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Everything posted by Moranboys

  1. as others have said, well done to ben on the line up and i hope for him that he gets the turnout he deserves.cant be there personally on the day but hope the weathers kind and that everything runs smoothly for him.a very very well deserved meeting for one of the great characters of the sport.good luck ben.
  2. bit harsh that.sour and grapes seems to come to mind
  3. wonder when we will get to find out if the pairs is to be run at somerset this season.hope so as i have booked accommodation for four for the event.about time the spa released the fixture news.
  4. have to says am absolutely gutted for all you comets supporters out there and secondly for laura and her team.to have owned a club for six years at a great personal cost only to lose it must be soul destroying at best.i will genuinely miss my visits to derwent park and the banter with you supporters.another sad sad loss to our once great sport.how much longer with this set of w......... running the sport will it be before domestic speedway is no more.i now fear for the future existence of the comets what with all the issues surrounding the stadium.championship speedway without workington..........unthinkable!
  5. very much doubt it.As stated, just the home straight with the third and fourth bends.
  6. don't count your chickens.look at glasgow,but must say that barring injuries, this team looks very exciting indeed.
  7. hope i don't sound like a doom and gloom merchant, and i think that the promotion are putting together a great looking side, but if the families do come back on a sunday,then all the efforts of trying to make the afternoon more appealing with various changes will all pale into insignificance if there are still the delays that occur when the 1 ambulance has to make the journey to hospital and the inevitable delays that this brings happens.this,on top of the 2 minute rule and the track grading delays will only add to the delay problems and those extra families won't be attending for long.i apologise if these things are going to be addressed along with other rules but nothing has been mentioned anywhere as of yet.
  8. thanks to josh for all his efforts in his time at sheffield but onwards and upwards for the tigers as would deffo had been too risky in the side
  9. well.some changes for 2019.same set up as last season though for league matches and the two cup comps.sunday race days.sorry but thursdays are speedway days at sheffield.can understand the kids bit but i think that deffo rule me out for next season as i have plenty of other things that i do on a sunday.should have made the move to the premiership and taken advantage of the b.t sport coverage.lower points limit as well, one of my favourite riders looking as though he will be gone.sad times.i wish sheffield all the best for the future.will still do the g.p weekend and maybe a few other meets but not at sheffield.so after 42 years following the tigers comes an end of an era.so sad
  10. a huge congrats to all concerned.good to see our sport get the profile it deserves.well done.
  11. kyle stated today in the sheffield star that he wants to come back to owlerton in 2019.and if the promoters are ambitious they will sign kasper up as well.
  12. my thoughts on what next season should bring. 1 a fair points limit for team building 2run with one league but regionalise into two groups (north and south) as has already been mentioned 3if three leagues again then home and away league meetings to be run at the start of the season with other competitions coming afterwards.this would represent better value for money and keep the season going as this season has been far too short. 4.promoters.please give value for money when purchasing a season ticket.at sheffield the only benefit gained was half price parking.£1 instead of 2.im not asking for the world, just a bit more of an incentive to part up front with my hard earned.maybe a free prog or a cut price one. 5.more of an incentive to entice the younger generation to attend in a time when there are numerous other things for parents to take their kids to.they are the future when all said and done. 6the return of a second half competition.time and weather permitting. 7would love to see a slight price reduction for visiting supporters on production of their season tickets (tried at a few tracks before) 8 would like to see the t.s rule used probably twice in a match or even when the team falls 6 points behind throughout.
  13. i know this may be trivial to a lot of people but just one of my biggest gripes is the lack of medical cover at meetings.a bib dislike of mine, and I'm sure many supporters, is having to wait anything between an hour and an hour and a half for the one ambulance there is to return from the hospital.one ambulance, in a professional sport is really unacceptable.i know of some newbies including ones that i have introduced saying that they would not return because standing around was ludicrous so come on promoters sort out this situation before the die hards also start to get fed up.
  14. in all honesty, if somerset do drop down as is being mooted then i would be very surprised if we see charles back in sheffield colours as it looks like he will be gary may's number one target.i would personally love to see him back as he gives a lot to the side and is capable of much more.classy rider.
  15. i know this is a touch previous but am i right in assuming that the pairs meeting at somerset will still be on the eve of the cardiff g.p as obviously the g.p date has changed.i need to know to book accommodation.
  16. bit harsh that.would welcome him at sheffield
  17. just to say a very very big congratulations to all connected with workington comets this season on your championship final win and your k.o cup final win.very well done
  18. well done tai on a third world title.was nice to see the poles getting well and truly peed off.good luck comets on your quest for the title.
  19. and sheffield fans.why can't we just all be nice to one another for a change.if we can't say something constructive then why bother.
  20. first kyle then kasper,why not put a bid in for charles as well while your at it.
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