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Everything posted by TotallyHonestJohn

  1. No but a can remember them... lol Never smoked my self but I remember a friends dad smoking his self to oblivion to get 3000 coupon points so he could get one of them round chrome ash trays where you pushed the button down on the top for the flaps to open dropping the ash and butt into the tray bit below... Regards THJ
  2. Honestly You are a total plum I am far to good looking to be confused for Steve W, plus I usually wear long trousers not shorts. However speaking to "In the Know" Tony in the Vatican (Maryport) I think there is going to be a bun fight. Looks like the dirt is coming up and getting dumped round the back of the pit area and the Rugby club are going to bill the Speedway for the pleasure of putting it there along with a charge for removing the fence and storing it round the back and a charge for the containers with the Tractor and air fence panels in. It may be going legal so I cant say to much however to omens are not good. No as indicated above Tsunami its getting piled up round the back of the electronic scoreboard stand and billed to the Speedway for sitting there, It is a disgrace the most successful west Cumbrian team of all time are just getting absolutely shafted, the Leader of the Council who said on TV we will support the Comets in their endeavours and back them to the hilt has gone to ground, help!!!! what help?, its a disgrace how the Club the Fans and the Promotion have been and are being treated... Not sure what can be done now I am absolutely gutted Regards THJ
  3. Don't knock the Provident my mother kitted me out for School every year using a Cheque from the Provy Then Christmas and Birthdays it was Parrish's Cheques Never seemed to get many Green Shield Stamps though? Regards THJ
  4. Honestly I think I am going to regret this however here goes, Working in London in the late 90's early 2000's all of the large sites had sub contractors branded up with the main contractors logo's on; we even threw a Scaffolding Contractor off site for displaying a company board off the scaffold he had just erected, the contracts these smaller companies signed up to (and individual tradesmen for that matter) stated they had to use the branded kit as provided by the main contractor and were not allowed to advertise on the main contractors site; so its not something that just happened recently "Up North" its all about brand and image which professional businesses know all about. It just takes one turd in a swimming pool to collapse that reputation built up over years of use, So I would suggest it is how professional the company you are working for are; and who pays your wages; who dictate the terms of reference; and when working on high profile MOD. NHS. Banking and other big Corporation and Corporate sites you want your workforce smart and tidy and looking the part (Professional). However if you are plastering Mrs Miggins extension put up by the local builder from the dreaded white van brigade not caring if the backside is hanging out from the back of the trousers he is wearing covered head to toe in white spots from the silicone they have been using well so be it; but again that wouldn't be on one of my jobs and because we pay top rates and pay on time I get no complaints whatsoever from any subbie we use be that an individual or a company; and if they didn't like it well they can go elsewhere and when the work has dried up because they couldn't follow the rules well more fools them. Just an addition to this Ronaldo doesn't turn up on the pitch wearing his own shirt does he, once off the pitch he dons his baseball cap and £100k sunglasses as endorsements but he wears the club colours on the pitch, same as Lewis Hamilton; company colour's and logos when racing but off the track he touts what he can; and I appreciate these guy get millions in salary however their are Macintosh Reds and Crab Apples (Nearly said Cookers there but held back) They sign contracts and adhere to them that's the nature of the business your employer tells you in the contract what he expects and if you cant adhere to that you walk (possibly thinking you are taking the moral high ground or making a statement!!! But really?) You are spot on with this; after all Craig wasn't told he couldn't have his sponsors on his Kevlar's and kit (he has stated as much in his press release) he stated his issue was where they had to go and the style and format that they had to be in; which to be fair isn't that unreasonable a request from the P/Boro promotion who are after all his employer and the provider of his race suit. However I have been informed that the main issue as to why the spat occurred; was as ever; over money; and to be fair an issue Craig has previous form on. Bottom line was a deal had been done with an outgoing promoter that was contrary to the instructions they had received from the club owner, (look no further than the Bomber fiasco a couple of months previous) but you are right you will never be told the real reason. Regards THJ
  5. What's the difference... someone is paying their wages... I have tradesmen with 1000 of pounds worth of tools and mechanical gear what they have to buy to carry out their trade.... their day job... on my site... if they want to use that at weekends or other jobs I can't dictate what they have on it but if it's my job my contract and my customers they are branded up to advertise my business not someone else's and if they don't like the well... oh hang on that's just what's happened... Regards THJ
  6. Not sure I agree Mike I employ subcontractors on a self employed basis and they wear my livery on their vans, my logos on their hard hats, my hi vis jackets with my company name on, my uniforms on their backs... they are branded up as my employees whilst they are working for me as I am paying their wages after all... Why should I be dictated to? If I didn't have the work they wouldn't have a job... of course they could always go and work for someone else but you can't have the tail wagging the dog? Or can You? Regards THJ
