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Everything posted by TotallyHonestJohn

  1. So to expand on what S4S states above... all a club has to do is say to one of these kids drop out of the draft system as we want you and will pay you double the rate and a big sign on fee to join us and where does that leave the club who has the first draft pick and wanted said "Rising Star" a system is only as fair as the "cheating bar stewards" who are in the programme allow it to be... Regards THJ
  2. Don't think that's correct Phil... ask ya man... not so much as a vote but rather a "here you go" Regards THJ
  3. Aye well ya not getting the full picture but a love ya confidence to argue from authority... but never mind as Neila states above the official release may make things clearer ? But from what I have been told I very much doubt it... Regards THJ
  4. Oh and who you been talking to Dave to become an overnight expert on the subject... Regards THJ
  5. Yep I don't get that one at all Phil... But never mind... just got to be positive and this time next year we could all be millionaires... Regards THJ
  6. Lol... Well spotted... some anomaly there then... it looks like it's geared towards the top league to me and the Prem is getting dragged along for the ride... It looks a complete pile of Pony but that's just a personal opinion of course... Regards THJ
  7. Oh Dave you been on the obnoxious pills tonight or is the Covid jab kicking in... I don't need to come up with an earth shattering scheme as I just put my money in and expect people to run the thing properly... but when I stop enjoying it because the powers that be have twonked around the edges so much that it impacts my enjoyment or I feel that the sport is being diluted to such an extent that I walk away... so be it... I will become just another statistic... but read this thread from the start I think I have made my views well enough known by now... Regards THJ
  8. I would guess that the cut off between a 3* rider and a 4* is an average of 3.50 which may explain why Kemp and Bickley have been designated 4* riders Regards THJ
  9. Not struck on that inference but as the MD of a successful business positivity is something I have never lacked... But I can spot a flawed proposal when I see one... Regards THJ
  10. Doesnt matter how big a smiley face you put on a post Dave it doesnt make what you are saying any more correct and I have had the craic from several different sources and critic or not its a forum and my opinion of it is I'm not struck on the idea... Sorry if you don't like that... Regards THJ
  11. Mike I don't disagree with the sentiment but we ain't got the money to compete with Poland... you still need teams in the U.K. to put these kids in... you youtself on many occasions have said on here the product is being diluted and this is just something else that the sport doesn't need right now and it's another knee jerk reaction... You know I like my predictions and here's one... this won't get to it's 3rd year... injuries; and they will happen: will put pay to the idea... Or if what I am hearing up here comes to fruition if the team don't perform the promotion won't get the crowd in... no crowd no team... sorry but I'm not struck on the proposal... Regards THJ
  12. Its not good though Dave is it... release the idea with nothing sorted... you would have thought everything would have been resolved and all parties knew what was happening with regards to set up roll out how it was going to run and operate... especially the riders... but is this not just typical of the BSPL There is one guy on there I know who had to ask to be put on the list... and I can't for the life of me understand how he ended up as a 2* rider... not had a full season as a pro that's for sure... Regards THJ
  13. Never mind old fans trying to understand it EEF... try and explain it to any new fans coming into the sport... Uncle Len once said it's quite a simple sport really 4 blokes racing round a circuit on bikes for 4 laps going as fast as they can... It's over complicating the sport unfortunately and as much as the old timers like us are important it needs the young kids and families through the door... I don't think this brave new world is the way forward unfortunately Regards THJ
  14. Alcock... giggidy giggidy... Yep brilliant.... and we bring on all these young kids and they become successful internationally and what's the first thig they will do... no prizes for guessing it will be Poland here I come for the big money so either way you get screwed over... you pay to watch your club to bring them on and get them to an international standard and what's the first thing they do? Go international... I think I am in the Cynical camp... sorry Regards THJ
  15. I'm only guessing to be fair but I cant see it working any other way or you could end up with a super strong reserve a No 7 and just think what an advantage that could be; especially at home... and was this not the failing with the last "Support Young British Riders" plan that was tried in the old Elite/Premier League... EDIT: Just think of Leon Flint at Berwick a Rising Star if there ever was one and a brilliant prospect: then keep him at No 7 all season... he would get 7 rides every week at home and end up with an average around the 8 mark? then what happens to him next season, 4* because I would suggest he would find it difficult going from No 7 to No 5 or 1 the following season... you want these young kids to progress and learn the trade and even Robert Lambert had a couple of years working through the ranks to get where he is today... Might happen to one in a thousand young kids where they go stratospheric but you need to restrict them slightly but keep setting goals and challenges... Should there be an element of making it up? Not really; not for me anyway; there should be some methodology in the process; some plan; then promote the trial and yes see where it goes for the start of 2022... but it has to be built on solid foundations first; but this is getting blown out of the water before it starts; albeit on limited information mind... Is it preferential? What about the likes of Hurry; Roynon; Wright; Sarjeant; Lamber (S) or Lawson (W) who are all British and whatever their averages are you need riders available with averages right across the spectrum otherwise the big spenders would have a team full of 9 and 10 point average riders and build to 70 points; so these lower averaged riders are required when you build to a capped number... I am not saying they have any more rights to ride than say Daniel Gappmaier; Fernando Garcia; Paco Castagna; Sam Jensen or Kasper Andersen whose averages are all very similar; but the former are British... Just saying like... Regards THJ
