I have Sky Q and a Sony top of the range TV with built in Play store etc etc, so explain to me I have Eurosports channels as they are free on my package I also have BT Sports package, Netflix and all that shizzle!
So I have the Discovery app on my TV, so are we saying then that all live Speedway is going to be shown on this Discovery streaming channel and that current Sky Q customers can get 12 months free but doesn't include the sport? If not what is the cost of this?
Also I saw someone mention Eurosport as airing the live Speedway as well as that is free to me does no one no what this is going to be on for definite as it all seems a little vague and stupid to me, I cannot see this attracting anyone new to the sports if you have to jump through hoops and pay more just for Speedway.
Appreciate any replies thanks.