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Everything posted by Moranboys

  1. Correct,and why could this meeting not gone ahead at either 1 or 3 pm,,would have been done and dusted by then.i know hindsight is a good thing but just saying.Or call the meeting off after the initial downpour.
  2. Regardless of whether or not sheff are one of the favourites they were away from home and to come back like they did deserves praise,two meetings into the season and they get dissed at every opportunity.speedways a tough sport as it is,tigers will start to show the form they are capable of make no mistake..i personally don't think there are any so called "weak teams" at all this season and think it's going to be a lot closer than people think,which I hope it is as it makes it much more exciting.
  3. Great result after being ten down at one point.go tigers!!
  4. Well.....for a track in the middle of a field with a clubhouse it generated a great atmosphere,the track was usually great with some fabulous racing and the amenities were pretty good also.i sure miss the pairs meeting prior to the g.p a hell of a lot,have some great memories of those.sadly missed.
  5. She might have to be when she's ridden a few matches with little return...have a women's competition yes but riding with the males....well just hope she doesn't get hurt,unless she can gate that is!
  6. Why on earth is Celina liebmann riding in this meeting when it's stopping one of the young lads maybe from riding?.Also feel sorry for Workington as they will definitely have at least one weak reserve.it is what it is I guess but wouldn't,t be too happy if I was a worky supporter.
  7. Yes he has,march 14 th, opening meeting against a world select.
  8. Not sure but strange that him and Charles Wright released from the club following their spat earlier in the season.just a thought.
  9. Model team captain and a 110% all out tryer,whether fighting for first or fighting for a point,he,s Sheffield through and through.
  10. He,s what? Youre having a f.....g girarffe
  11. Well that's nice of you.cant believe they dropped Tobi for quote "any of these lot" well,any of these lot as you put it still happen to be class riders.maybe a little bitterness creeping in for whatever reason?
  12. I hope that he gets sorted and comes back to the sport.talent is something that is not lost overnight and regardless of any problems he still remains a talented rider.would be a loss to the sport.
  13. Blah blah blah Blah blah blah Blah blah blah And tigers won the f@#@ing league Dontforgetthekleenexbruv
  14. We've got super Simon stead He'll use his head Then maybe,just maybe we can Put these f@#£&rs to bed :-))
  15. So woffy,Tobi and Jack were replaced because they weren't scoring the points.....get real!!
  16. But that's speedway for you and it will never ever be any different and now because riders ride for multiple teams the injury risk factor is massively increased and things will never ever be any different so you have to count your blessings that if your team does win with pretty much the same squad throughout the year then you have been very very lucky and yes,winning the title with a patched up side obviously takes the shine off but what other alternative is there to make the side in question competitive ? Answers on a postcard!!
  17. So what were they supposed to do,ride with a four man team?
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