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  1. Can't see King going unless Hawkins goes, they have been joined at the hip for years.
  2. Yes and trainie electrition by the way he used a screwdriver
  3. The team manager does most of their work away from the meeting itself, like has been pointed out their job at the meeting is pretty limited but away from that there is a lot to organise like team declaration and making riders available sometimes to other teams.
  4. Jamie Robertson with senna summers and also magic at Oxford.
  5. Sounds like a description of how Adam roynon rides.
  6. It's a £10 at max sport at club level and always has been, riders demands have pushed this up over the years.
  7. Get their names engraved on the trophy as winners now as it's almost a certainty.
  8. I think I'd rather watch the tractors going round and round than listen to some of the riders trying to string an interesting sentence together.
  9. Belle vue massively stronger with Cairns instead of schimelt.
  10. We aren't all experts like yourself, brain cell used up now.
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