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Everything posted by TotallyHonestJohn

  1. Riders can make it and they appreciate the early finish... the early start is to get the fans in before the other available sports on offer kick off... we get at their cash first not second... plus 5 pm start without floodlights might be pushing it in March April and early May then again from September into October... small power isn't a problem it's the somewhere near 50KW of power for the floodlighting which is an issue... not so much the running cost which will be somewhere between 10 to 15 quid an hour to run but to install a compliant system isn't cheap... In at 12 out by 2 and you will still have your whole day ahead of you to do what you want... football rugby or if I'm allowed to swear Shopping!!! Then home in time to watch the GP on the telly... when it's dark and cold outside... Regards THJ
  2. Here's a thing... just a daft question regardless of what league the comets end up in... (Champ or NDL) Power (and floodlights) to the site could be an issue so start 12.00 on the Saturday before the football or 12.00 Sunday before the Rugby? Then if we get power to the site (mains or genny) what would the prefered day/night be and what start time would best suit the MAJORITY of the supporters? Regards THJ
  3. Knowing what I do now Steve you are probably correct... it's a massive undertaking to set up a new venue and it needs a person or persons to dedicate hours of time to the undertaking... Things would have had to rumble on at Brough which isn't ideal and the commitment needed to move to a new track in either time or money is unbelievable... if you commit full time to the project you can save cash but will struggle to run a business or hold down a job... or you can go the other way and throw cash at it which will save you the time element but you are paying for the service provision... It's one hell of a juggling act to get the balance right... so one or more of three types of people required... someone who has a business making money and they can park that and have someone else run it to put 80 hours a week into building a new track and running a Speedway venture for little or no return... someone with mega bucks who is a fan of the sport who is prepared to put something like 500k in up front and happy to lose around 100k a year thereafter... or something like the Worky effort with one man's vision spending some cash putting in all the spare hours and relying on some good will and support from a network of friends... Because the returns from the sport are limited unless things change it's going to be a big ask and risk to get someone to come in for the club now... IMHO... Regards THJ
  4. Allegedly sold Gaz but if any of this lot said it was raining I would still go outside to check... Another rumour that has surfaced is that 4 interested buyers now... but two run off when they heard the facts and the other two are apparently still mulling things over; however the clincher will be; and again if true... the rent will be £50k next season to hire Brough (which is apparently what Brum pay) For a stadium with no floodlight facility... Makes you wonder... Regards THJ
  5. You're to old and drink to much to get wood these days... Gigidy gigidy....
  6. For Speedway it can be whatever the club buys... when Worky got the treble they had to buy the medals for the lads and one of the cups as one had been lost... Nowt of BSPL... Regards THJ
  7. So what colour is the "Gold Cup" raced for at Cheltenham or the Jules Rimet Trophy or the football World Cup? Just sayin like...
  8. Just for interest and for our Glasgow friends with a good memory the chap standing in field on the second bend was Jackson Irving... I offered to hold the dogs while he had a spin but he was slightly worse for wear...(and politely declined) https://blantyreproject.com/2019/03/1986-blantyre-speedway/#:~:text=paulveverka-,3,-years ago Regards THJ
  9. Deffo 4 laps Neil... Steve was hoping to beat 80 seconds and not show himself up and he rode a blinder for that 66.24 which is now the time to beat... the current track record... We will get him out again at the start of the first meeting hopefully and he will tighten that up by a couple of more seconds for sure... he also had a start out of each gate and tried a few lines out around the track and confirmed there are multiple racing lines around the the place... For me it's a bit like the Somerset track with a sprinkling of Sheffild and Redcar... once the young guns get on there I can see regular race times of 55 to 56 seconds for the 298 metre track... Gonna offer a bit of excitement that's for sure... No hangover here buddy I was doing my bit for the war in Ukraine and was drinking that Ukrainian lager and its a nice drink... ASDA 10 cams 10 quid 4.8% and needs to be cold from the fridge... also a donation goes to the Ukrainian Humanitarian effort... I will be back there tomorrow night for a couple of more boxes... they have definitey found an easy way for me to support a cause that's for sure... Regards THJ
  10. I'm from Newcastle marra... Yep seen that singy... bad one by all accounts off to hospital for x-ray's... Fingers crossed... he's a tough laal nut... here's hoping he's okay and a real shame if he misses Cardiff.. Regards John
  11. This isn't abuse and don't take this the wrong way but suck my septic stump... You have never posted anything correct in your whole life you are just a stirring little... well here we go... Most people think of adjectives, words that describe nouns, when they think of descriptive words, but many descriptive words are not adjectives. Descriptive words could also include adverbs, or words that help to describe action. Descriptive words could also be clear, strong verbs or nouns that carry clear meaning... So stick your own word on the end of that line... honestly... Regards THJ
