Who's windition? By the way I never miss a home meeting. Been a regular for a very long time and support the team no matter what. Unlike yourself who picks which meetings they go to. That's what i call a plastic Speedway supporter. A true supporter supports through thick and thin.
Certainly looks like we are awaiting the outcome of the Kennett/Nicholls thing. Can't see any other reason what the delay would be in naming the other two riders. Like you say ruff, Boomerang won't be a happy bunny if Ludde ends up as our No 1. Thats if he does come back. Like all Boomerangs he should do.
I agree he rides Brough well but with 13 points still to play with I think we can be a bit stronger than Clegg. I definitely would have considered him at reserve but we will be strong down there and if Wilkinson or Morris improve a bit Aarnio could drop down and we'd still be very strong.