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Everything posted by daz9100

  1. Delay before the SF was so the riders could put on new tyres apparently
  2. Sawdust hasn’t been done away with. Poole used exactly that to dry up certain sections of the track last week to get the meeting with Redcar on.
  3. Yes, they set fire to straw that they put on the track to try and dry it out. Apparently someone then called the fire brigade about it
  4. He'll probably be there, as he only lives down the road, but he won't be riding.
  5. I think the Never In Doubt started off when some "fans" were calling for Josh Grajczonek to be replaced when he had a poor start to a season (2018 I think) and this particular group of fans stuck by him and when he turned his season around the NID thing started.
  6. I guess it must be painkillers as Plymouth have said the following. They must have been told what the drug involved is. “The Club, which made a full statement following the results of the A Test two weeks ago, will make no further comment other than to reiterate that they do not condone the use of illegal drugs in sport or life in any way and will support the SCB and BSPL fully, however we feel that there are well documented medical reasons why Ben took high doses of prescription drugs prior to the random test, and that whilst not mitigating the fact that this is against the rules and contrary to strict guidelines, that it is a scenario that deserves a full explanation and support from Ben’s Doctors. The SCB has called for a hearing with Ben in September, and the Club will do all it can to support all parties in the meantime. The Club will make no further comment but would remind everyone that as the matter will be subject to a formal hearing, that no potentially libellous or slanderous comments made on social media will be accepted, and the Club will reserve the right to take legal advice should any be made or seen specifically regarding the matter.”
  7. Here you go, announced yesterday https://britishspeedway.co.uk/major-events/championship-pairs-line-ups/
  8. Middlo has his own business to run on weekends, hence why Havy is used for the northern meets They did work in tandem for the playoffs last season
  9. I think they are restricted to 2000 at present so online tickets is the easiest way to control this.
  10. Yeah it was mentioned at the press conference. Zach said he's happy to stay at 2. I guess Zach was paired with Steve before Danny moved to No 1
  11. Without a high speed camera on the line, like they would have in the GP's, it will be impossible to get these decisions 100% right all the time.
  12. I think the original poster has got a ban, apparently that removes any posts/threads created by them.
  13. I guess what would happen if he got injured whilst wearing someone else’s helmet. Would his own insurances cover him? Too big a risk I guess.
  14. Yeah great result for Poole there. Was expecting a Glasgow win.
  15. They didn't refuse, they were unable to as the company they used was unavailable that evening. Hence why it's been bought in house this year.
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