might have gone because the place has really changed from when I was living there. Regards THJ
  23. Sorry to change tack for a moment and this question is probably directed to Gazc as he is an avid Teddy Bear fan When I was working on the Govan back in 81/82 I went to the odd Rangers match and we went into a mad pub, bit of a supporters pub, however and here is the question when I went back there a couple of years back the place had changed that much I struggled as the place I was "digging in" had been pulled down (old style tenement) and all these new "yuppie" type flats had gone up and I couldn't get my bearings or find the pub, found the ground but not the pub; however I remember walking up from the river up the bank/incline and through some houses and flats and this sort of low level pub was in front of us... after a few beers the walk to the ground as I remember could not have been more than 5 minutes away from the stadium (if that), Question is what was the name of the Pub and as I couldn't find it has this also been pulled down. It came up in a conversation last night in the pub whilst watching the Everton match (with Greek commentary) about pubs local to football grounds Regards THJ
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