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Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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Everything posted by Hacksaw Jim Duggan

  1. Have you ever actually attended or even watched a game of NBA, NFL or Rugby?
  2. The weekday thing is just another excuse TBH rather than a reason. if Speedway moves to a weekend sport, all you would get in a years time for that decision is "well so many other things run on the weekend"
  3. The past year is going to be reflective of the new new, more hours open, means many many more are working more flexible hours. Don't think what you are saying there is a truism to the wider work force.
  4. Don't agree at all TBH. In this day and age the vast majority aren't even having to factor in travel time to their working day, weekday activities have never been more accessible to most.
  5. Kings Lynn is an absolute dump where you would see complete no names Norwich City are offering a cheapest season tickets for £500 which works out at the cheapest ticket of about £27.00 per game, the two stadiums and the general experience are a million miles apart. Speedway is an over priced sport for what is on offer.
  6. Speedway reached the hit the Iceberg stage years ago.... There is just a % of fans on here who kid themselves on they still follow a big, or even slightly relevant sport, it's a grass field sport and has been for years, some cling to the Eurosport deal like a comfort blanket of relevance but in this day and age channels are just looking to hoover up any form of content they can get, it's almost moot at this stage having a TV deal in terms of that conversation. This winter the sport will carve out more riders with an over 9.00 average or some other dross, fill that hole with more mediocrity, more quality will disappear, as will more fans and those left who still attend will continue to delude themselves that it is all about the racing and the sport is just that one silver bullet change away from those recent glory days just gone about 40 years ago, while those who have stopped attending aren't coming back, and those who have never attended, never will. People who attend speedway should just enjoy it for them and stop living the lie it is a big sport in waiting, they would have far more fun that way TBH, speedway as it is now has been about the size it is and lived in the space it does for about 20 years now, always baffles me people on here still pretend it is something other than that
  7. wouldn't take what @IronScorpion is saying to be true, talking pish TBH
  8. I would expect the money earned is the wrong way around there TBH
  9. Those "larger sports" you mention are literally being trodden on as they are running at a % capacity they just happen to have a large standard % capacity which comes with overheads and costs which will far exceed speedway, the notion elite level sport has been favored, is hilarious.
  10. It's almost like those stadiums are a lot bigger than speedway stadiums eh.... As an aside I think this whole "old people" don't know how to use PC line being mentioned a lot is a complete and utter myth TBH. I would expect there are very, very few who don't have some form of access to online sales in this day and age through family members as an alterative means. "them auld folks can't use PCs" is the latest in a line of BS for reducing crowd numbers.....
  11. Speedway has been running crowds with reduced attendance for about 20 years now, you would think tracks would be better prepared for it.
  12. https://www.berwickspeedway.com/dirt/same-as-it-ever-was/ Leicester, full explanation of how good they are, logical and understood reasons, same with Poole, look at how rich these teams are, look at how much better these teams are...Plymouth errr ehmm.... errr.... just ignore that it is widely accepted they are pretty sh it, nothing to see here.
  13. If you support a team, of course you do. Very, very few people turn up and follow a sports team to see them get beat as long as they are "entertained" winning is a massive part of the entertainment of following a sports team. I doubt any young rider gives a piss about this forum let alone reads it and would retire based on posts on it, take your handwringing elsewhere.
  14. I highly doubt many people give a sh it TBH.
  15. Majority of cinemas are about £5.99/£8.00 these days per person, its about 10 years since it was £15.00 a head, they had tailored cost to account for a crashing market even before Covid, food, like at speedway is optional but the base cost for tickets has come down a lot. A cinema is also an out of home experience, these days you can rent films online or having streaming services on constant demand. NBA League Pass is £25.00 for the entire duration of the play offs Premier Sport pass is £10.99 for a month Eurosport is £6.99 Using both these services you could feasibly watch about 4 or 5 meetings in a month. Now TV Day pass is £9.98 Netflix is about £5.99 a month I appreciate the need for the revenue of streaming a meeting, but anyone acting like it is value for money is being a bit silly, its an admirable product priced at diehard fans rather than likely to attract that must floating interest
  16. “The point is Speedway is a funny sport and a lot of it is mind games” you previously said that, some substances help create a higher sense of confidence. One of if not the greatest ever football players was a known user of cocaine. In instances it will lead to an accelerated level of performance.
  17. Depends on what was used, cocaine would give a completely false sense of confidence and ramp up every emotion in a rider resulting in rash, illogical decisions, turning on riders down straights etc....
  18. His career highlight was a race on the TV when he beat Doyle, the reality is Doyle barely bothered his arse because he wanted to race tomorrow and could see Garrity racing like a complete rocket in front on him. An absolute arse of a boy on a speedway bike.
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