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one of clubs

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Everything posted by one of clubs

  1. Hmm that's interesting.I may see if i can make it as my Father in law has a guest house in Norwich and we go and visit from time to time,especially in the summer.He also has two greyhounds that race at the stadium.I will also try to visit Kings Lynn,who i have a soft spot for although i have not been to KL to watch the speedway for it must be over twenty years.It was a great race track.
  2. What an absolute freaking shambles.Speedway has been reduced once again to a laughing stock .Like others on this forum,i sense something fishy is going on.
  3. Walasek,Ulamek and Bjerre?.They will liven up the GP's no end.What a shambles.I despair,i really do.
  4. Ashie i have every respect for Greg Hancock,especially as he won me some money at bookies @12-1
  5. I am really looking forward to this meeting and would appeal to fans everywhere to come along and be part of the celebration.It is not every season that we see a 80th birthday celebrated.The management seem to be working hard on ensuring the event will be a success.The vip tickets seem to be good value with a buffet etc etc included in one of the stadiums suites.Perhaps Sky could be approached with a view to televising this event for those who cannot attend,but as we all know,it is not the same as being there.Make this a date in your diary and join us in celebrating the 80th anniversary of the worlds most famous and successful club.
  6. The ELRC has just lost what little bit of credibility it had.It has disintegrated into an utter utter farce,just like the British final.Once again speedway presents it'self as a laughing stock.
  7. I very much doubt that changing the manager will have any effect on the team's success.The manager does not ride the bikes.The fact of the matter is that our boys cannot cut the mustard and cannot compete at an international level as a team.We do not currently have the riders that can do so. However i do suspect that Mr Middleditch does the job to publicise Poole,which is fine by me as long as he does so when managing Poole and not when managing England .The national team manager should be seen to be totally neutral.I would say this about any club,not just Poole.Ditch the Poole logos Neil.
  8. Just read this terrible news.When are the bad injuries and deaths going to end?.My and all British Speedway fans thoughts are with Kennys family and friends at this sad sad time. RIP Kenny.
  9. It is good for British Speedway to see Ed is progressing well at the moment.From an entertainment point of view and in view of the fact that Simon is currently on an higher average,then Simon should get the nod.Simon may add a bit of spice to what was a dull meeting(yes i was there) last year.Having said all that i would not be suprised if Ed did get the verdict,given the Middleditch connection.
  10. I remember the incident like it was yesterday,it was a meaningless second half ride.It virtually ended his attempt to retain the title but to his credit he was second only to Ivan Mauger and in my eyes he deserved the title just for his bravery.Peter's lack of gating ability was the only thing preventing him from winning more world titles.For me no one will ever come close to the genius of Peter Collins.A true legend.
  11. Well i was going to go to this meeting,i don't think i will bother now.We as a club will abide by the rules as set down by the "authorities",as we saw last year when we won it.But having said that Belle Vue will pull in more punters than Arena on a neutral basis.It looks like the BSPA may have shot themselves in the foot.
  12. My family and i are visiting the father in law who lives in Norwich and i may pop into Kings Lynn and watch this one.It is a very long time since i have been to Kings Lynn(1985 one of the bank holidays i think) so it would be nice to catch this one,although the entrance fees are a little overpriced.It should be a good meeting and i am looking forward to some decent racing.
  13. After attending Cardiff for the last three years i will not be attending this year.The racing last time was poor and it is just not worth spending around £500 for a weekend away.I will save the money and watch it at home instead.
  14. Who is the rider in the clips that wears the Ace Of Clubs race jacket with the number 39,anybody know?
  15. I think the youngsters should be given the chance.Picking the older riders will do British speedway no good whatsoever in the long run.The kids need to be given the opportunity to experience international speedway and to learn from that experience.They will make mistakes,as we all do,but they will learn from it and hopefully come back bigger and better.
  16. Congratulations on Jason becoming world champion,a thoroughly deserved title.The guy gives everything in every race,whether it be for club or country.He never cries off with a minor injury or a headache and is a true world champion.Once again we can welcome home the world championship to Belle Vue.
  17. Purely from a spectacle point of view Mark should get the nod as the wild card.The guy is a true racer.On the other hand youth should be given the chance.As we found in the WTC final it is all very well going for experience but the kids need to be given the chance.They may fail but they will learn from the experience and hopefully improve because we all learn from our mistakes. Speaking of mistakes i would like to share my mistake with anyone who cares to read it.A couple of weeks ago i was holidaying in Cornwall.While i was watching my kids play in the water i saw a lady who had muscly legs,a mans facial features etc.etc.I said to the guy stood a few feet away look at that woman there i think she is one of those transgenders and i went to great lenghts to point this person out to him and he just laughed.I returned to me deck chair,went back towards the water and there was the guy walking up the beach with the lady i have described.He looked at me as if to say that was me wife you were less than complimentary about.I made my self scarce.I then visited the toilet,returned and saw this guy looking anxiously around with an annoyed look on his face. He thankfully did not see me,much to my delight as i may have been in line for a black eye. I kept my alcohol consumption down and would not talk to strangers for a while after that.
  18. I cannot stand NM one little bit,as he has a persona that i find cannot be trusted.Hey but that is just my personal opinion.He does not ride the bikes,he just picks the team.It is not his fault that team GB has not got a cat in hells chance of becoming world champions,they are just not good enough.It is a sad fact that there are next to no training facilities for up and coming young Brits.That is the problem that needs addressing.
  19. I feel i have to echo the sentiments of most people on here.The racing at Cardiff was truly abysmal,as was the track.Bonnie Tyler was terrible as well.So was Tony Christie.Having said that Bonnie Tyler was bad she and her band did perform live,which does her credit.I will have to think twice about spending £400-£500 for one weekend next year.The weekend was not a total loss however with JC winning both the GP and the pairs,along with Simon.
  20. No excuses.All teams are governed by the rules whether they like them or not.The most successful and most famous team on the planet won the event.Deal with it and move on is what i suggest some should do.
  21. I really hope that the track at Cardiff has plenty of dirt on it as in recent years it has been a bit on the slick side.The atmosphere will be further improved if we see plenty of passing with lots of racing lines being produced.Cannot wait.
  22. This will be my third visit to Cardiff.The first time i was taken aback by the noise volume,it was at saturation point and very strange to experience noise of that magnitude.Last year i was lucky enough to get rid of the kids and me and the wife dined in a cheap and cheerful cafe type restaurant.For the life of me i cannot remember where it was(not too far from the stadium is my best effort) and it is one of those establishments where it is very basic but the food is not half bad and very reasonobly priced.Quantity over quality is what we are talking about here folks.Oh and did i mention that i got a family room at the ex moat house(now the park inn) just outside Cardiff for only £88 on a bb basis.Wonderful thing the internet
  23. I was looking forward to watching the meeting today,never mind.My day however has not been ruined as i have got a bit on a sun tan.
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