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TotallyHonestJohn last won the day on February 7 2023

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  1. Yep.I will be enjoying the festivities and celebrating with a beverage or two and will be in no fit state to be travelling anywhere...
  2. Sorry Gems... but you knew what I meant...
  3. He will need it if he rides as well as you spell... Kelsey is on a false average...I believe if he got one more meeting in for the Diamonds he would have been on an average of just over 6... could be wrong on that but it was what I have been told.... Track is progressing but I am not sure who picked a P&P meet one hour after the coronation of good old King Charles the Third... again if I have got my dates right... I'm still tender from my broken ribs and now the quack has got me in her sights I'm getting the BJesus pestered out of me... in fact if it wasn't for the strikes I would have more time in than a junior doctor... Regards THJ
  4. Your welcome... got fed up of fishing around trying to find it...
  5. Yes... Keep an eye on the club web site... Regards THJ
  6. Do you know what it is.... I can't disagree with you because I think all of the teams in the NDL are pretty evenly matched... I keep looking at the sides as they are and I can't pick an out and out favourite... yes a couple look slightly stronger than others but ultimately it will be down to away bonus points and any unfortunate injuries... IMHO I think any team is in with an outside chance if they click as a team... to me there does not seem to be any one team super strong but likewise there isn't a whipping boy in the league either.... Think it will be a very interesting season... can't wait to see what happens... Regards THJ
  7. As they dont make Black and White sauce its always Red.... unless there are beans on said banjo then it's as it comes... and never brown... not a fan... The merits of the humble bacon banjo eh... does life get any better... or sadder... Regards THJ
  8. Lol... funny you should mention that and you are the third one now whose said the same... I don't do hangovers and once I have my bacon banjo in the morning I will be good to go... Regards THJ
  9. Hello Pinny long time no hear... hope you are doing well... Andrew Bain is the main man behind the Comets resurrection... he has ran the Workington Speedway Training Track at Northside for the last few years and when the Comets went pop in 2019 he decided to redevelop the Northside site as the track was only about 160 metres round and in a tight bowl... Andy has a background in Civil Engineering and Groundworks and he decided to open the whole space out and stick a 300 metre track on the site... been a big task however things are nearing completion and although it will be an ongoing project for the next 10 years or so it is exciting times in Workington that is for sure... Regards THJ
  10. No Neil you have hit it on the head... let down by the sheet roof guy so having to source pits roofing from elsewhere... perimeter fence due to go in and not before time which should add some security to the site... track electrics going in this weekend I've been told... which is nice to know cos am getting that job apparently... and if the pit roof goes on this Saturday the pit lighting will be getting wired in on Sunday... the centre green has been levelled out and Steve is grading the track continuously to try and get it to bind better... seating structures are imminent but it's massive like a big mecano set and is causing a few logistic problems so rethink on those going on... other than that everything is going in the right direction... Regards THJ
  11. Some sad News for Diamonds fans who knew George Lawson as he passed away suddenly earlier this week and will be greatly missed by those who knew him. George was an ardent speedway fan and done all his courting at Brough Park with his sweetheart and best pal Mary who later become his wife and they attended the speedway together with their children and grandchildren and George would travel to watch many a speedway meeting along with his son Doug and his Grandkids Kyle and Emily. He especially enjoyed his trips to the more local clubs such as Glasgow; Edinburgh Workington; Berwick and Redcar and would rarely miss watching the Diamonds but would also regularly travel further afield for individuals such as the Premier League (Championship) Riders Final especially when it was held at Sheffield. However during his travels George got to every track in the country following the Newcastle Diamonds. He regularly came to Brough on his motor bike and I will certainly miss my hens eggs that he would bring... RIP George Sadly missed John...
  12. Correct a mini track has been installed on the right hand side as you enter the site... all coming together with the delivery of the seating which is a massive mecano set... the pits are 80% built... lights tapes and other trackside equipment ready to go in... New generator acquired that will potentially run the full site... time will be tight but everyone is pulling together... UTC.... an all that... Regards THJ
  13. Sitting back... looking in and chilling out... just waiting for the season to start with bated breath and in anticipation of that burger and methanol smell combo.... Regards THJ
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