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Everything posted by TotallyHonestJohn

  1. Well it's not happening now apparently but the craic I got off a mate of a mate of a mate who works down the chip shop seems to have been correct... and honestly if I told you where the info actually had come from you would be astounded... in fact you wouldn't believe me... Never mind there will be a bit more speedway craic to discuss tomorrow as I am expecting a VIP for a cuppa tomorrow afternoon... Hopefully not as contentious or as hysteria forming as the last subject.. after all an NSSC statement on behalf of the promotion and a post on the club web site from the Promotion... you would think they didn't want anyone to discuss this subject and they were trying to put the issue to bed... conspiracy theory anyone... Regards THJ
  2. https://newcastle-speedway.co.uk/latest-word-from-the-2020-diamonds/ Well there you go the dogs don't want to run on a Sunday... So safe for the moment... But old cynical here... let's wait and see... Regards THJ Oops didn't see Steve Park's post above... but it shows I am not the only one who had heard the rumour... in fact folk wouldn't believe who I heard ithe rumour off but never mind... that's spewed that little thread... let's see what the next topic is we can discuss....
  3. First off its kept the Speedway banter going and secondly if it does happen you can say well the fat lad was right... and if it doesn't well it's filled a couple of pages where we have been in the limelight Regards THJ
  4. Honestly I remember a few years back George English saying he had no loyalty to Brough Park and would move venues in the "change of a heartbeat" if the promotion at the time could get a suitable place to go to; but for whatever the reasons it never happened... It just shows the difficulty of finding a new venue should something untoward happen to the place we call home currently... Don't envy Rob Grants task in the slightest; he is coming up with good ideas to promote the sport in the area and wants to run junior sides and give the opportunity for practice which could all be stymied by a virus of all things... Also if what Lady s 2 states is correct and there is a potential for a move back to the old Monday night racing then brilliant bring it on if Sundays become difficult to run on; I would certainly be happy to support that, although I am not sure about everyone else's opinion on Mondays as I believe the earlier Sunday time was to benefit the adults who brought kids to the speedway and the later Monday times impinge on that especially being a school day... Although the good thing is it does mean there are other options... Regards THJ
  5. It's been proposed... and the dog racing piped into the bookies is worth more cash to the owners of the stadium than the Speedway... although they don't have to take up the option it's would seem daft for them to turn down the revenue... Also it needs mentioning that there has been Sunday dogs and Speedway run in the past so it can be done... however Rob wants to run junior sides in the Saphires and the Gems and having a dog meeting on a Sunday will severely impinge on his vision and what he is trying to achieve So a Sunday dog meeting doesn't mean that the Speedway is on the verge of being evicted... however it would put obstacles in the way for a multitude of reasons... Regards THJ
  6. To be fair Dave I don't know when, where or what was looked at in Cambois... I came across the dog track by accident and floated the idea on here... its a cracking site just in the wrong place... but one thing is for sure as Steve Park said it won't be easy getting a suitable site and the relevant permissions to develop it... I just hope the dogs don't go down the route of running Sunday meetings because it will make everything Rob is trying to achieve all that more difficult... Regards THJ
  7. Chatting to Daryl Illingworth the other day and he said that the club had been offered a spot by North Tyneside council down by the Tyne Tunnel around 2010 but they did not have the funds or the wherewithal to take the offer up at the time so it was never acted upon... Think Cambois is just a tad to far north of the city and the public transport links are not very reliable; also what would be the back straight runs parallel to the railway line thus not giving any room for back straight viewing if the current dog track was to remain... its an ideal spot being out of the way and of a size that would suit a good track set up plus it is now just training track for the Greyhounds and no longer licensed for dog racing, however logistically it just falls a bit short... If that set up was in say Wallsend or North Shields it would be ideal... (but not Whitley Bay cos they are a bit "snobby" down there; Tsunami could tell us all about that! )... On the track share I think you would/could possibly get a special dispensation for a year if it was to allow for another facility to be built but I doubt you would get the sharing facility long term and to be fair I think it would be financial suicide even if like Cradley you shared with a team in a different league... If it does end up that the club are evicted to make room for Sunday dog racing or if the proposed racing restricts the track access time for preparation to short making a meeting impossible then where do you go is the burning question... there are not that many sites in excess of 10 to 12 acres not to close to housing where you would get complaints and where would the funds come from to build such a set up... Sites that readily spring to mind north of the river are Cramlington around the Nelson and Bassington Trading Estates; Barrington Trading Estate just outside Bedlington; the Tyne Tunnel approach road not far from the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate and East Howden then out on the A69 by the Throckley Brick Works site and from there out towards Heddon all of which are away from housing and have enough land to fit a Redcar or Scunthorpe type of set up.... Then of course there is the other problem you mention in all the red tape and the big one which is where does the cash come from to fund the new venture... Doesn't make it easy does it... Regards THJ