  16. Thing is for me the plan is supposed to last 5 years; has Vatcher got a conveyer belt system on the IOW churning out these young kids because when they put two rising stars into each side next year that will require approximately 36 rising stars each year for the next four years and as Najjer states they will (or should) finally fall off the end/or out of; the Rising Stars (RS) programme. Will we end up with two/four 12 year olds racing each other on 125's in protected heats by year 5... what's the guarantee of supply of these RS riders... suits a few clubs now but the circumstances will change for sure So a club picks up a young 3* RS and he hits the ground running and after the second set of averages he ends up on a 4.5 average and two other (not RS) riders at the club end up with slightly lower 4 point averages then the RS will move into the main body of the team at say number 2; so the club will have a couple of possible choices I assume; which will be to keep things as they are; (as the build for the other 6 riders in the team is still around the 38 mark or possibly higher if another main body rider puts a point and a half on his average in the same period) so unless one of the new reserves has dropped from say a 6 to a 4 they could drop this guy and bring in another 5/6 point rider "Like for Like" to push the RS back into reserve or if there is no one available to bring in they could drop the RS and bring another 3* rider in "Like for Like" for this new one to drop back into reserve to push the more senior rider back into the main body... a minor injury to a RS rider will be fun? (wrist sprain and 4 weeks out) Do you bring in another guest RS rider to his rating so a 3* or less to fill in at No 2 (which has happened in the past when NL riders come into the main body of the team as RR) or can you bring in a guest at the 4.5 average and then there is everyone's favourite RR and effectively as the lowest rated rider rider at 3* who gets the rider replacement rides... would be the one above and three for the two reserves in normal circumstances but the 3* rider is in effect the lowest rated rider in the team supposedly (is that regardless of average and that brings in all sorts of contradictions?)… End of the season your 3* rider ends up with a 5.01 average does he move up one bracket to a 4* rider or your 2* rider ends up with a 4.01 average does move to a 3* or a 4* rating the following season. After three seasons and your RS rider moves to a low 5 average does he stay on the programme for another 2 years or is that is he's off the programme and fending for himself then his average takes a tumble year 4 and he drops to a 3 average can he re-enter the programme or is that it he hasn't made it "good night Biffa" its over... One young Newcastle rider ended up on an average around 5 due to reasonable home performances then got injured and came back to early which destroyed his confidence and he ended up on a 2 average by the end of the next season!!! what gives in this scenario? the comments on here will be "Oh they have dropped poor "Tom, Dick, Harry, Whoever" and what a rotten lot at "Club A ;B; C"; they are in doing that" some short memories across this sport for sure... the question is can they come down the star rating system as well as go up the ratings? Letting this run for a season is fine as this year is a good opportunity to try something different and see what happens next year "going forward" as stated but its been tried before in the top league and didn't last the 3 years it was proposed for (and I can even remember now what that idea was called to bring on young British talent) and as much as I would like this to succeed I have severe doubts. This is a transitional year due to Covid and my preference would nave been to reduce the Team Build to 38 in the Top league and possibly as low as 25 in the Championship; let the averages work through the system and both leagues build to 42.5 next year with the 1.7 average conversion multiplier used between the leagues; the whole thing needs to reset; or possibly this year one big league or North and South leagues building to about 35 points and again get things reset from an even starting point 2022... Looks like the "Claudio Ranieri Syndrome" has took a hold of the supporting cast of the BSPL... The Tinkermen... Regards THJ
  17. So there's a thing then if they are both used in the same team... one will be a one star rider and the other will have a 2 point average... Tell me that's not nuts... Regards THJ
  18. When did the UK reduction go to 5% a thought it was 2.5%?
  19. Yep I heard that a think one is an Aries and the other is a Taurus... Regards THJ
  20. They haven't IronS and its all total guess work until something official comes out... but it gives the fans something to discuss... So I have invented this and as I stated above with the following explanation... "Below 2.00/New assessed 2.00ers = 1 Star; and the only reason that I have went this low is because some of the young kids that have been suggested have never ridden in the Championship whatsoever so cant really be in the same bracket as a 2 Star rider who has a year under his belt; however I am only guessing but I cant see how it can operate any other way"... Happy to listen to any other views or edit things when the official story comes out Regards THJ
  21. Don't think they mentioned a 1 star either but if they want to discriminate between the two leagues and have stronger teams in the top league how else can they do it when everyone will be doubling up/down My preference would have been to build to 42 in the top league and 32 in the lower league then use this season for the averages to level out in each league and go from that point next year We will just have to see how this pans out and what Star Rating brackets apply to what riders. To be fair I'm not struck on the proposal but the promotions want to give it a go so fair play to them and I hope it works out for everyone and ultimately that they are all happy with the outcome... Regards THJ
  22. I think your assumptions are a Tier to high as Berwick have announced the same team so Leon must be a Tier 3 So on the same premise as posted above my guess would be 5.00-5.99 = 5 Star 4.00-4.99 = 4 Star 3.00-3.99 = 3 Star 2.01-2.99 = 2 Star Below 2.00/New assessed 2.00ers = 1 Star; and the only reason that I have went this low is because some of the young kids that have been suggested have never ridden in the Championship whatsoever so cant really be in the same bracket as a 2 Star rider who has a year under his belt; however I am only guessing but I cant see how it can operate any other way 4 and 5 Star riders for the top league only and this may mean the likes of Connor Mountain may be a 4 Star and Max Clegg a 5 Star rider in the Premiership with the Championship being restricted to 1; 2 or 3 Star riders which will give a discrimination in the team strengths between the leagues and the way riders are dropping out what are the odds for the Championship going with two of these rising star riders now this year which will in effect slightly lower the build points for the top 5 riders... Just a thought after the Jake Allen news... Regards THJ
  23. Quick question... Why 1.6 as a conversion rate? I thought it was 1.5... anyone clarify? Regards THJ
  24. No doubt about Somerset now they are out this year but will be back next... Thanks for Theo's average Regards THJ Edit As it seems to be boiling your bag I have removed Somerset of the list for you Don't worry Somerset fans you are still on my spreadsheet ready for next year
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