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Everything posted by Aviator

  1. A sly two finger salute as he passed by the referees area.
  2. Was Craig Cook doing headstands on our beautifully prepared track????
  3. He’s only ever a passenger on a speedway bike anyway, so any hope of him riding with skill is non existent. As for his extreme rudeness towards the paying public and referee, he should be heavily fined and banned for at least 4 matches. I would also hope that his Team GB bosses throw him out of the SON competition..
  4. Well done to Josh and his team for the job done at BV last night. A great display of a Captains job well executed, “The Joshinator” is back.
  5. I can assure you MMX would have been informed personally and possibly during one of his many visits to the pits...yes, yes, yes.....
  6. It was great to see that the work carried out on the track over the last week or so seems to have had a positive effect. It was also encouraging to see proper track equipment (bowser and bar grader) in use and that the “blade” was left in the yard. Hopefully the latter will be consigned to the local scrap yard before it is allowed to drift back into use...
  7. You can’t see the track for graders and heavy plant. The place is a hive of activity... There is even a fella that looks like MF on a giant mixer blending the new shale mix... :-) All overseen of course by a Starman lookalike who appears to be the Quality Controller and is referring to a document titled “Glen’s guide to laying the perfect speedway track 2017/18”.
  8. To avoid Ringwood, you could take the Blandford Forum road as you leave Salisbury. From Blandford Forum simply follow the signs for Poole. You will know when you are approaching Poole as you will see a dust cloud!!
  9. There are “faster” routes but they often get clogged up with late afternoon traffic. To be honest, in terms of journey time I think your route is as good as any.
  10. Reasonable planning would dictate that you acquire the shale as soon as possible (and cover it over) so that it can be laid as soon as the grading has been completed. The next excuse will be that “we can’t get the right grade, type, consistency or mix of shale”.. Sorry to be boring but we’ve heard it all before.
  11. As I stated in my earlier post, the Poole track has been a mess for years and as a result has cost the club sponsors. Matt Ford has been in denial and only now and after the Good Friday debacle and the 840 gate takings a couple of weeks later has he woken up and smelled the coffee. I will be the first to admit that it’s his business and he can do as he wishes but, it has cost him sponsors and some long time supporters. I for one no longer spend any money (other than admission) or, provide any services to UK based speedway..
  12. Matt Ford is in denial over the track condition at Poole and has been for several years. He’s lost some good sponsors because they feared for rider safety and, refused an offer from another to buy the shale needed to rectify the problem. The problem goes back at least to the Chris Holder and Darcy Ward era when both would be openly critical of the track..
  13. The qualifying time trials are in essence “practice”. It gives riders a chance to “guage” the track and, determine if their set ups are right for the track.
  14. That’s not the way the current world champion sees it. He clearly stated tonight that he missed out through not being able to practice/qualify yesterday.
  15. That’s a sad state of affairs when the World Champion and the SON Silver Medalists are from this side of the channel..
  16. Having just watched the GP Qualifiers for tomorrow’s SGP in Krsko, I was surprised to see that Polish clubs had precedence over the FIM on GP riders in qualifying for gate positions in an FIM event. Last nights Danish final took two Poole riders out of a league event to ride in an FIM event. Seems to me that the Polish Speedway Authorities are doing a Winston Churchill to the FIM!!! Might be a good idea if the FIM were to inform the Poles who are are the sports “Governing” body, that’s if they’ve got the B4LL5’s..
  17. The grandstand is constructed from a steel framework, infilled with concrete seat plinths and brick walls. The only wood used is on the seat planks which are laid and fixed on concrete seat plinths. All hand rails and crowd control barriers are steel tubing.
  18. I was at Poole and it was diabolical, again. It really is time that the promotion sought some Professional help in sorting this problem out. The problem has been with us for far too long and we shouldn’t be spending time defending a rubbish track... Poole Stadium is a very good venue, badly let down by an appalling track which is the responsibility of PSL Directors and Promoters..
  19. It’s very interesting to note that neither promotions have bothered to defend or, apologise for their poorly prepared/maintained tracks. It will be interesting to see how they run for cover if, god forbid a rider gets badly injured because they have failed to carry out a “due diligence” process on adequate facilities preparation and maintenance. Lots of innuendo and “chatter” about who has said what to who on what will be done but, it will be actions that count. Sounds a bit like a parallel universe to Brexit, doesn’t it?
  20. A very good point, if riders can be penalised for riding infringements, why not the clubs for facilities infringements, at the venues where they have to try and earn a living..
  21. As Company Directors and Promoters of Poole Speedway Ltd, I’m sure both Fords are aware of their personal responsibilities and liabilities with regard to personal injuries sustained by “employees” whilst at a place of work, should that place of work not be in a condition that is fit for purpose. I assume they have satisfied themselves that they have adequately discharged their responsibilities and therefore sleep soundly at night..
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