Has been signed on a 4.37 average after being reassessed, this meaning Nielsen will join Wajtknecht at reserve.
Doyle 9.80
Lampost 4.37
Musielak 6.52
Ellis 6.26
Batchelor 7.69
Wajtknecht 4.26
Nielsen 3.58
Still thinks it’s bit snakey on Morris joining Wolverhampton, especially after Rosco picking him over a World Champion in 2018. That’s right Nick, go join rivals on that bargain average. I hope you fall down as much as you did for Swindon in 2018.
With Morris joining on 6.60. Wolverhampton must be strong contenders already.
Masters, Schlein, Thorssell. Morris, Howarth.
the last two on bargain averages
So no Nick or David, Berge replied to someone on twitter saying he won’t be at Swindon in 2019. Tobi and Jason have signed.
1. Doyle 9.80
2. Summers 4.58
3. Musielak 6.52
4. Ellis 6.26
5. Holder 7.39
6. Wajtknecht 4.26
7. Nielsen 3.58
Total - 42.39
Swindon have signed Craig Cook on loan for 2019. Just had text from my cousin, who works night shift at a supermarket in Swindon, they already have the Swindon Advertiser in for tomorrow morning.
Comes in on a 7.73 average, does this mean Batchelor won’t be back?