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Everything posted by Winditon

  1. And what would that be?? I know exactly who Niemenen was. Seen him ride loads of times.
  2. Wouldn't disagree with those two. I'm sure George would be interested in Kennett but probably will come down to finances with him.
  3. Boomerang knows everything. He's full of s###e
  4. Why you always got to be offensive Boomerang. It's obvious not everyone on here is as clever as you. Ha ha ha.
  5. Who's windition? By the way I never miss a home meeting. Been a regular for a very long time and support the team no matter what. Unlike yourself who picks which meetings they go to. That's what i call a plastic Speedway supporter. A true supporter supports through thick and thin.
  6. I would be more than happy if those were our final 2. I think that it would be more than a decent team. Stronger than last year.
  7. Is that a different rider to NATHAN Greaves?????
  8. Be interesting to see if Peterborough would include both Kennett and Nicholls then maybe someone like Palm Toft would be available.
  9. Apologies. By the way does your mate dislike Ludde more than Boomerang?
  10. Certainly looks like we are awaiting the outcome of the Kennett/Nicholls thing. Can't see any other reason what the delay would be in naming the other two riders. Like you say ruff, Boomerang won't be a happy bunny if Ludde ends up as our No 1. Thats if he does come back. Like all Boomerangs he should do.
  11. Very selective with his meetings apparently.
  12. Don't worry he'll be back after he's done some more googling.
  13. Surprised Boomerang doesn't know what's happening. He seems to be in the know.
  14. Realistically which ones will end up with the diamonds? If you name another 10 You might get one right. Get googling Boomerang.
  15. Banter. Water of a duck's back. Remember!!!
  16. What for it's banter. No bad language. Does everyone agree with your messages?
  17. You're just making things up now Boomerang. Surely you can do better than that. I could make loads of names up too.
  18. You always come back. Ha ha. You've been swotting up haven't You?
  19. I agree he rides Brough well but with 13 points still to play with I think we can be a bit stronger than Clegg. I definitely would have considered him at reserve but we will be strong down there and if Wilkinson or Morris improve a bit Aarnio could drop down and we'd still be very strong.
  20. I think there's better options still out there. We can go with an 8 pointer and a 5 pointer. Boomerang will know if he comes back. Ha ha ha.
  21. Boomerang must know with his vast knowledge of the sport. More hot dinners and all that!!!
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