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Everything posted by rocket007

  1. No respect shown tonight by any of the 4 teams involved. Shameful.
  2. Looking for the following Badges. Berwick Bullets, Oxford Chargers & Plymouth Centurions. Do people know if any of these have been produced this season please.
  3. So it's ok for Eastbourne to run up big debts, close down then re-open under a different company not owing anything. What about the poor sod's out of pocket, or is that just tough luck. If Eastbourne want to open again, all previous debts should be paid off first.
  4. Why don't the investors come in now and pay of the debts instead of leaving other people out of pocket.
  5. Hi, Looking for a copy of the Cradley Heath v Hanley 12/07/1947 programme. If anyone can help then please get in touch. Thanks
  6. It killed off Rye House pretty quickly.
  7. Before Speedway finally dies a slow death, can't promotors see that FRN is not working and causing financial suicide to many clubs. Speedway should be run on any night/day that clubs think is best to get crowds in.
  8. No riders should have booked anything as they knew the season ends on the 31st.
  9. Once they start building houses around a Speedway Stadium, it's always going to be a problem you being there.
  10. If conditions were as bad as some people are making out, surely the meeting would have been abandoned after heat 13 when a result was confirmed. The riders must have been happy to continue.
  11. Thanks for the info. Made contact and Mark Phillips is sending out required Badges.
  12. Isn't Buster Chapman chairman of the BSPA. Isn't Buster Chapman owner of Ipswich. One reason why there has to be an independent Chairman, and not one that just makes a mockery of the sport in doing so for his own self interest. Surely rules are rules and while they are being manipulated time after time, then nobody can take this so called sport seriously.
  13. According to the League Table, Edinburgh v Newcastle is an outstanding fixture. Are there any plans to run this meeting or has the Table not been updated.
  14. Have you tried contacting Wulfsport as they may still have stock left. There are some also on Ebay.
  15. BT's viewing figures are probably 4 x higher for GP replays than our rubbish league action.
  16. Craig Cook wasn't ill or have bike problems(he didn't ride them far enough to get any) His problem was his arrogance and attitude. He needed to make 3 starts to get his money and that is all he did. He is just an obnoxious twit.
  17. I attended the Veterans meeting at Lydd on Saturday but had to leave after heat 25. If anybody who attended has a completed score card, could they possibly send me a scan so I can fill in my programme. Thanks. aspringett59@hotmail.com
  18. Has a Gladiators Badge been produced yet, and if so from where or whom do I purchase it from. Thanks
  19. can anyone tell me if there is a new Plymouth Gladiators metal Badge for this season. There is nothing on their website.
  20. How much were you fined in relation to Workington, and do you know if Mildenhall & Coventry were also fined? Mick Horton should never be allowed near a Speedway track again.
  21. Do you know for a fact that Workington were fined £3000 for non-fulfilment of fixtures? If so, does this also apply to Mildenhall, Coventry & Buxton.
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