  8. Thing is is if we did go up the coast to Blyth would we have a name change... the Blyth Bombers or Baracudas or the Cambois Crusaders or Corinthians... or worse still the South Berwick Sodomites mmmmmmmlollololmmmm if ya know what a mean... Regards THJ
  9. Dave ya still a townie at heart... you've just climbed off the sofa to fold ya Newcastle top up and put it away for the night after watching ya team win 4 1.... and now sitting reading this with your NUFC jimjams on and drinking ya horlics... and it's still north of where you are at... but you know what I mean... See Mal has just finished his shift... Regards THJ
  10. Aye since the horse that delivered the milk has died the public transport stopped running as well.. a would say if you didn't have transport it will be an awkward spot to get to... Regards THJ
  11. Gambling has taken off now there is something to watch... Like what you are proposing and I don't know what backing or clout Rob has but I would be happy to follow your lead on investing a few Bob into a new venue... Get on that Google thing and look at the Cambois dog track at Blyth... now a know Blyth is nearly Berwick to the townies like Tsunami but it looks half way there for development to me... Just a thought... Regards THJ
  12. Not sure how long it would take to pull a Redcar or Scunthorpe type set up together... May be someone from those spots could throw some light on that... I would have thought it would be achievable to sort something basic out in a close season over a winter... Regards THJ
  13. They are doing it because of the Covid carry on...they have lost revenue with the lock down... the bookies can't offer the volume of gambling opportuinities so this allows the gamblers (not only in this country but around the world) to get their fix... plus an empty stadium running televised dogs brings in more for the owners than the speedway rental... Feel sorry for Rob Grant as it's another kick in the nuts for him if they do go down this route... Regards THJ
  14. Think foamfence is spot on with his reply... it's just that bit to far for the non diehards... if a new venue is needed the track would need to be 5 to 10 mile of where its at now I would say... No I was told the Sunday is in addition to what they already run... it's not instead of another day unfortunately... Regards THJ
  15. So here goes... How attached are we to Brough Park... I have heard through some racing colleagues at High Gosforth Park that the dogs are contemplating running televised Sunday dog meetings at Brough Park to be beamed nationally into the high street bookies... now depending on what time these meetings run 11:00 to 14:00 hours; 12:00 to 15:00 hours or 13:00 to 16:00 hours depending on the bookies requirements this could have a major impact on the speedway... The track prep happens on a Sunday and they need all the time they can get... What will happen to the Gems and Sapphires as I believe they were going to be run before the main meeting... they would be looking very doubtful and would possibly need another venue... if we have bad weather the night before the "call offs" would be very early... As the dogs bring in much more revenue than the speedway it makes things very difficult for Rob as its all about cash these day... we have run in the past on a shared Sunday with the dogs but I believe it will be very difficult... So if Rob Grant was to come up with another venue how much of an issue would this be for people to move? Regards THJ
  16. Honestly Me little pal from Workington has been through the mill one way and another lately and we still haven't been down to Shields yet for those fish and chips so I am open to sugestions... once we get a meeting to go to that is... Regards THJ
  17. Honestly You haven't got any Austrian heritage in your family by any chance have you... Josef Fritzl not an uncle or cousin or something? Just askin like... ya parenting skills may be lacking somewhat!!! Locking up ones children is not the done thing these days gazzac... Oh and there are only 178 days to Christmas... Yeah... Regards THJ
  18. Well if you haven't noticed it does come around every year and its only another 178 days before Santa comes down your chimney Unless you have been naughty gazzac then all you will get is a lump of coal... "Buddy the Elf" doesn't have a look in when it comes to Crimbo with THJ... I love it... I wish it could be Christmas every day... as Roy Wood once sang... Are you ready gazzac? (Yeah) When the snowman brings the snow Well he just might like to know He's put a great big smile on somebody's face If you jump into your bed Quickly cover up your head Don't you lock the doors You know that sweet Santa Clause is on the way Oh well I wish it could be Christmas everyday When the kids start singing and the band begins to play Oh I wish it could be Christmas everyday Let the bells ring out for Christmas When we're skating in the park If the snow cloud makes it dark Then your rosy cheeks are gonna light my merry way Now the frosty paws appear And they've frozen up my ear So we'll lie by the fire Till the sleet simply knocks 'em all the way Well I wish it could be Christmas everyday When the kids start singing and the band begins to play Oh I wish it could be Christmas every day So let the bells ring out for Christmas When the snow man brings the snow (when the snowman brings the snow) Well he just might like to know (he just might like to know) He's put a great big smile on somebody's face So if Santa brings that sleigh (Santa brings that sleigh) All along the milky way (along the milky way) I'll sign my name on the rooftop in the snow Then he may decide to stay Well I wish it could be Christmas everyday When the kids start singing and the band begins to play Oh I wish it could be Christmas everyday So let the bells ring out for Christmas Under your arms, check it! Oh well I wish it could be Christmas everyday When the kids start singing and the band begins to play Oh I wish it could be Christmas everyday Let the bells ring out for Christmas Why don't you give your love for Christmas Good old Crimbo you just cant beat it.... Its BRILLIANT... Regards THJ
