Firstly congratulations to Jason Crump on winning his first world title,he earned it and he deserves it.
I,myself are a critic of modern day speedway tracks,especially temporary ones.The shale appears to be of a powdery nature,very fine but inclined to get wet very quickly and also making it hell to work with when wet.Passing on such is at a premium,most heats can be processional which we witnessed in Hamar.Even Bydgosh (cannot spell it)was slicker than normal this season.Temporary tracks seem also to cut up more than perm.ones as well.This is something we have to get used to.
Jason's win should do Australian speedway a power of good.Do we have the possibility of an Australian gp in 2006 to be added to the rounds?.It could replace one of the two rounds currently being enjoyed by Poland i think it is.Once again congatulations to Jason,a worthy addition to the list of the Aces world champions,past and present.