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one of clubs

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Everything posted by one of clubs

  1. Why is the world champion not presented with a trophy after the final gp of the season?.A trophy is given out for the winner of a round but it seems there is not one for the wc to parade at his home track and further meetings etc.etc.Or have i missed it?
  2. Sean's meeting was indeed a cracker and i wholeheartedly agree with Tigerblues opinion that Sheff. should go elite.Last week was my first visit since the mid 80's(a bank holiday 1985 think it was,victory for BV) and it took me back to racing how it is meant to be,i even got a lump of shale in the eye which was cool. .However there was a down side,being charged an extortionate £2 for a small tray of chips for the kids,and to add insult to injury £1 for a can of coke,well at least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask .
  3. I am thinking of coming over for this one and bringing the family.What are the admission charges and are there any family tickets available.?
  4. Two weeks ago i booked a family room at what used to be called the Moat House on the outskirts of Cardiff.There is a bus stop 5 minutes walk away which we use to get the bus into Cardiff.I paid £88 which is really good value,so i rang the hotel direct to check they did indeed have my reservation.They did.Sorted.
  5. Would ITV 4 not be interested in screening the aforementioned?
  6. Unfortunately i missed most of the WTC as i was holidaying in sunny Looe.Congratulations to Poland on becoming world champions.Team GB were never going to win it imo because as it said in the British gp programme we just have not got any PC' s.The only question in my mind pre meeting was how many Poland were going to win by,and who would finish on the rostrum etc.etc.Perhaps GB could enlist the services of Jason Crump next year by virtue of the fact that he was born in the UK.
  7. I am really looking forward to the GP on Saturday,especially as i have got no kids annoyingly asking are we there yet on the journey down.Mrs.One Of Clubs and i are staying at the moat house so where are you good people staying and can anyone recommend a good curry house?.
  8. It will be a very long time if at all the likes of Hyde road will be repeated.The place had an atmosphere i have not experienced since it closed.A magnificent meeting thesedays was just a mediocre one then,no track anywhere even comes close.Trust house were extremely short sighted when they sold it,with a little more investment it could have become the Alton towers of the north.There were racing lines everywhere,not just inside or outside as there are now.Todays speedway does not even come close.
  9. For me personally this will be my second Cardiff weekend,the first one being 2003.The attendance does not really matter that much but we should be looking to increase the attendances year on year. Whether Wembley or Cardiff is the better venue is open to debate but i have to say that for quality of the tracks Wembley just shades it.For all round atmosphere/call it what you will it is Cardiff.This year it is just me and Mrs.One Of Clubs,no kids(courtesy of me sis in law)and it could prove to be better than seeing Bruce Penhall win the title at Wembley in 1981,if that proves to be the case,i will be well happy.
  10. The fairest way to decide gate positions would be simply to draw lots.The second half gate positions in the late great Hyde Road era were drawn in a box with four different coloured balls in,reading from gates 1-4.There would be no moaning about who gets the choice of gate positions,which i find particularly annoying in the gp's.If any one rider can only win off one particular gate then he should not win it at all.
  11. Bad back my Ace Of Clubs,that was a magnificent performance by Tony.The guy was so much faster than everybody else and he is gonna take some stopping this year.Well done also to Antonio Lindback that must have been such a buzz for him in his first grand prix to reach the final and come third. On a negative note i was not overly impressed with the graphics and the silly bell thingy that featured tonight in the Sky presentation,that needs addressing as it looks slightly amateurish,full marks although to the cameraman who spotted the hot blonde chick.She was very beautiful
  12. Firstly congratulations to Jason Crump on winning his first world title,he earned it and he deserves it. I,myself are a critic of modern day speedway tracks,especially temporary ones.The shale appears to be of a powdery nature,very fine but inclined to get wet very quickly and also making it hell to work with when wet.Passing on such is at a premium,most heats can be processional which we witnessed in Hamar.Even Bydgosh (cannot spell it)was slicker than normal this season.Temporary tracks seem also to cut up more than perm.ones as well.This is something we have to get used to. Jason's win should do Australian speedway a power of good.Do we have the possibility of an Australian gp in 2006 to be added to the rounds?.It could replace one of the two rounds currently being enjoyed by Poland i think it is.Once again congatulations to Jason,a worthy addition to the list of the Aces world champions,past and present.
  13. I am glad to say that i correctly predicted the outcome of the British gp at the bookies,winning me seventy five pounds.This was based on Greg's display at Belle V
  14. I have been informed by a fellow fan that the Australian championship is to be screened on sky at around tea time this coming Wednesday.The details are a bit sketchy but it is entitled something like Australian solo bikes/motors/motor sport.For those with sky digi it is on the channel two channels away from Eurosport.It may be worth having a look through the channels at that time as i am not sure of the timings,channel etc.
  15. Speedway owes a massive debt to the late Mr.Fearnley,he was simply a legend,a promoter of distinction and a figure today's promoters should model themselves on.A massive loss to his family,his friends and every club in the land,RIP in sweet heaven.
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