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East End Fan

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Everything posted by East End Fan

  1. I cannot recall any girl reaching the speeds necessary to hold down a team place in any team at any level. So I cannot help but think this signing is a good publicity gesture. I hope that Rachel proves me wrong.
  2. Well said, Adonis. Seems to me that in many people's eyes, Horton can do nothing that they approve of. One question that should be asked at this Facebook session is " How much money do you expect to lose in the Leicester Bees project ?"
  3. I was at Rye House some years ago and it seems that the week before they had let all fans in for free ( I believe they had a very good attendance, but that's only hearsay ). I remember the announcer asking if there was anyone in the crowd who had decided to come after enjoying the Freebie of the previous week. Not a single hand went up ! So that seemed to prove that free admission does NOT add people to the weekly gate.....There is an old thought in business...If it's free, it ain't worth anything ! I am curious about the suggestion that the new Belle Vue management are working on a 3 year plan to increase numbers. But Belle Vue have been running almost un-interrupted since 1928. I would have thought that the people of Manchester are fully aware of Speedway. Having said that, the new track/stadium IS very special and MIGHT prove to be the magic ingredient.
  4. As Moleman said, the Belle Vue Colts are subsidised by the senior team and it seems that they do not need to show a profit in order to survive. That is not the case for most other clubs, so no fair comparison can be made. To be fair, the admission price at most tracks bears comparison to other forms of entertainment and is a lot cheaper than some.
  5. Yes Martinmauger ( any relation to the great Ivan ???). Silver does write letters to the Speedway Star, they always make me grin because he gets hot under the collar at anyone who dares to criticise the sport. I'm told he also writes an e-mail column on a regular basis, but I don't know how to get on his mailing list. Can anyone advise me ?
  6. If the new World competition, which seems like a Pairs event, is the only thing on the World stage, who on earth would want to take a franchise on the British title. I certainly agree with those that do not like "Team GB" stupid IMO. Bring back "Great Britain" or, even better, "England". Didn't "England" win the World Team Cup ( or whatever it might have been called then) 3 times in succession ? Can anyone confirm that ? Would be nice to see some of the old Test Matches that used to be regular features a few years ago , England v Sweden, England v Australia. Hugely popular at the time...why not now ?
  7. Must take issue with Richard Weston who thinks Len Silver is too old and past it.."LIving on past glories". On what does he base that allegation ? For the past 5 years he has been in charge at Kent, a track that I attend several times in a season alongside Arlington. So far as my eyes tell me, the attendances generally are very good, each meeting runs absolutely to the tight schedule that the Town Planners have imposed, the racing is as good as any in the league, youngsters are very well catered for, as are the disabled, and the team, after a shaky start, is always in the top section. What else would Richard Weston expect.? For a Octegenarian Silver seems to have his finger on the pulse. I wish him well though I don't always agree with his public utterances.
  8. I find it quite emotional that so many tradesmen are offering their valuable services to get the stadium fit for purpose again. It is a clear demonstration that shows the kind of people who support Speedway and is certainly one of the factors which has kept me as an avid fan for most of my life. The Save Coventry appeal deserves to succeed and fans from all over the country are praying for success.
  9. Another thread seems to be saying that No 7 will be a foreigner....presumably with a british passport ?
  10. Dave Jones and others seem to me to be making huge assumptions which are not necessarily true. For me, it does not matter a jot who is the promoter at any track. I go to enjoy watching the RIDERS and the TEAM. No matter what else, here is going to be a TEAM bearing the Bees name. Apart from physical reasons, I can see no reason not to attend.
  11. I do not think there is any doubt that having live Speedway on TV certainly reduces the numbers that pay to go into the stadium. Were this not the case then attendance figures over the last 12 years would not have reduced, but they have. If I were a promoter, I would want a fee to be on TV that at the very least equalled the income lost by people not attending. The ability to gain sponsors because of being on TV to cover the losses will vary from track to track, and in any case should be a bonus, not a necessity. As a general principle, why on earth should any TV company get any watchable material for nothing ?
  12. ch958 makes a very good point. If the Championship were of a slightly lower standard it would do three good things. Probably lower their rider costs....make it easier for National League riders to move up and also make what I see as a beneficial bigger differential to the Premier League which would then look much more Premier !
  13. Must agree with Gemini. If Harris has a personal grievance with Mick Horton, he should keep that private. The Leicester venture, risky as it obviously is, does not need comments from Harris to try to destroy it before it starts. Whatever the case for the Bees, the fact is that ANY Speedway needs to be supported, no matter in what name, or who the promoter is. There will be 7 young riders at Leicester wearing a Bees bib and THEY deserve to have the lift that fans can give.
  14. Woofers makes a very valid point. The club MUST be bigger than the sponsor and the club website needs to be accessed in the simplest way ie XYZ Speedway and Bingo you're in the site.
  15. I agree with Triple.H. in that the National League should be about bringing on the youngsters. BUT I do NOT agree that a rider of little ability should get a team place when talented YOUNGSTERS of proven ability are out of work. Due entirely to the doubtful decision to restrict the points limit to 39 when it should have been 42.5. I hope that this lesson is learned so that future seasons see a change in the ruling.
  16. So if I take a packed lunch to Sittingbourne on Good Friday, I then have a choice for the rest of the day. Either a free entry to the Dog meeting in the evening or nip back up the M2 and watch Lakeside. It's a no-brainer, Arena Essex for me.
  17. Can anyone explain to me why Kent are staging their 1st meeting at the most unusual time of 1p.m. ? Seems like a strange decision and may well muck up my own Good Friday holiday.
  18. I saw Bradley Andrews in a number of meetings last season and it was noticeable how much he improved. There seemed to be more fight in his make-up in the latter half of the season, so I do not think that Cradley fans will be disappointed
  19. I would agree with Halifax Tiger about Dugard. He looks as if he has inherited the family speedway ability, yet he has not made the progress that everyone expected. Don't understand the reason, but as he moves from childhood to adulthood I suspect that we will see a big change in his attitude. I think Eastbourne have brought him back into the fold at just the right time.
  20. Yes, I would agree...Doubling Up is not helping the sport at Premier and Championship level. Fewer places available because some riders are holding down two jobs, so less opportunities for young Brits. However, doubling Up between the National League and the Championship is IMO perfectly legitimate and acts as a means by which a National League rider can take a step upward in his career.. I think most N.L. fans accept such a situation even if it means that their star man misses a match or two.
  21. What on earth has a "fair run in Speedway" got to do with the disgraceful situation where good riders are unemployed while no-hopers have team places ??? If you go to work for 20 years and along comes a younger man with no knowledge, no skill ands no prospect, and he takes your job. Would you expect others to comment that "you've had a fair run". I do not think so. Some people on this forum have a very strange way of looking at life, and our sport.
  22. As I have said before, Clegg will be the best thing to have happened to Stoke for several years. An out and out Number One at this level and a reason for fans to pay their money to see him in action at all the N.L. tracks.
  23. If it's true that Max Clegg has been signed, then Stoke suddenly has the look of an attractive side. Will definitely make it my business to see them in action at either Eastie or Kent...or even both !
  24. I knew there was a connection between Silver and Rowe, but didn't know it went back that long. Interesting to note that long held promises of a team place on reaching the necessary age were honoured. A rarity in this day and age !
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