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Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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Everything posted by Hacksaw Jim Duggan

  1. The point you are making there is beyond simplistic without any context or circumstance.
  2. A bit of an empty soundbite that one, often substandard British riders** can be as damaging to the team and themselves if just given a team place solely based on where their passport says they are from. This country already offers development leagues for riders to cut their teeth and improve their skills, find a pathway into the sport etc. If people are being asked to pay money to watch the product, they should be given a decent return on that investment for doing so rather than simply having to pay the wage of someone solely based on their place of birth rather than the talent and skill they posses. I would question if it is a sensible message, or even a true pathway of development in the long term to give a rider team spot based on where they are from either, in what is seen as a more "professional" league". I am not entirely convinced that actually benefits in the long term creating a psyche of an entitlement rather than earning it. ** not applying that to those mentioned, but simply applying a broad stroke statement as so many do on these subjects
  3. You aren't really making sense anymore, or ever have here actually, and with that, I am done - don't @ me.
  4. That's quite the skill to be able to read peoples minds.
  5. Which really puts him in the same bracket as about 90% of riders in the league, it is a pretty exclusive club of riders who race with the intent to injure them self.
  6. I appreciate it isn’t a direct comparison, but Schumacher came back to race at the absolute pinnacle of his sport against drivers who were at the absolute peak of the profession, that’s not the circumstance Crump is coming back to . Would he (Crump) struggle in the GP most likely yes, in the current league structure? Even if he isn’t the Jason Crump he was he will still be at a level most in the league will never be. His brain and racing line will see him beat most riders in the league.
  7. I expect Crump to quite comfortably cruise his way to an 8.00 average at least
  8. You don't have to point that out, no one laughed, or laughs at your contribution as your wit is as sharp as the utter dildo you are. re number of posts on here etc , it's because people have found other platforms to post on because this forum is predominantly packed with d ick heads (like you) who don't actually talk about the product as it is now, or what it has been for the last 20 years but instead tragically dwell on things from the past in some weird attempt to drag people down to your level of sadness and need for someone, just anyone to engage with them you tragic, tragic twit.
  9. I am consciously taking the decision to call you a t it, not attempting to comment saying that, I am fully able to type it - you.are.a.t it. Not everything on the internet is up for debate or needs the validation and approval of others, i mean, my own statement above is evidence of that. I am not having a discussion where I will be swayed in my view, I am pointing out to you just how much a total and utter t it you constantly act like on this forum. It is embarrassing how you conduct yourself on here, you won't, because you are as blunt as rubber, but you should cringe every time you look at your own content on this forum I mean take this "debate" with me, you can't even bring yourself to let it go when someone calls you a t it. I am actively calling you a total and utter t it and you are still trying to points score, it's a bizarre way to act. If someone spoke to me in the way I am to you, I would ignore them and never engage with them, you can't you just won't even let this go.
  10. I haven't really thought about it as deep as that, nor am I going to, I just think you are a t it.
  11. OK - let's debate, on a scale of 1-10 how much a bell end are you 1 - being least 10 - most, your posts on this thread have you kicking on a solid 78 on the bell end Richter scale. Your continual persistence to act like you are the smartest person in the room would be some what more endearing if it wasn't for you coming across like such a t it all the time - every time.
  12. There is no "debate", there is yet another public showing of you acting like a bell end.
  13. Again, bore off - no one cares, the way you act on here is tragic.
  14. The clutch of fans who post on here, but don't go have always been a pathetic bunch of sad old pricks wishing the sport dead and they have done it for the entire existence of this forum which is about 14 years now. "this time next year the sport will be dead" The desperation for it to happen that pours from some is utterly tragic "I went to speedway so I can say things that will change it" No, you can't and you won't because no one actually gives a idiot that you used to attend but now don't because your persona non grata and things have moved on without you If people acted like this in a pub, they would be politely told to piss off
  15. f*ck off then. You spend time posting about a sport telling people who like the sport how rubbish you think it is - read that and digest what a total w anchor that makes you sound like. Absolute saddo.
  16. 7 pages explaining the whys and why not of what is trolling nonsense, mental.
  17. A thread that most likely was posted on this forum in 2001 and would have read the exact same word for word then as it does now, same posters, same posts. Groundhog Day.
  18. If the thought is the money on offer was bad this year, wait a few years till there isn't team places to be had because people have left the sport because of nonsense like yesterday. If you make the choice to work in a profession that is driven by paying customers then you and now and then have to do things that make sure people come back
  19. I think many wish Cook would leave the sport alone to be honest - he is a hindrance to it. He has taken the decision to work in a fan driven profession, if people don't turn up his profession doesn't exist, and the way he acts accelerates fans walking away from the sport - and it is happening - he is damaging what is already, quite a dull brand anyway and people are just finding other things to do because of many things, but what Cook gets up to adds to it. His actions, and that of a decent handful of riders for going on 5/10 years now is that of people showing no sense or intelligence or diligence to their own profession - it is in many ways quite bizarre to consciously do so much to damage your own sport and your own brand at a time when so many others sports have left it behind. His actions yesterday are comparable to me, you or anyone on this forum going into their work and not trying - if you were to do that who would the blame for that be on? it would be you. He appeases fans of his own team and makes Glasgow fans for instance happy, excellent - see how that works out in a few years when Glasgow have a handful of teams to race and there is no one left to disrespect and sell short as people won't be there to "bait", because people have moved on with their life, found a new hobby but rider x has simply no additional income as they have helped kill their own profession. People don't "bait" him, they simply loathe him for taking the piss out of people who put their money in their pocket to have the piss taken out of them, as any person in any walk of life would do, think and feel if that happened to them because doing it to people is the actions of a twit.
  20. Come back when your voice breaks wee man "ma teams better than yours"....pathetic
  21. Vissing and Starke give Glasgow a far edgier middle order than last year – they are racers who will front up when things get tense in a meeting - which contrasts with a few in the Glasgow team last year who gave it away a bit too easily. I think Glasgow are lightyears ahead of Ipswich who still look a soft touch to me.
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