  19. Honestly End of the month so... Last one... Also the most intellectual... (if I say so myself) A Native American chief had three wives, each of whom were pregnant. The first gave birth to a boy. The chief was so elated that he built her a tepee made of deer hide. A few days later, the second gave birth, also to a boy. The chief was very happy. He built her a tepee made of antelope hide. The third wife gave birth a few days later, but the chief kept the details a secret. He built this one a two story tepee, made out of a hippopotamus hide. The chief then challenged the tribe to guess what had occurred. Many tried, unsuccessfully. Finally, one young brave declared that the third wife had given birth to twin boys. "Correct," said the chief. "How did you figure it out?" The warrior answered, "It's elementary. The value of the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides." Now is that not clever? Speedway banter from tomorrow I promise and I will start with a bit of gossip which may not be well received... Stay well; stay safe and look after yourself... Regards THJ
  20. Honestly End of June and nearly July... WOW... Longest day gone and darker nights are coming and only 179 days to Christmas... Where the hell has this year gone... an still no Speedway... Oh well 2nd last joke for your delight... In the great desert lived a bunch of nomads. Their leader, Benny, had risen to his rank, due to his magnificent beard. His people believed a man's strength and courage came from his beard, and thus the man with the biggest beard was their chief. After leading the band for many years, Benny began to feel uncomfortable wearing a beard, especially in this hot and dusty land. So he decided that he wanted to shave it off, so he called his council together to get their advice. When he said he wanted to shave, the councilmen were shocked. One said, "Do you now remember the ancient legend, sire? The leader who removes his beard is cursed and made into a piece of earthenware." Benny had heard this legend, but being a modern man, he scoffed at the tale. Being headstrong, he went ahead and cut and scraped away his once magnificent beard. As the final whisker was cut off, a huge dust storm came up. It lasted only a few seconds, and when it cleared, there was a man-sized clay vessel where only moments before had stood their leader. The council then knew the legend must be true. Their conclusion? "A Benny shaved is a Benny urned." Boom Boom Regards THJ
  21. Honestly Will we see some speedway this season? Who knows... Think the funnies can be curtailed at the end of the month as some serious movements in the sport may be on the horizon... There may be some interesting press releases coming soon as well from July onward... Here's hoping... Lets hope so but here is a Friday smile just to finish the week off There was once an island kingdom whose people were all fabulously wealthy. Even though they could have afforded to live anywhere in the world they wanted, their tradition dictated that they stay on their tiny island home. Eventually, their king became frustrated and called a meeting of the tribe's elders. He said he wanted them to figure out a way he could enjoy his wealth, and stay within traditional guidelines. After much consideration, the elders suggested he build a magnificent throne. When he objected there was not enough room in his hut for a throne, the elders suggested he call in an engineer to solve the problem. Soon, the king's tiny hut was rigged with an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys. He could lower the huge throne for use during the day, and at night, he could haul the throne up, and lower his bed. This was truly the best of both worlds for the king. Unfortunately, after a few months of constant use, the ropes frayed, and one night, the throne slipped and came crashing down on the king, killing him. The wise men of the island recognised a lesson in this experience and added to the lore of their people this statement: "People who live in grass houses should not stow thrones." Boom Boom (I know I'm sorry they get no better) Stay Well; Stay Safe; Socially Distance at all times and have a great weekend Regards THJ
  22. Honestly I can remember a big refurbishment late 60s early 70s two stands... parking both sides of the stadium... fantastic facilities for food and drink... healthy four figure speedway crowds and the same for the Greyhound racing 14 to 16 bookies for the dogs with tic tac men both sides flashing the odds for the dogs across the track... a massive tote board that we used to stand under on bends 3 and 4 until one wet Monday night and I went home with my good clobber caked (probably my school gear) with wet shale and got a clip round the lug for coming home in such a mess... which resulted in me moving round to the starting tapes as you didn't want a second right hook of my old peg that's for sure... what I would give for a clip round the ear off the old girl now... miss her to bits... Happy days... Regards THJ Place is looking tired now though... not unlike many stadia around today...