  7. If anyone wanted to sponsor team suits for Scunny I can get a team kitted out for £3,500 so 500 quid per rider... Can get them supplied usually within a week however at this time of year there could be a wait of up to 4 weeks... So if there are any companies or individuals interested all they need to do is have a word with Rob to see that he is up for it then get in touch... Polish Kevlar manufacturers charge between 150 to 350 quid more than that... Regards THJ
  8. Can't disagree and my only reasoning was I think Eastie may struggle on their travels... I feel my old pals Lewi Kerr and Rich Lawson will do well away from Arlington however the rest may struggle and I include Eddie Kennet in that reasoning as he notoriously catches a cold every time he goes north of Watford... Regards THJ
  9. They have not and my Dad is bigger than your Dad!!! The image does prove it!!! The other way!!!! Read you PM Regards THJ
  10. But Workington never have!!!! ever!!! to name one who haven't!!! ever!!! never!!! ever!!!! Both Branney boys had a good relationship with Wulf Sports from Workington who may have sponsored them as well but I am unsure on that one; however they certainly wore Wulf Sports tops and gear.... Regards THJ
  11. Honestly Always hard to predict however IMHO I think this season will be very close and there wont be much to choose from between them all by the end of the season. The two Stand out teams for me are Glasgow and Leicester and both should be a shoe in for a top four spot; closely followed by Sheffield Scunny Newcastle and Somerset fighting for the other two places however with a good wind and staying injury free Redcar and Berwick could upset the form book and sorry I feel Edinburgh and the two new boys Eastbourne and Birmingham will be fighting for the wooden spoon without any changes being made, however stating all that Workington ripped the form book up last year and clicked as a team and I do think apart from Glasgow and Leicester the whole thing should be very close between the rest and I certainly wish the best of luck to all teams and for a good injury free run which can make or break a clubs season. Regards THJ
  12. Oh and here's the annoying Chihuahua yapping on!!!! Sticking an orange tee shirt over the top of some black Kevlar's can in no way be construed as a team suit, no matter what is written on the sleeve of the suit; more like a two piece! Furthermore you would be surprised as to whose phone numbers I have and the next time I speak to Rob G I will tell him to get to Primark (other stores are available) buy 7 white tee shirt's and get HEB WEALTH AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS printed on the front and a big number on the back of them and "hey presto" 7 team suits for under a fiver a suit... Now I know Rob is a pacifist and doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body however I am sure the Boss (their lass) would clip me swiftly round the ear for being so ridiculous (so can I point out that in no way am I suggesting this should be done I am only being facetious for comedic effect and would suggest I am failing quite miserably) So when is a team suit not a team suit and this is not an exhaustive list 1. When they don't match 2. When it needs a bib 3. When only 4 or 5 of the 7 man team have matching gear 4. When they need a team tee shirt over the top of unmatched Kevlar's (this is a two piece) 5. When its like saying to a football team we play in Blue and 4 turn up in Sky Blue; 5 in Royal Blue and 1 in a Blue made from spare material his mam had and it was Royal Blue (but it was really Navy Blue) when she made it but once it was washed it turned into a Paler Blue than Pale and finally the goalie was told Yellow but arrives in a Green top and everyone knows Blue and Green should never be seen 6. When its a "Theme Suit" (no I haven't developed a lisp) when the riders themselves follow a theme aka orange and black What do you think people would say if Scunny turned up with a two piece ensemble; they would get slated for trying to do something on the cheap and a club should not get grief if they chose not to provide team suits, or derided for a themed suit if the riders get together and agree a colour scheme whether someone thinks its professional or not? I think we can all agree Speedway is professional in name only and its woes are aired on here all the time and type of suit is a personal preference for fans. Team suits wont make this Scunny team go any faster (tee shirts might slow them up; wind drag coefficient and all that) and as I have stated previously looking at the side Scunny have put together I think they will be knocking on the door of the play off places for sure with a top four spot there for the taking and I cant wait for my annual visits which will sadly reduce this year due to the demise of Workington but I will be down for the Newcastle meeting for sure all being equal... Regards THJ
  13. Honestly Ya like a dog wid a bone, they are nowt like each other and I can assure you Worky have never (in all their history) ever had or provided riders with a team suit. If it was a team suit they wouldn't need bibs for a start and they would match exactly, look at pictures of Newcastle and Glasgow or Ipswick... Team Suits. Would you like me to PM you the mobile number of Tony Jackson and you can hear it from the horses mouth direct, the assistant team manager of that very same team. Regards THJ
  14. Honestly They definitely weren't team Kevlars but believe what you think... Regards THJ
  15. Honestly Totally correct Jenga is like a Ruminant without any Orbital Ocular Sockets Before you look it up Jenga it's a deer without any eyes or a no eyed deer!!!! See what a did there Biffa because it Totally sums you up "No Idea" whatsoever... Definitely a prize plum Regards THJ
