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Everything posted by kermitfrog

  1. After analysing the meeting I could see the following happening: Glasgow 48 v Edinburgh 42 Craig Cook Maximum. Big heats will be the likes of Heat 6, 7 and Heat 14. This will be decided by the minor placings. Reserves Scores: William Lawson - 1 from 4 Rides Luke Ruddick - 4 Points from 4 Rides Luke Chessell - 0 From 3 Rides Kyle Bickley - 6 + 2 from 5 rides Will be very interesting to see how it goes.
  2. Tonights testimonial was incredible to watch, thoroughly enjoyed all racing, some of the young lads did awesome as well. However, there seems to be concern among fans in regards to Luke Chessell, yes we can't judge much because it is only early days, but with him in tonights meeting struggling against the likes of Ryan Macdonald and Corban Pavitt do we really see this lad progressing, or does he need another year in the national league to get his confidence back. The way he was looking down at his bike tonight as well could suggest maybe machine problems are playing a part. Really nice bloke and his hearts in the right place so I'm only asking this out of curiosity, not to try and slate him whatsoever. You can tell he wants to ride for Glasgow.
  3. One of the things that have really caused a complete downfall in attendence of meetings must be the lack, and big break in fixtures. How are you meant to keep fans coming back over and over, if there is say a three or four week break in fixtures. People find other things to do. Hopefully someone can come up with a masterplan to save this brilliant sport.
  4. Harris and Barker seem to be good friends, as well as Tom Perry, find the common link between the 3
  5. Biggest problem with Harris is that who do we bring in to replace him?
  6. This result doesn't surprise me one bit, Harris or Worrall to be replaced by July.
  7. R Worrall 8.52 N Lunna 5.90 C Harris 8.44 L Kerr 6.78 J Sarjeant 3.33 P Starke 6.63 and a reserve.. now that aint a bad team
  8. I was re-thinking things last night and I know to many of you this might sound like a horrendous idea, but as he is an asset and is on a 7.98 average would we not be good keeping Summers? It would leave you a bit more room elsewhere for building in the team, and maybe in the off season he could make some big changes. Was also hearing that the British number 7 rule is going to be removed. Personally I see this as a good thing, because in 2016 it was good because there were enough riders who had developed and were ready to step up, but as each year goes on the quality of a number 7 which you are going to get is going to become worse and worse as the riders aren't getting the time to develop.
  9. Looks like Harris and Sarjeant are done deals,don't know bout the rest though
  10. Such a shame, the boy has talent, but unfortunatley when clubs mess you about things aren't going to work out.
  11. justere2cgoodspeedway ye ragin mate? So... Lewis Kerr has announced he has signed for 2 clubs in 2018, who are they, hope one is glasgow!
  12. Was that Lawson and Summers final time in Tigers colours?
  13. Berwick Bandits 2018 1. Aaron Summers 7.98 2. Danny Gappmaier 5.11 3. David Howe 6.18 4. Kevin Doolan 6.36 5. ? 6. Jye Ethridge 5.06 7. Jack Parkison Blackburn 2.00
  14. Ricky Wells 8.85 Mason Campton 5.73 Broc Nicol 5.00 Mark Riss 5.68 Erik Riss 8.05 Josh Pickering 4.62 2 Pointer 2.00 = 39.93 Obviously I'm not an Edinburgh fan but does this seem likely?
  15. Does the rider in your eyes have to have an average above 8 to be value for money? What I am saying is that these riders are who I think will be at Glasgow, not neceserally who I want.
  16. Jack Smith has never lived up to expectations. I think people expected him to do alot better than he did, which is a shame because he has been one of the better 2 pointers in the league, it just seems to be that his style lets him down a bit at certain tracks.
  17. Aaron Summers and Richard Lawson hopefully on the way out! FINALLY! Tigers Top 3 Averages from start to end of season: Aaron Summers: Start 8.57 End 8.00 (-0.57) Richie Worrall: Start 8.49 End 8.58 (+0.09) Richard Lawson: Start 8.22 End 8.60 (+0.38) Lawson never got close to the 9.00 average we thought he would. Worrall's away average = 8.15 Summers = 7.22 Lawson's = 7.44 Hope with the away averages included we can see why Summers and Lawson's time is up.
  18. From what I am hearing the team will be built around Harris, Worrall and Sarjeant, it depends what the points limit is, anyone got any ideas of what the points limit could be?
  19. Summers is on his way to Berwick I've heard, it would make sense to be honest
  20. Hard one to predict, wonder if Sarjeant will be able to pull off another big score tonight.
  21. Team Predictions? I know the season isn't over for some people but with Sheffield winning the championship it is pretty much done and time to be looking at the future. My predicted 1-7 next year isn't complete yet but this is what I think so far: 1. Richie Worrall 8.58 2. Dan Bewley 6.04 3. Jake Allen 6.08 4. Nike Lunna 5.90 5. ?? 6. James Sarjeant 3.19 7. Kyle Bickley 2.00 Other suggestions that could be on there way to Glasgow that I have heard through various rumours: Erk Riss, Josh Pickering, Rene Bach, Stuart Robson, Jye Ethridge and Steve Worrall.
  22. I know the script along with everyone else on the situation regarding Nike Lunnas injuries, but I haven't heard anything regarding Tom Perry at all? Does anyone know what the situation is with him?
  23. Look Mr "SharpenRake" whoever you are. I am pointing out facts and figures. I am not some sort of "troll" just for having an opinion which quite clearly you don't like. when I posted this on the other forum you felt I was trolling too... Aaron Summers is a joke right now, and has been one of the biggest dissapointments this season. Away Average From Last 4 meetings (EX BP) = 6.00 (INC BP) = 6.22 Richard Lawson has also been a let down too Away Average From Last 4 meetings (EX BP) = 6.88 (INC BP) = 7.11 Our only heat leader who has lived up to the role is Richie Worrall Away Average From Last 4 meetings (EX BP) = 8.70 (INC BP) = 8.94 Hope this helps us realise who shouldn't be back next season. You then went on to make a mokery of this saying it was only the past 4 meetings. Well Richards average away for the whole season is 7.29 and Aarons is 7.23 and the only one above 8 on an 8.22 is Richie Worrall. Now please proceed to tell me that Richard and Aaron are good value on that average for what they score away from home.
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