  12. Well said... especially if they are talking Pony...
  13. The NPK were the Northumberland Park Killers (NPK) who were a gang in London... but the LBAB would see them off..
  14. What a tool you antagonistic old "Raspberry Tart" you would have to kiss my big fat Geordie posterior Biffa before that's ever gonna happen... On the centre green as well... in front of a full house... Regards THJ
  15. In layman's terms (and yes thats how you spell it) it means you didnt do Charles Dickens either... Get your self on Google Neil learn and enjoy... read about the ever so humble Mr Heap... On another topic Neil have you been invited in this Sunday with the rest if them... scrap man will be there and you never know your tape might even turn up and if you want them covers back you got you will need to be quick cos if JER doesn't flog them they will end up in the bin.... and the next promotion will need covers for sure... cos Grant is setting the club on a sound footing for the next owners... like... Regards THJ
  16. I am sure every millionaire who reads the forum and is in the queue to buy Newcastle Speedway will be pleased at your humbleness and noted your cloying humility, unctuousness, obsequiousness, and will not be put of by your obeisance and insincerity, Regards THJ
  17. Well Ruff you are all over the shop today mind!!! If Sunderland + ARC = a little yellow face and a wagging finger and Newcastle Greyhound Stadium is the exact same equation why are you stating on here that people should talk to the Stadium owners? You need to stop talking to JER because you will be sucked in by the Lies and then sold short... I know and have the tea shirt to prove it... I could give you last years conversation with JER we had on the track after the Birmingham meeting with regard to the stadium owners and their view on who or more pointedly who they would not allow to take on the club and run from their stadium but you don't like long winded posts... That can be take two ways as well... no need really as you are bigger than that... That's why I try and give chapter and verse so things cant get misconstrued... Anyway POETS day... time for a drive West and a pint in the Lifeboat... Regards THJ
  18. Like a said Ruff... give ya heed a shake because some of the comments are not very well thought through and look like a direct response from JER and his team.. and on the build comment it was not necessary and came across as a bit petty and a mickey take... you/we/new buyers need cash to get or buy a muddy field in the first instance and put a track in and that's the same as Edinburgh... and how you get to that end result is matterless... it has to start somewhere before it can finish... and if you don't have the money... you are looking at the good will of people like what is happening at Workington which is a combination of one guys cash and an awful lot of good will...
  19. Honestly Jesus!!!... Really... What are you on about?; what do you think the Edinburgh project will look like when it starts; it will be a muddy field with muddy hills all over it; do you think they will build it off site and then drop a fully finished stadium into position... green grass and all? think you need to give your head a shake... that was just a picture of the finished job... Have you not been to Scunny or Redcar? make shift scaffolding standing areas let alone seating and Redcar have just bought some of the Worky seating for their back straight? at the moment I wouldn't mind a muddy field with a track on it and the potential to go somewhere; and I doubt I am not the only one thinking that: its not about dreaming... or maybe it is in your case who knows... every build project starts with a muddy field and the REAL question is where are YOU gonna get £150k from let alone £1.5 million... whatever the budget is £150k; £1.5mill or £15 Million where are you going to get that sort of cash from... JER cant raise £150 quid at the minute and he's selling everything that isn't bolted; screwed or welded down into place... If you want a pretty picture of what Northside will look like I can do that on the auto-cad here in the office however some of us can see the bigger picture... and understand what it takes to build something from scratch... and all builds start in a muddy field... Honestly... Who has led you to believe this? you been talking to the management again and taking in their " Bill-Shut"? Sounds like something JER and band of Liars would come out with... and the last statement is rather stating the obvious is it not... definitely something JER would say that... however the Liars have said the "Stadium People" have told them to get their stuff off site so the landlords don't want anyone on there if they are to be believed; so discuss what plans? what plans are there to discuss? if the stadium don't want you there what can you discuss... its gone! and you are spreading the management line... and as @Gaz said they are not doing this to facilitate the sale of the club its a "Fire Sale" pure and simple and if you don't know what is meant by a fire sale a quick google brings up... A fire sale is the sale of goods at extremely discounted prices. The term originated in reference to the sale of goods at a heavy discount due to fire damage. It may or may not be defined as a closeout, the final sale of goods to zero inventory. A sale of goods at reduced prices, especially because the shop has been damaged by fire. a sale of a business or part of a business at a low price because it needs money or is bankrupt. They may not be financially bankrupt yet but Morally and Ethically JER and his "Merry Men" are definitely Bankrupt for sure... and as for the muddy field scenario the £3k of Cumbria sea washed turf ordered will have the spot looking like a "veritable verdant oasis" in one weekend... including the football pitch that will go on the centre green... Honestly... Don't believe the lies that are being spun... "the truth is out there" (and yes @jenga we know that's a line from the X-files) Honestly take off the red nose and have a day off... Regards THJ
  20. Back to where we started on the raised viewing area on the home straight and no one will be allowed at the fence round the track there will/should be a secondary fence at the top of the banking... no one will be allowed at the fence around the track viewing will be at least a minimum of 3 meters above the track and approximately 5 meters back on the home straight and 10 metres back on the back straight and hopefully that's clear enough for Mr Nil Imagination @Steve Shovlar
  21. This is the home straight looking from the 4th to the 1st bend
  22. Good Idea however the new Edinburgh project has been estimated at £1.5 million.... Where you gonna get that from... The Worky guys have done it/will do it... for a 10th of that; however they have been fortunate as there has been a great deal of goodwill and a lot of free time given at a weekend by some very reliable and supportive friends; family and fans and Andy has had access to all the key plant and equipment he has needed to get the project to where it is at today... he has also pumped around £60k of cash into the project to date and there is still the small power and lighting to go in; the pit area is to build and the stands; so its not a simple task... Where you gonna find people like that... Starting from scratch with £1.5 million is hard but starting from scratch on a limited budget has been a monumental task... Regards THJ
  23. Stuck my thoughts in-between what your new BFF had to say for himself and what Grant needs to remember you have to have a good memory to be a good liar... Regards John
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