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Everything posted by Spiderman1

  1. Good controlled win,Lions coming along nicely , slowly ripening
  2. Allen Toft not heat leaders ? Really ,please let us all know who to replace these pair with that would be better then them with thier averages ,have a great team just need the reserves to pick up the 1 pointers,team effort and support win matches not sacking exp riders when they have off meets, have you thought of helping or would rather hide behind laptop. Wake up son
  3. Mountains where he belongs in reserve,hence why he’s scoring, need team to support each other won’t win much without team all contributing
  4. Not the end of the scorpions,they all ride the tigers turf good,expect tofty and Allen to come back and win the overall as long as reserves pick off some points,not over by all means
  5. I Pickering 22 is not the same Pickering in 23,Brennan good replacement but not good enough,go the lions
  6. Unlucky nite for scorpions, cannot afford passengers especially No scores in any league
  7. Only early ,leave the team as it is, will come good
  8. Really I cannot see how,Allen has his measure without the act
  9. Yep ,problem being that 90 % of crowd are from the uk which love to whinge and wine about anything but be grateful that we have a 2 speedway paid leagues with ample riders from all over the world, wake up or loose it
  10. Dam ,was looking foreward to the lions giving the wolves a touch up
  11. Give them both time,team not loosing by much at all , two ausie guns
  12. Number 1 didn’t score like a number 1 should at home ,that simple, and Mountain wouldn’t of made a difference,don’t see him pulling out trees in at championship level, I think the team will get a lot better ,especially at home as season grows, the cup is never won in April, this team is good!
  13. Gee they are going to get a flogging at scunny
  14. Sedgmen has raced in a couple of preseason racing in uk and was very busy in Australian meetings in the offseason, plenty of track time, Allen has been unlucky with cancelled meets not forgetting press day,this week is a busy week for the two of them which can only be good
  15. Lions will ride panthers track better than thier own
  16. Aces done well tonite, yes pressure on top 3 always for witches, rew was always going to struggle in reserve in uk,he’s used to pristine tracks , needed a championship team ,walk before running in uk
  17. No home track advantage ,need a practice meeting I think inconsistent scoring
  18. Lemon dug another expensive hole ,always someone better
  19. Tell that to masters Dougy etc,not monbore to them,great earning for home riders,masters has cleaned up over the last few years thanks to monbore ,av shows
  20. Capt harris just got his eye in tonite for when the lions arrive ,wolves aren’t as bad as predicted again, lemons boys need to look at thier away form
  21. Panthers get let off from a mauling from a in form lion pack
  22. Typical ausie, wondered why it was reving so high ,they always ride better on borrowed gear especially engines
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