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Everything posted by Aviator

  1. Or was it after the costs of the 2018 P... Up to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix were taken into account???
  2. Bet they won’t waste money on a big P... U. taking Tom, Dick and Harry to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix though...
  3. Poole, sadly, are no longer geared up for the top league. When income and sponsorship was on a high, it was wasted. We are now facing a dilemma and, to move to a much larger league (not made up of superstars) might just give us better speedway on a more regular basis. Hopefully the idiots at the “top” will also put an end of September end date on the season and give us a break that drives the season back into the spring and summer, instead of this autumn rubbish that they currently dish up!!!
  4. To be honest I don’t have much time for him either. The catalyst for his riding skills was Darcy Ward. Once DW was out of the equation, Noddy was sadly doomed.
  5. My comment was very light hearted. We were never going to be in the finals with riders like that in the team. I wonder if Jackass has had his ingrown ego, sorry toenail sorted!!
  6. Haven’t you forgotten the way our two young Aussies (under)performed and allowed Ipswich to take our rightful position in the finals. If anybody was waiving white flags it was those two jerks!!
  7. There is clearly a solution to your dilemma, move to Poland. The personal benefits to you would be: 1/ Better quality speedway, watching world class riders. 2/ Cheaper entry fees. 3/ Good quality venues with consistent standard tracks. 4/ You can remain in Europe (at least until it collapses). The benefit for Poole fans is, less noise in the queues. I would say thats a “win - win” situation. Be quick though, the 31/10 is not far away...
  8. What it says is “75% of the costs we are experiencing” which is a 25% saving!!
  9. This is not a political forum where you should be expounding your views on political issues unless they directly relate to speedway. It’s painful enough as it is to hear your volume turned up to max broadcasting your political opinions whilst waiting to gain entry to a speedway match.
  10. Absolutely rubbish speedway. Thanks to all the promoters for giving us speedway holidays in the balmy evenings of spring and summer and then dishing this rubbish up because their backs are to wall in trying to get matches on at any cost in the back end of the season.
  11. The two young Aussies should be given their P45’s and not allowed back until their attitude changes. The attitude change (certainly towards Poole) will not happen because they are totally focussed on the Polish Zloty and, only use the UK as a method to gain European visas. Right pair of visa tarts.
  12. More importantly, will Chris Holder have a work ethic by then???
  13. Sadly, the two young Aussies only use Poole as a stalking horse to get their visas which enable them to ride in Europe i.e. Poland. Time for them to earn their way in the real world and not use any UK club to secure European visas. All British clubs you have been warned to look out for visa tarts in 2020.
  14. Seems to be something in the Holder genes. Poole would well to avoid both of them next year.
  15. The upside to this poor performance from the young Aussie wimps is that we can watch the rest of the season from the comfort of our arm chairs drinking chilled G&T’s. Good luck to Swindon..
  16. Well done to Josh, Nicolai and Nico. You did your best and will be welcome back to Poole next year. The two young Aussies who are only interested in Poland are welcome to reapply for their jobs but more commitment is required otherwise don’t bother!!!
  17. I wonder if Swindon’s version of Tintin will be at the Place of Pace this week.
  18. Are you saying then that he didn’t behave as has been witnessed by those at Arlington? Were you there?
  19. A rider represents whoever he is under contract to. In this case I believe the rider is under contract to two clubs and is therefore an “ambassador” to both of those clubs no matter who he happens to be riding for on a particular night!! If I were the chairman of the BSPA I would not want an “ambassador” who behaves in this manner working in the sport for which I am responsible and, certainly not riding for one of my clubs!!!
  20. I think the sacking of Holder was more to do with what Holder called Chapman than anything else.
  21. Hopefully the Chairman of the BSPA will give him his P45 for bringing both the sport and KL into disrepute...
  22. It was corrected before the meeting started so was of little relevance. The real issue is, that I would hate to see one of our more talented rising stars infected by the likes of Craig Cook and his less than sportsmanlike behaviours. Hopefully the Chairman of the BSPA who is one of his employers has already posted his P45.
  23. Seems like Cook goes around the country digging holes. He was at Poole a couple of weeks ago doing the same thing with Robert Lambert! The latter would do well to distance himself from the former.
  24. Sadly, he has nothing between the ears and what’s more he can’t ride a speedway bike..
  25. Helmet on or of, it just shows he is a head case and should be thrown out of any future Team GB plans. Absolute waste of space and any club worth their salt would show him the door.
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