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Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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Everything posted by Hacksaw Jim Duggan

  1. I agree with the viewpoint that a rider doesn’t win things on the premise of what they deserve. The unfortunate end to Doyle’s season last year is irrelevant in relation to this seasons GP as is the idea he deserves to win it this year when there are 4 rounds left to race. For what it is worth I think the momentum is now with Woffinden who has probably paced his season well looks ready to hit top form at the right time.
  2. Oh ok, given you found the idea of married men sleeping around soooooo funny and such a terrific analogy before I thought it might have still tickled your belly
  3. As daft as Poland and Sweden……there is an irony in using Poland and Polish fans affinity to their team as an example of what should happen in the UK when the same riders who ride in that Polish team race for other clubs and “sleep with other women”….daft indeed.
  4. The notion and idea written by some re them only being bound to a club if they know full well that side only contains riders who solely ride for that team is further obliterated by the fact that riders like Adams, Lyons and Louis – riders considered by many to be one club men didn’t just ride for “one club” they regularly, to use an analogy, went around the continent sleeping with other women – yet it seemed that form of cheating was ok and disbelief could be suspended then….this regulation and the idea of riders racing for more than one team isn't new.
  5. In your own words "it's one of the major disasters that's happened in our sport in the last 20 years" - it simply isn't one of the major disasters that's happened to the sport in the last 20 years.
  6. A slightly crass and hyperbolic comment given things that have actually happened in the sport in the last 20 years – riders passing away, riders seriously injured and track closures – the actual disasters of the sport, a minor rule alteration isn’t even close to such things in the grand scheme of things - it fades into insignificance. Difficult to afford any point credibility when some will go to such extreme lengths to try and prove a point.
  7. Absolutely! A stance promotions have been taken by creating a wider range of choice, and thus preventing the need to beg a lower number of individuals to meet their needs – if you reduce the number of individuals you have to rely on (to fill a 1-7) you become a beggar….
  8. I find the idea this could become a regular occurrence slightly farfetched You would need to be a pretty big earner and pretty big hitter to be able to pick and choose your meetings and chances to earn.
  9. It’s a mythology that died out a while ago re the location of riders and in particular foreign talent –the statement of retention of foreign riders who use this country as a stepping stone just doesn’t ring true now, it doesn’t happen that often - they have already been cut out of the product. It is a dated idea that stopped about 2 or 3 years ago at least – the riders who race here are loyal to racing in this country. These days it is just as likely it will be a Lambert or Bewley missing a meeting to compete on the continent in a Junior Competition which is a fantastic thing for British Speedway and something fans would be slightly selfish to see those kids deprived of just for their own wish to see 1-7 riders each and every single week. A difficult thing for a promotion to position re season ticket sells – if it is stripped down to such a level a Swindon fan for example could say a season ticket was bought on the proviso they would see Doyle each week, if Doyle breaks his leg after week 2 – the fan can then claim they are not getting what they expected…..these though are the nuisances of sport as is the likelihood of a Lambert progressing further than expected in junior competitions etc and so on. I for one would hate to see such riders frozen out just to accommodate fans wishes in such instances. It would defeat the entire purpose and premise of things and feel like a total dumbing down of the product and affording nothing as a selling point and see a recycling of riders once they reached a level of talent and were then told to sod off continually, a vicious cycle in all honesty. If the wish is to strip the league back to a level where there is riders of a lower level of talent who turn up the National League is a decent indicator of the level of sport many should expect, hardly a thriving product that validates the claims of some re the wish to see the same faces most weeks.
  10. That already happens at the majority of tracks in the top division - the big nasty foreign riders stopped being an issue and the proposed bogeyman many portray them as re the wrongs of British Speedway years ago now outwith the odd exception (Holder) an issue not overly different to that caused by the current British Champion post Cardiff re questionable attendance at meetings. As a general rule most additions from the continent are made when sides are desperate ( Przedpelsk) or, it is riders who are loyal to this country and the tracks they ride for - Lindgren, Thorsell, Andersen, Doyle - riders that it would be foolish to freeze out as doing so would only further isolate fans and drive people away. There has clearly been a conscious decision to freeze out foreign riders - hence why the top flight is now packed with predominantly local based talent – it hasn’t made the slightest bit of difference to attendances to be fair….if anything it has gotten worse and increased the need for doubling up.....an irony clearly lost on some - more so given the removal of the rule would then increase the need for foreign talent again to fill team spaces rather than reduce the numbers required.
  11. If Rye House make the Play-Offs they will win the league I think. They have the mix of a side who look like they would win the league in a Play Off Competition, the sleeves up attitude you need from their British contingent and that little bit of star dust sprinkled on there in Kasparzak.
  12. How was the meeting? What races and incidents stood out for you?
  13. I am just asking a question.... you have said the same thing three times in one post - I thought it was a game....no need to be so uppity.
  14. Are you having a competition with yourself to see how many ways you can say Poole are favourites for 4th?
  15. People really need to build a stronghold of opinion of the wider audience before imposing their views of common sense on everyone and assuming all fans wish to see such changes as well.. I’d be more inclined to think most fans who have walked away from the sport in recent years couldn’t care less about gardening, upright engines and second half racing – and I doubt altering such things would entice them back – small, minor, quick and easy changes they might be but they are not the kind of thing that will shift the needle attendance wise or how most people now feel about the sport.
  16. So investing all efforts into one marketable league with 8 teams and doing so at the expense of a league with 10 teams, 10 sets of fans, 10 clubs accounts, finances and budgets – that doesn’t make sense.
  17. Yes guests used in relation to doubling up....you know the subject of the thread - the thing being spoken about on the thread - the thing i was talking about in the post you quoted You cant actually be this stupid can you? Actually dont answer that - in fact dont reply at all - i cant lower myself to your idiocy any longer it hurts my brain engaging with you.
  18. Again....a post in reply to a question about riders who double up where i answered talking about riders who double up - read that slow if it helps. Just to reiterate the only person talking about guests for Jason Doyle is you - an entirley different situation to the thread....
  19. Emmm no....its a thread about doubling up riders where I was asked about the doubling up rule - why would I be talking about guests for Jason Doyle.....
  20. To my knowledge Jason Doyle isn’t a double up rider…..might have missed that though….
  21. Or just make a point that’s actually valid
  22. You said many British riders don’t have a team as a result of averages, that is patently not true irrespective of how sweeping and general the point was.
  23. About 15 years ago....it is a clutch of riders now at best – out with Joe Jacobs I am struggling to think of any other Brit who was left on the side-lines.
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