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Everything posted by Aviator

  1. That’s almost certain but, he turned up for all of Poole’s matches and was the highest points scorer in 2017. Would have been a better bet for 2018 than The Invisible Man. For Starman that abreviates to “TIM”.
  2. Hey Skidder, nice touch on the abbreviations. Must have read Starmans plea for clarity....
  3. So, why didn’t we do it for Hans Andersen (that bit is for Starman) when he blew up an engine to the tune of £4K last year????
  4. Don’t ever, ever lecture me. Use your own intellectual capacity to work out posts for your yourself.
  5. Exactly my sentiments. All riders should be treated fairly by the club and it’s supporters. Nobody should be gifted special treatment. It happened last year and, it looks like it is going to happen again.
  6. I understand it was more than you’ve stated but, that said, if the engine, carburettor, countershaft and clutch are ok it’s a £1500 max repair job. I am perfectly aware that Chris Holder became the The Invisible Man after an appearance at the P&P but as he wasn’t the subject of this discussion I guess you might have worked out that I was referring to Chris Harris.
  7. I thought the “E” in REF stood for Equipment and so in due course CH would most likely get his share. The difficulty as I see it is in setting a precedent where all riders expect a collection (beyond that provided by the REF) if they damage equipment. I don’t recall us having a collection last year for Hans Andersen when he blew up an engine to the tune of £4 + k, which by the way was double what it will be to replace the damaged parts of Bombers chassis.
  8. Poole and others, funnily enough.
  9. Sorry, I started to glaze over the moment you mentioned horse racing and I’ve only just woken up!!
  10. Starman, I am fully conversant with the REF and probably closer to it than you might be giving me credit for. However, this is not about the good work that the REF and in particular the work and effort that Stan and Val do to keep it all working it is about collections for individual riders (which apparently has to be approved from an ivory Tower! I’m simply stating my own personal position and for clarity it is: Collections for all riders in the 2018 campaign = I’m in collections for named riders = I’m out. simples
  11. I have to say, after last year I’m a bit sceptical about donating for a named rider. Quite rightly, we happily contributed to a club backed collection for Nic Klint when he sustained his injury but, sadly failed to do so when Kyle Newman was injured!! So how does that work. Happily the REF stepped in and helped Kyle out. I for one would be delighted to contribute to a “Poole Riders Hardship Fund” but, only if it is fairly distributed to those riders who are injured or, have sustained a heavy financial loss whilst riding in this years campaign.
  12. That’s really good, we’ll done.
  13. That’s not what 500 people queuing outside from 17:30 would think. I’m sure they would love to sit and admire the newly laid track. It’s almost certainly down to “rental” costs of the stadium. Whichever way you try to dress it up, the same will apply to any stadium that is not owned by the operating club (including BV).
  14. Ok, to try and help you with this, why do poole open the gates to the public at 18:30 rather than perhaps 17:30?
  15. Perhaps any further collection should not just be for one named rider but for riders who have suffered during this years campaign. Bomber will continue to earn whilst this lad is apparently struggling. Thoughts?
  16. Skidder, is this something you could fix when next in the office??
  17. I understand it was 1664 last week and bordering 1800 this week. Guessing that’s going to be combined revenues of circa £45-48k, depending on the adult/child ratios.
  18. That is all inuendo, please convert to ??? Pounds Sterling!!
  19. On the subject of this “24/7 BV” access that you talk of, I don’t believe this to be true. I personally know and have worked with one of the “new owners” and, I can tell you the contract he has in place will be as tight as a drum and he will only pay for what he needs in terms of access etc.
  20. I know you purport to be many things but I hadn’t realised you were the Financial Director of Poole Speedway Ltd.
  21. I’ve looked at it and when you analyse the tangible assets, it could be “good fun” to own a speedway club but, it doesn’t make good business sense. Particularly when you build in the risk factors i.e. unpredictable weather, rider issues (work permits etc), failures of other clubs, the BSPA and of course tv rights etc.
  22. 24/7 is a grossly overused phrase Starman and I don’t personally recall that you keep saying what you’ve said above. However, Poole has lacked reinvestment in the facilities over the last few years and that was one of the reasons I withdrew sponsorship of the club. I was fed up with poor PA systems, an infield start post that looked like the leaning tower of pizza and a track that caused a number of rider injuries. Thankfully, most of those issues have been rectified and we now have a facility that is reasonable (including the track). Hopefully the promoter has learned from his experiences of the last couple of years and, in particular the early part of the season and seen the results (in terms of increased supporter numbers) of some reinvestment. He should not rest, there is more to be done and in the world of “marginal gains” every little helps. Let’s not forget, the club is “owned” by the supporters. The promoter simply makes money from the business that the supporters bring through the gates.
  23. Thank you for that. So that puts Belle Vue at the top of the list (which is hardly surprising as is took 10 years to build and was specifically designed as a speedway facility). With Poole and Somerset 2nd and 3rd (don’t mind much which way round). Then if we bring into play things like facilities e.g. grand stands, seating and pits etc. Poole doesn’t fair too badly. In essence, if our track staff can keep up the good work on the track, Poole appears to provide all that is required of a Speedway Stadium. I’m not saying it can’t be improved, sure it can but, when compared to the rest. Well!!!!!!
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