  23. Honestly I should have been n Prague last week watching a GP but that didn't happen obviously so I had a drunken weekend from the Thursday to the Monday (well I had booked the time off before Christmas) and as this week has been a bit of a write off I am blowing it off tomorrow as well... Two more stone on in lock down... you just don't realise how many calories there are in Beer, Wine and Spirits... Doh!!! oh and carry outs... honestly who wants to cook when stodge (curry (Indian not Chinese as they started this carry on) pizza chips kebabs) is this cheap and delivered to the door? So as I was missing last week here are some lighter notes to hopefully make you smile in eternal lock down... A ship wrecks onto a deserted island. Two guys and a girl survive. Since they don't have anything to do all day besides eating and sleeping, they just have sex. Eventually the girl gets sick and dies. The two men don't know what to do with themselves anymore, so they keep having sex. After a few days of sex, they feel guilty about what they've been doing... so they bury her. A guy goes to a psychiatrist. "Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I'm a tepee, then I'm a wigwam, then I'm a tepee, then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?" The doctor replies, "It's very simple. You're two tents." A moth goes to a physiotherapist I am so tense I am over thinking everything I do; I am in a total quandary The Physio say’s “you need a psychiatrist mate I’m a physiotherapist what you come in here for” The moth said “you were the only one with a light on” A physicist, an engineer, and a mathematician are all locked in separate burning buildings. The physicist runs to a chalkboard, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, runs and finds that amount, puts out the fire, and survives. The engineer pulls out a calculator, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, runs and finds 10 times that amount, puts out the fire, and survives. The mathematician runs to a chalkboard, calculates exactly how much water he will need to put out the fire, declares, "There IS a solution!", and then burns to death. Boom Boom Stay Safe; Stay Well and here's hoping if we do get some Speedway all your home meetings are 49-41 and all you away meetings are 44-46... By the way staying on a Speedway note I have really enjoyed the Rewind/Rerun meetings on the various platforms and it just shows (to me anyway) how well suited Speedway is to being televised; I watched that Man City/Arsenal match last night and it was awful with no crowd the atmosphere was "crepe" even when you don't see the crowd on the TV the noise of the bikes builds on the entertainment; Footballers (even well paid ones) shouting "Over here mate" and "Pass the ball" just doesn't do it for me. Pity Speedway couldn't get a better buy in from terrestrial television because crowd or no crowd it doesn't take away from the entertainment (for me anyway)... Just a thought... Regards THJ
  24. Honestly My Granddad used to work at and help run the Clarence Street Mission between the wars and he used to do the "Magic Lantern Show" would you believe... He was Shieldfield born and bread... He had a stable at Back Stephen Street behind the Cumberland Arms which took a direct hit the same night the Appollo got bombed... 100 Chickens in the yard and they couldn't find a feather... Small world... Regards THJ
  25. And that's the end of the Joke as all three of them were idiots!!! Oh Dear and someone said my jokes were bad... Boom Boom... Now Dave this is a big give away mind it got to Number 1 in 1962 and I can just see you at the "Club a GoGo" on Percy Street or even the "Majestic" on Clayton Street wearing your "Crepe Soled Brothel Creepers" best Teddy Boy "Drape" jacket on; drain pipe trousers and hair "Brylcreemed" back forming the perfect DA (that's a ducks bottom for the under 95's) and probably the oldest rocker in the queue (apart from Elvis) (Tartan Campbell) (who would have still been a boy then) LOL.... Bee Bumble and the Stingers LMAO.... and for all those under 129 years of age here we go children.... All the best from Rockabilly Tsunami... Regards THJ
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