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Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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Everything posted by Hacksaw Jim Duggan

  1. But things you say about the sport are as insightful as having a chat about speedway with a tin of sardines, don’t at me - you’re an idiot
  2. You can post things like this 100 times, it’s still just hilarious nonsense
  3. I am, your point deserves ridicule, it’s moon howling gibberish.
  4. You are talking absolute pish, this is Karl Pilkington speedway chat you are coming out with, what’s next, Monkey News?
  5. The 2007 version would thump the Swindon team of last year.
  6. No, it clearly isn't, congrats for posting something that is actually posted in a readable structure though, a nice change. Or Should that be a nice change
  7. But it's not, and they choose not to ride in it. The rest of your post is just filibustering gibberish.
  8. It is still relevant to the general point which is - people will turn up regardless of who is on show, yes they will, just not many, or for that matter even close to as many. As an addition re what you are saying, if it was a truism the promotion would be best served not bothering their time with the Premiership and simply going Championship.... same crowds, less costs etc - they don't and it will be decision made from far sounder grounding that which you are saying, which only further shows to say what you are saying is really what you wish to be true rather than that would be.
  9. But as the crowd validates, very few people actually care.
  10. This video suggests you are talking absolute bollocks - date, a Friday night - there is next to no one thereto simply go out and see the Aces race no matter the rider in the jacket.
  11. About as wishful as people sticking with the sport to see "a good nights racing" , crowds don't lie.
  12. If only Speedway tracks had crowds as small as they were 6 or 7 years ago. Yes, it will never be what is was in the 80s again, but at the minute it is barely even attended as it was in 2010, when crowds were bigger and hadn't shrunk as much as they have now. The sport has hemorrhaged people in a pretty short space of time, all of which does just happen to coincide with the departure of better riders, but I mean clearly that doesn't suggest it's the reason, it just HAS to be something other than that (it's not)
  13. I thought my original point had made that pretty clear to be honest. "The USP IS the sport, when people wish to attend they want to see fast racing and the best riders - this has shown over the years when the sport had better riders - more people were attending.... it now doesn't have the best riders, less people are attending" I had assumed that had covered my thoughts re where attendances would be with better riders
  14. I could just make up random figures, but really what is the point in that as it is just an imaginary conversation.
  15. Well yeah, that's why I replied with a one word answer, pretty self explanatory...
  16. I don't know what you are talking about anymore sorry.
  17. Just as not everyone cares about a scoreboard.... it is a minority attraction.
  18. Both things you mention are the exact evidence of "what I mean" none of which is even remotely close to "abuse" I fail to see where this notion of a £50 sport with teams built like those in the Polish league have come from, this seems to be your own thought process which you have imposed.
  19. I wouldn't even begin to know, nor it is particularly relevant as there is a slight readjustment here of you turning a horse into a giraffe on your own volition.
  20. Loads and loads and loads of people, the notion the difference is 1, 2 or 3 seconds is beyond mental.
  21. Score yes, scoreboard - it is totally moot re retention of fans.
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