  16. Honestly No they don't!!! Been in contact with Tony Jackson the Workington team manager all weekend (re: other matters) and just spoke to him on the phone again this morning to confirm my suspicions and Workington have never (ever) had official team suits (or supplied them to riders) and Jacko was the assistant team manager to Ian Thomas at this time; so sorry I think I am correct!!!! Plus looking at that photo you can see they aren't a team Kevlar some are wearing orange tee shirts ffs under the team bib. John Branney's tee shirt was even supplied by Wulf Sport... Also as advised earlier Ian Thomas was totally opposed to team suits. A team Kevlar incorporates all the detail (team name, and logo built into the front of the suit and a Velcro or stud area to the rear to apply the racing number/team position), negating the need for a bib, either new spectacles required to read the previous posts or to see a clearer view of the picture supplied or could just be another Prize Plum.... Either way pull the covers up as this is now surely put to bed? Regards THJ
  17. Also one of the Three Wise Men don't forget... lol Another well thought out and subtle retort that just whistled by in the wind... Never mind.... Must try harder... Regards THJ
  18. Prize Plum!!! Just to put this one to bed Workington Comets have NEVER had team suits; in 2008 KD instructed the riders to get Kevlar's made in predominantly Orange and Black colours however the riders paid for their own suits and there was no collaboration on uniformity or standardisation and all riders rode wearing team bibs. Regards THJ
  19. And of course never to be confused with Balthasar (SharpenRake), Melchior (MANSE) and Gaspar (Gazc) Regards THJ
  20. Think you will find that Craig asked to be away from Worky when he went to Edinburgh.... You know after the fall.out with the promotion when he was sold to Edinburgh... That's not you making stuff up again Jenga is it? Doh!!! Regards THJ
  21. You have said exactly the same as me but in reverse... I thought it was 2007 but never mind and if someone opts not to wear a team suit it can't be a team suit can it... jeeezs... Howay man giz a break... read what av rit... 4 or 5 of the guys had sponsorship which included Kevlars 2 or 3 didn't... a team suit in this reference is 7 riders all wearing the same team colours... doh! Regards THJ
  22. No I believe that was what he (Keith) provided for the riders he was personally sponsoring under the "Armstrong Banner" which wasn't the full team, (will stand corrected) and those awful "orange boiler suit" Kevlar's seemed indestructible 3 or 4 riders persisted with them for a long time after they rode for Worky although KD did carry on sponsoring riders even when he sold the club. I remember Roynon, Topinka, Nermark, James Wright, Nieminen; Andre Compton amongst others who all sported the Dayglo Orange suits at differing times Someone who couldn't stand Team Suits was Ian Thomas as he always promoted the individuality of the rider and wanted them in their own colours to differentiate them from other team members; and there was a big debate a few year back to see what the interest was in the club providing team racing suits and I believe it was roughly a 50/50 split of those who thought (like Bagpuss to be fair) that it made the team look more professional; but with many of the remainder citing they preferred the individual look, I suppose you pay your money and take your choice. The one thing I would say is that due to the old peepers not being what they once were I have put the wrong reserve in the programmed change at Newcastle due to one looking exactly like the other guy on more than one occasion as those little dinky numbers on the front can be hard to see at times. Wouldn't have had that issue if they were in different suits like eh! Also who could forget the old leathers with the tassels hanging from the arms, what a fashion statement and you always knew who your rider's were as they usually wore the same colours most of their careers... Actuality I might be going off matching suits now, need to sit down and have a think about this one... lol Regards THJ
  23. Honestly To be fair to Rob he could have put them out in Gold Lamé threaded Kevlar's and solid Gold Helmets with fully matched up bike covers and you would still have had a pop as it comes across that you are not one of his biggest fans, just saying like, or is it only my imagination or does anyone else have the same impression. Went to Buxton once and watched Jason G tear around the spot with his backside hanging out of his race suit and it didn't detract from the racing, (or the crashes for that matter). We did in fact wonder what he would run out of first; bike parts or the duct tape he was using to keep his suit together, but nonetheless the entertainment was first class I know it is not the case with Scunny; however if the difference of a team running or not was down to matching race suits on a race day; well its a "no brainer" (poke the suits and keep the Speedway) and that is from someone who genuinely likes the matching look (Diamonds retro suits look the part this year) but Worky have never had matching suits ever and it didn't detract from the racing last year and it wasn't the cost of matching suits that done for them this year Regards THJ
  24. Honestly When were you last at Edinburgh? IMHO Riss will do well this year he is a quality rider and will only improve I can see him upping his average by at least a full point... Regards THJ
  25. Honestly Grading with a blend of rolling averages was mooted the same time the 6 man team proposal was put forward a few year back and was reasonably well received by the management committee however when it was put to the promotions they didn't want the 6 man team proposal so the new rider assessment process was set aside and I think the whole thing has just been shelved after a great deal of interest... Heads in he sand as usual it was nearly as bad as Brexit Regards THJ
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