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one of clubs

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Everything posted by one of clubs

  1. How refreshing it is to see Poole Speedway fans telling it how it is. Corrupt. Thesedays I am not too bothered who are crowned champions as it means diddly squat, compared to what it used to mean before the emergence of the Violin Case Brigade, who are hell bent on destroying the sport I have loved for forty years to their own ends.
  2. Buster you will have go and whinge to your cronies at the BSPA over tonights result. Aces til I die.
  3. Regardless who was at fault for Saturday's unfortunate event, the statement put out by the governing body the BSPA/SCB is a stinging attack on the club. Every professional governing body should have said yes, we got it wrong and we will learn by it, and not savage the club and stick the knife in. It seems a venomous and hateful statement. I am sure had the events mentioned been at certain other clubs, who run the sport for their own ends, then the statement would have been very different. The real issue behind the sport being "set back ten years" is the violin case brigade bent bleeders at the governing body. It seems the guy at Kings Lynn has gone home and took ball in.
  4. The only thing I expect to see is the rules being adjusted to suit one particular club, and not for the good of the sport as a whole.
  5. Yes Matt Ford is the greatest ever promoter, in a time when this beloved sport of ours is at an all time low, with fewer clubs than ever. I think that answers your question. Mark Lemon allegedly said "Poole are the team every other aspires to" is comparable to a DJ playing rubbish music, but being a professional he cannot say anything else.
  6. Firstly let me apologise to Sky Sports.Belle Vue are sorry Swindon are not in the final,and we as a club are very much aware how very biased you are towards Poole and Swindon Secondly who will be crowned Champions?. Will it be the "chavvy street corner stone throwing our way or the highway Pirates" or the grand old lady who is a bastian of all that is good in this great sport of ours?. Only time will tell.
  7. We all know that Sky are heavily biased towards Poole and Swindon, and would prefer a Poole/Swindon final and as you said, they forgot to mention that we won there this year.
  8. As I used to live in Swindon in the Seventies, it has to be Swindon.
  9. Potentially losing Bomber must be a massive blow to Coventry. I, and all the Aces fans would probably prefer to face Poole in the final should we make it due to the fact that Coventry ride KL very well.
  10. It must have very disappointing for the Swindon management to see very few fans at KL last night, although I do accept that the weather forecast was a little discouraging. There were loads of BV fans at Wolves last week, me included, and that did not go unnoticed to the team and also the management. Sadly I will not be going to Swindon next Monday, (where I lived for five years in the early seventies) due to having not enough annual leave spare. A place in the final is ours to lose, but anything could happen in the return leg on Monday. Hopefully we will book our spot in the final as we await our opponents, how ironic would it be for us to potentially stop Poole from nearly equalling our triple crown?. Aces til I die.
  11. Well what a fantastic win for The Aces tonight, the score flattered Poole somewhat. A real team performance. Scotties blast around Janowski for a heat 13 5-1 was a delight. Chris Holder's body language was all wrong he did not want to be there tonight, still one can only beat what is put in front of you. Congrats to The Aces for a super win.
  12. I felt the writing was on the wall early doors, having gone 10 down so early. The Aces fought back and earned 3 points the hard way and I feel there is so much potential in the team that should we make the "play" offs, Poole or whoever will not want to face us. I am not saying we will win the title but IF all the team has a good night then anything is possible. Aces forever.
  13. This match could go either way. Will Zagar put some effort in?. He is not fit to wear the Ace Of Clubs on last nights pathetic attempt.
  14. I went to Leicester last night and was very angry at that joke Zagar. If you cannot be arsed and you clearly couldn't, then resign. I cannot abide riders who do not try and put no effort in. I would rather a junior be given a go. At least he would try. Just a note about the programme notes last night on the subject of the supporters club coach to Cardiff in support of Jason Doyle. Why?, is he British?. I hate seeing that.
  15. The Russells are sucking the blood of British Speedway the sooner they find a horses head in their bed the better.
  16. If you intend to get there early make sure you have taken your sleeping bag and toothbrush etc etc.
  17. Whilst wandering through my local Sunday market I picked up the England v Australasia programme at Oxford Speedway on Wednesday 18th June 1958. All the big names are there Briggs, Moore, Mc Kinley ,Young, Neil Street, and of course Craven. Alongside the England individual team photos is the possible signature in pen of Peter Craven and all is as it should be,including the rusty staples and of course the odour that comes with the passage of time. Does anyone have an idea of its value?
  18. A most impressive list Three Pirates.It is no surprise seeing The Aces topping nearly every category. I make reference to your Wolves/Newport quote. In fact this is shared also by The Aces in a league match in the summer of 1984 at Hyde Road vs Eastbourne 64-14.Colin Richardson was the only Eastie rider to beat an Ace that day.
  19. I wish to make it known that Darcy is my fave EL rider. However the fact remains that Darcy was under the influence and he should serve his ban, just like anyone else. Mr loophole ginger clown Middleditch should just shut the **** up in his claims that Darcy was tested by a off duty police officer, who is not a Poole fan and was using a incorrectly calibrated machine so it is wrong. Caught fair and square he was and it is time to pay the ferryman.
  20. The most recognisable and famous speedway brand on the planet are recognised in a music video.Awesome Elbow @ Da Aces NSS.Mega.
  21. And what team were involved in "last years farce", may I ask? It seems the Russells,along with the usual others are running speedway these days for the good of themselves.
  22. Tut tut.Once again we see the underhanded tactics employed by the win at all costs diabolical abomination that is Poole speedway.The sport I have loved for forty years is being destroyed. I feel sorry for any genuine speedway fan that supports Poole.You must be so embarrassed.
  23. Well done to the management for all their hard work and dedication in making this happen. It is somewhat gratifying to see that all the critics have disappeared and are hiding behind their keyboards.
  24. Just why are Poole or any other team for that matter, allowed a guest for a rider that has been banned?. It is not right and not fair to other teams whose riders abide by the rules. It makes the sport look like a laughing stock. Darcy (who by the way is my favourite EL/GP rider) needs to have a look at himself otherwise he will not realise his full potential, which would be a shame. He needs to grow up a little bit.
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