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geoff100 last won the day on October 8 2023

geoff100 had the most liked content!

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  1. Whats that well know 80s song by stevie v?
  2. Have the rules changed this year over the 2 point reserve?
  3. If only cookie had played fair to andrew and steve they might have kept him !
  4. Wow he could be fun to watch nice one
  5. Craig let himself down missing the ben fund and the comets team later when he was fit just didnt turn up i suspect steve and andrew had enough we will wait and see who can replace him?
  6. Thats a 2way street respect works both ways !
  7. Why dont we wait for news instead of rumours!
  8. Never understood how a points limit can be lower than the points u need for a win !
  9. I would have vissing back anyday 😂
  10. Any team news work kept me away !
  11. Bumped into dan bewley today what a gent he stopped to talk was in no rush to get away ,not many other sportsman would have been so nice.
  12. Is it about time a referee or even morris made these call promoters have to much interest at stake ,smacks of poole want the second leg .
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