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Everything posted by Arthur54

  1. You will love him, so good with the fans, the basso hats will have to be red now
  2. Sad to see him go, you have a little gem there
  3. Steve Worrall hasn't been named by anyone yet
  4. He is a bit raw and young, he will settle down as he gets older, just like Nicholls etc did
  5. You will love him, he's a little gem, and very good with the fans
  6. That is a very good team, would definitely challenge for honours, i think Ben will kick on, and quite like Drew Kemp
  7. Wouldn't mind King, Worrall and Douglas as heatleaders
  8. Would love him to stay at Poole, all down to averages unfortunately
  9. Didn't need to tap him up, he was always Poole bound after his performance as a guest
  10. You are one big speedway supporter, wishing a club to close down, prat
  11. Know there just putting together another double winning team
  12. If Barker signs, the changing rooms could be in danger again
  13. Me to, would certainly have Worrall over Lawson
  14. So is the other part of the rumour true then, Lawson to Poole
  15. Don't really want Lawson, much prefer to keep Worrall
  16. I see on the Edinburgh section, Drew Kemp is Poole bound, any truth?
  17. I think we should move heaven and earth to get him back, if we don't sign him someone else certainly will
  18. How do Steve Worrall and Lawson averages compare
  19. I personally think Steve could kick on after a brilliant season at poole, seems really happy at poole, so hopefully him and Danny spearheading the pirates next season
  20. Would much prefer Steve Worrall back, not a lover of Lawson
  21. I think they are, not sure, i thought Jack had signed for them
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