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Everything posted by Aviator

  1. Can’t see it myself. His only interest in the UK is using it as a European base. Hope I’m wrong, but!!!!
  2. CH’s heat times do not reflect on him as being “extremely fast”. Compared to the Poole track record it looks like he was riding a half charged mobility scooter.
  3. Looks to me like it was brilliantly prepared as far as Poole is concerned. 2 points in the bag and heat times that are only a second or so slower than current Poole times for a track that is 15% bigger, says something about it...
  4. Just in case anybody had forgotten what speedway racing is really like, there were some good examples of it at the SON last night..
  5. Hope that’s not an indication of future standards or things to come from the new blood.
  6. I think we are in agreement however, I would make a couple of points. We have a very good stadium at Poole and potentially a first class track which with some reasonable investment could be the best in the country. Im not sure I agree the demise of the track is in sync with MF taking his finger off the pulse/foot off the pedal. I thinks it’s more a case of a lack of proper maintenance over many years is now coming home to roost. On the subject of the potholes, you may recall BV had major issues when their new track was first laid but it was sorted out properly and it appears the track now only gets praise. As they say, “where there’s a will, there’s a way”
  7. Possibly by having a track that is prepared in a manner that can consistently deliver sub 59 second heat times or even a new track record of circa 56 seconds!!! Oh, heady days..
  8. Not a chance, he only wants to do the “glory” bit of the job like having his photo taken with “the boys” and chatting gibberish on the pa and tv.
  9. I try to be neither a “half full or half empty” type of individual but, just say it as I see it. I am however a long time motorcyclist and there are three things you try and avoid when riding your motorcycle 1/ idiot car drivers, 2/ manholes, 3/ potholes. Fortunately, the former are either not allowed on the Poole track or, built into the track. However, there is an abundance of potholes, all of which can and should be sorted. Why oh why don’t the Poole promotion focus on making the Poole track the best in the country and, in doing so give us decent elbow to elbow racing. If then trophies happen because we can deliver decent competitive, no excuse racing, that’s the icing on the cake.
  10. It could be either, especially if you bring the gyroscopic effect into play!!
  11. Unless things Improve dramatically, I’m pretty certain this will be my last year of watching Poole at Wimborne Road. It’s just not worth the frustration of watching “precession” speedway on a poorly prepared track.. Bend 1 was pretty dire last night with riders having to concentrate on missing the famous pothole rather than muscling through the bend. After that came the inevitable precession!!
  12. The stage that the promotion sets for today’s speedway matches at Poole is a shambles. The days of great racing where you would leave the stadium with “your head on fire” are long gone. The track is a mess (and has been for a number of years) and the racing is bordering on non existent and boring. Not sure I can put up with this for much longer!!
  13. Might need to get some TM advice from Garry May on how to manage Holder Jnr.
  14. I can only image that might happen if the club makes a profit in 2019. Nobody in their right mind will continue with a business if it has to be bankrolled.
  15. It’s just the promoter playing his usual games!!! He thinks he’s Santa Claus giving out his little presents to the kiddies at Christmas..
  16. According to the Poole website, the cost of a 2019 season ticket will be £260.00 for 16 matches which, when compared to 2018 is a price hike. 2018 prices were £239.00 for 16 matches. On the face of it, it appears there is not much point in paying up front for your seasons speedway.
  17. Might be another Ford on the promoters list!!!! Could be the start of a handover that would allow the “old man” to move off into new pastures whilst still keeping a “hand on the tiller”!!
  18. I don’t disagree with that but, MF did state that he had to “dig deep” into club funds to pay for it..
  19. Absolutely Skidder, which would have made the cost so prohibitive, NONE would have gone. The money would have been better spent on improving the Club (and it’s facilities) in readiness for the 2019 season.
  20. As a sponsor, I know exactly how it works.. I was being provocative because I believe either ALL of the “team” should have gone or NONE of the team should have gone. By the way, nobody forces people to ride speedway bikes, riders choose to do it and they know the risks. I can’t help thinking that the money spent on the “jolly” would have been better spent on “team” race suits. I hope we don’t see the promoters doing an Oliver Twist in 2019..
  21. So, it’s not a team then, just a bunch of self employed riders with no loyalty, supported by a bunch of self employed mechanics with no loyalty. More like a building site than a professional sports team. No wonder the whole thing is a mess..
  22. It is interesting to note that every part of the “team” is represented (and in some cases over represented) but no signs of any representation from the all important mechanics. I guess they’re not considered to be important enough to be, part of “the team”... Very divisive move by the promotion!!!
  23. I hope the promoter remembers how rude and unreliable the Holder clan can and, have been and, treat them in the same way as a cheeky Brit rider is treated!! Hopefully the revolving door will be running at max revs before the season even gets started..
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