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East End Fan

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Everything posted by East End Fan

  1. I'm sure I heard on telly last night that Scotland are banning public gatherings such as football, concerts and others. So must apply to Speedway I would guess. Where does that leave Edinburgh and Glasgow ? And does it mean that the rest of the country will follow suit ? This whole virus situation gets more serious by the hour.
  2. If he lives in Italy, then surely he will not be allowed to travel if what I saw on TV is true ? Does anyone know the facts ? Could upset te Kings team.
  3. If that is a fact, I would not mind having a look too. Can anyone confirm ?
  4. That's interesting news. I have not seen that anywhere else, so Old Crusader, you must have inside information ! Hope the weather in France is better than here at the moment.
  5. I totally agree with that. So far as I am concerned, it does not matter to me how old or young a rider may be, it is his attitude to the job that I am interested in. If he has the talent, he is worth a place, age does not come into it. Rob Ledwith a super exmple. Nearly 50 years old but the enthusiasm of a teenager.
  6. That's because we have "Kind Hearts".
  7. Be interesting to find out what most fans think of the new name ? Personally, Iike the obvious connection to the Kings.
  8. The penny drops. But I think most of us that are regulaars will attend both levels. I certainly will
  9. Don't understand your suggestion about a lack of fixtures. As I understand it, Kent are due to stage more fixtures than ever.
  10. While I was a Hammers supporter at the time, I am pretty sure that Silver took over Rye House in either 1999 or 2000. I always went there when Arena did and later on a bt more often. I liked it there as I could always get a seat and the racing always exciting. Funnily enough, when the Hammers moved in there, I did not like it very much and it aways felt that it was coming to an end. We COULD have ended on a high note with the final season at Arena. Sad days.
  11. We will still give you a warm welcome at Central Park. Even under the influence of drink, the viewing is second to none.
  12. by the time the interval arrives, they will not remember how much it cost toget there and get in
  13. Since my last posting, every single comment about the track at Central Park has come from Poole, Workington, Birmingham and Glasgow !! Not a word from those who attend every week like myself. So much rubbish is spouted. I watch meeting after meeting with virtually every rider at National League going flat out for 4 laps in race after race. They could not do that IMO on a poorly prepared track. I don't consider myself a track expert, but I know what I can see.
  14. Wonder what you mean "went to curfew when there was no need for it" ? Surely you are not suggesting that meetings were deliberately delayed so that the curfew kicked in ? By far the majority of meetings are over by 8.15. and it is rare to not complete 15 heats. What is interesting, and I have commented on this before, almost all the posters on this Kent line are not Kent supporters yet speak as if they go there every week when clearly they do not.
  15. So Poole must have one of the older track guys from Poland to prepare the track with bumps in it.
  16. When I have watched Poole on TV ( many many times) the track has looked to be in very poor condition with lots of bumps making things tricky for the riders. I've never seen anything like that at Kent. Close racing is the norm and that must reflect the track conditions IMO.
  17. Best posting this year..haven't laughed so much in years.......
  18. I went onto the track after a meeting one day last season. It was very interesting watching a tractor with spikes on the back whizz round backwards. Bend 3 is where the bikes enter the track from the Pits and is about twice as wide as a normal track at that point.. Most riders seem to handle it without problems but the adverse camber does catch out one or two but only if they go so wide that they'd be in trouble anyway IMO. Maybe could be improved by brining the fence in quite a way, but that would mean making a new entrance from the Pits. I don't know which would be the best choice. Is there anyone on this column who knows about such things ? All the tractors and the ambulance use the present entrance to get onto the track, so it needs to be fairly wide.
  19. I have a suspicion that the curfew and start time might have something to do with it. I know ( as everybody does) that the club wanted Saturdays for Championship level speedway, but the Council turned them down twice. Just thinking about the curfew and start time of 6.30, it happens to suit me as an older person not going to work, but it must stop many younger people who commute to work from attending. So far as I am aware, Kent is the only club# in the country that has such a restriction. It is scandalous that the Council act in this way. We should all bombard them with letters of complaint..
  20. Thanks for the info. He's a bit older than me, but not by much. If, as you say, Kent has run at a profit each season, then the pricing must have been right. Is it now too much ? I will still go as my income will stretch to the extra bit and I still love my speedway even though the Hammers no longer exist and I am a transfer fan of Kent these days. At Lakeside, even though I supported the team, I hated the stadium, nowhere for a pensioner like me to sit down unless you went into the upstairs bar which I didn't like. One of the reasons I went to Kent was the excellent grandstand and facilities. Maybe it's that which has allowed the club to show a profit in the past ?
  21. Sounds like you know him quite well. How old is he ? I know he is my generation and I'm over 80.
  22. I think I will definitely buy a season ticket ( which I have never done before at any track) because it brings that price down to £16 or even less if there are extra matches with Play Offs etc.
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