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Everything posted by ArthurRudge

  1. I remember at Bradford some less than favourable conditions in fact ten times worse than what you see these so called call offs today.
  2. That pic on twitter looks ok to me dodgy call off I reckon pussies.
  3. Bring the 90s boys back they would ride this no problems bunch of girls don't wanna get dirty.
  4. Then Tilbury went to Long Eaton in 91 and got sacked lol
  5. So what exactly is the Eurosport schedule for Speedway as I can't for the life of me find it on there website in Speedway section under fixtures??
  6. What a surprise I said this when Bridger was announced, waste of space wonder if whoever backed him pulled out so time wasted all around I doubt any club would take him seriously again built a rod for his own back I am afraid.
  7. I would imagine the Hancock's have had enough of Speedway in this country things never change same old rubbish in complete decline, sell up make some money because they were not going to make any in Speedway have a nice retirement.
  8. Good meeting, enjoyed the Eurosport presentation the female host Abi made me laugh sounds like she has a peg over her nose lol. Batchelor was awful and that was no engine failure he just didn't fancy it hope he comes good though Sheffield deffo look good though.
  9. Poole can't get the stadium from owners to host meeting is what is being said
  10. Be full price with lacking facilities if it's anything to do with the Poole *issTake Pirates!
  11. Swindon are finished that stadium will be pulled down there will be no comeback in 2022 no new stadium anyone that thinks otherwise needs to get real
  12. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=168935291585694&ref=notif&notif_id=1607417280912131&notif_t=live_video_explicit
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