Having visited a number of Swedish and Danish tracks this summer...
1. Both countries are struggling to get people through the gate, apart from GP and key matches
2. Speedway structured in a different way with Community teams and real investment from local people (volunteers), and companies, sponsorship. Eg Vetlanda programme was 86 reading pages, mainly of adverts, but also good quality features. This makes finding stuff hard as it is assumed you know the team names for each club. (eg fixtures would be Lions v Pirates)
3. Entrance fees were cheaper than uk in both countries.
4. Fans of both countries have similar concerns, speaking to a promotion (in Sweden's equivalent of our championship), they believed their costs were about a quarter of the higher league in Sweden. (previously relegated, talking from experience)
5. Meetings well ran, lots of track work, started on time, in the main good racing. Range of track shapes, surfaces, etc
6. Significantly less meetings than uk, amateur and practice leagues below pro/semi pro structures. Lots of doubling up!
So where may this all go?
Speedway dies?
Just GP Speedway? Poland? if so where do the GP riders of the future get unto speed?
I could envisage a European super league, with major city teams to suppliment the Gp, Semi pro domestic league/s.
Cost reduction...Sealed engines? standard equipment? Limit of bikes per meeting per team? (rather like the tyres rules of old).
Impact of Brexit? removal of EU permits/standardisation of rules?
I'd suggest we need some sort of commission with an overarching review. If we don't cap vested interests we are likely to end with the first option.