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East End Fan

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Everything posted by East End Fan

  1. So it was your fault that we rained off !!! Some people have all the luck..
  2. In that case, you will be very welcome. But no hugs and kisses !
  3. Not a very practical view. Had Speedway only taken place in stadiums owned by the promoting companies, we'd have about 6 tracks operating. Even in the happiest of times for Speedway attendances, there would have been very few clubs earning enough money to buy their stadiums.
  4. Do Scottish Covid rules allow you to travel ?
  5. Very similar experience for me and must agree with Teaboy about young Jake. I will take a lot of pleasure watching him progress. One of Britains finest prospects IMO.
  6. Old Hawk, you make one mistake in your considerations. You may not be aware, but Kent stage 6 greyhound meetings every week, many of them during the day and I also learned only a few days ago that, as well as staging the dog meetings, they have to run dog trials as well which ( I think) happen every day. So I doubt if there are 8 hours available to work on the Speedway track. I have also seen for myself that when a Speedway meeting is ended, the staff pull down the back straight safety fence and load it onto a trailer, so, although I have not seen it as I am never at the stadium early enough, I must presume that before racing can start, that fence has to be erected and must take quite a while. So, Old Hawk, you need to re-consider IMO.
  7. Effectively run with 3 team members, one reserve and a National League rider to make the numbers up. Hardly a recipe for success. Add tough conditions plus plenty of rain and it becomes a lottery. But, looking on the bright side, I think Scott Nicholls took the track record.
  8. I watched young Mulford on my computer at Glasgow on Friday. He was taking Daniel Gilkes place in the Kings team. I was highly impressed with him. Bear in mind he has very limited experience at National League level, none at Championship level and he faced a tough team on what was A very wet and heavy track he'd never seen before. I'm looking forward to following him progress at Central Park. He is one to take note of.
  9. Will seem very strange watching this match on my computer. Bought my ticket this morning, but had to get my young neighbour to help me through all the minefield and I wonder why it has to be so complicated. There must be a reason, can anybody tell me ?
  10. Every track has not used on line ticketing. I bought my ticket to Kent's first fixture ( which unfortunately got rained off) by making one phone call to the stadium and my ticket arrived in the post the next day. Simple. Then I had a phone call to ask if I wanted to roll it over\or have a refund and I chose to roll it over. No middle men involved. I did not have to be an online Whizz Kid, which I certainly am not.
  11. It's a case of you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.
  12. Just looked up the forecast for Friday. If the meeting runs it will be a miracle.
  13. That is a very good point. At Kings Lynn there is 100% access every day and no time restrictions. Kent is the exact opposite. With 6 dog meetings every week plus an 8.30 curfew on race day, life must at times be difficult. I have been watching the weather forecast at Sittingbourne all last week and it has virtually been non stop rain.
  14. Yes. I just had a call to tell me that bad news. Not surprised with all the rain about.
  15. I looked at the weather pattern in the area and it looks very wet. Could make life difficult for all the riders.
  16. Any rules that cause this situation cannot be good for the sport. Clearly caused by a too low points average allowed. Personally, I have never understood why we need rules like this.
  17. I think all matches in Scotland are behind closed doors. A very difficult situation when rules are different in different places. I will be looking to find out how to subscribe to the streamed match next Friday.
  18. Booked my ticket for Tuesday. Very easy by phoning the stadium number. Now can't wait for the action to start. Leicester would be a good team to beat on. our first fixture, but will be hard, I think.
  19. Yes, I agree. Alex is an entertaining rider. I don't know if he has a team place at another track. Can anyone tell me ?
  20. If that is true, then it's good news for the club. Must get booking my own ticket.
  21. At least we can see that we have 7 riders all ready to go for Kent. Others are not so lucky, I think. Is this at Leicester?
  22. Where can I pickup pictures of the team in suits ?
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