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Everything posted by wtf

  1. I see this as a very positive move, hopefully they get the pricing right and deliver a good quality product, but this could be one of the best moves the BSPL have made in recent years to move the sport forward.
  2. You hope so considering they are UK protected nights
  3. He's always had decent equipment. Equipment has never been the problem.
  4. It's quite a damning assessment of Mark Lemon.
  5. They're paying significantly less than some in this division, but then again, this is 2022 and facts mean nothing. When all is said and done, they have to balance their books accordingly. that's their business. But then again, people believe what they want to believe these days
  6. I imagine there is very little more scary than some of the throttle jockey polish juniors sitting on rocketships when they make a start and you're going shoulder to shoulder with a guy who doesn't even know where he's going on the track.
  7. Glasgow's biggest problem for a while now has been getting their riders to all perform together. They've built sides for several years with the potential to win the league, but they always seem to have one or two not performing. Team spirit and all pulling together is the last 5% that gets sides over the line, and I think this has been their biggest weakness for a while. Hopefully soon it will all come together because their fans and owners deserve it. It'll be interesting to see how this year goes, sometimes you can have all the right ingredients, but the chef can still produce something that tastes not quite right.
  8. I'd have thought that's the case for most riders. Heats 13 and 15 do tend to be the harder ones
  9. And so they have bikes, engines, van, mechanics etc just sitting around in the uk waiting for that one opportunity to get a meeting in and be paid a grand or two?
  10. Running a Squad is expensive, riders won't sit around for nothing
  11. Some riders perform better when on a guarantee, some don't. The skill in being a promotor/team manager is know which respond better or worse and agreeing a contract that gets the best out of them.
  12. Trying to make an impression in Poland along with Denmark and Sweden
  13. Says he isn't doing championship this year
  14. NBJ and Mulford would make a team with a very strong reserve all season and a solid team throughout. With the Berwick and Kent connections so far, that could be a possibility
  15. Not sure anyone wants that wage bill around their necks for very little return again
  16. Loan fees are on a set scale and are for 1 year only, so I don't think so. They are based on average, so maybe the other way?
  17. Wow, I can feel the sense of entitlement from here
  18. For me this team lives and dies along with Chris and Richie on the "improvers" in the engine room, Riss, Batchelor, and Heeps. The top two Doyle and King, you know what you're going to get, Starke and Rowe, as long as Rowe has spent winter getting his knee sorted should be decent enough, If Anders tries to ride injured like last year it'll go downhill fast. The "three" are the make or break. Riss had a bad year, has in the past been a classy rider and has won things eg PLRC Long track etc. Batchelor had a bad year but in the past has been a classy rider, won things, GP Rider etc. For me Heeps is the worry. Signed on sentiment? or caddying abilities? His premiership average is higher than his championship average so even at the end of last year in the championship he was struggling. If it's all down to his shoulder I hope it's fixed. You would like to think that he's got improvement, but it's a hell of a gamble after releasing him last year yet since then he's done nothing to warrant a return. I think it was a massive call The one good thing you can guarantee is if anyone is underperforming Doyle won't be shy in telling them.
  19. Maybe? Sheffield were convinced they were getting Pickering, then when they didn’t they made a swoop for cook who was planning on going elsewhere? There’s been much movement the last week and the kingpin could have been Pickering?
  20. Possibly?, but it's definitely the team some fans think they're entitled to
  21. How do you know they didn't? But he just didn't want to ride there?
  22. I think they have very different ideas when it comes to wages
  23. And of course gentlemens agreements go both ways. Both sides have been known to move goalposts, not just riders.
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