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  1. Why were crowd numbers so much bigger all the way up until the 90's?
  2. Had a catch up with boasty boy yesterday, he's doing ok for himself.
  3. Got to be a better option than the ever worsening roynon
  4. You'd of thought he'd be sensible with demands as he's past his best now and should take what he's offered within reason.
  5. No actually a speedway rider, but involved in speedway - Ronnie Russell got some prestigious award off the queen.
  6. I'd say you are correct as Victor has had experience on uk tracks before.
  7. Sounds right to me, bob was a really nice bloke .
  8. I remember mpt guesting for Newcastle years ago away at workington and he was brilliant.
  9. Nothing beats world of sport with Dave lanning.
  10. That's if his attitude is on the job, if he doesn't gate then he just gives up. Typical rider that gets a guarantee and is happy to take the money and run, he's well known for this.
  11. Barker is still a very good rider , he's beaten so called racing snakes by miles over the years. He'll do fine at this level, screeny was never really a lightweight but again not many could beat him. What barker looses in speed he more than makes up for in bravery.
  12. Speedway Star? I've never heard of him.
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